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Mandatory 3rd person disabled

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The 3rd person camera grants excessive levels of battlefield awareness. To observe something, it should come at some risk of exposure.

For instance, you can sit in a control tower prone when your entire body is covered and see everything that is going on outside.

This will also eleivate a lot of the really annoying "sniping" thats been going on. A player will sit in a well concealed location that would normally obsure any kind of field of fire and will just come out of the cover to make a cheap shot when the moment is right.

The stakes are high for combat and death in this game because of the pain in the ass of respawning, which is a great thing. 3rd person perpective cheapens the engagments and levels of realism.

I say field goal kick the entire feature out of the mod. ;)

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No. Let the server owners decide.

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Or let server owners choose and then you spend 15 seconds finding a server that doesn't allow it.

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This has been an argument for ALL of ARMA.

What you gain in visibility you lose in aiming accuracy not to mention the disorientation when going from 3rd person to down the sights, which means you almost have to re-acquire targets.

Vet servers already disable 3rd person cross-hairs meaning that that disorientation is far worse.

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I see the point on not making it mandatory, but the crosshairs arent nearly as bad as the 3rd person.

Edited by teapot

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The 3rd person camera grants excessive levels of battlefield awareness. To observe something, it should come at some risk of exposure.

For instance, you can sit in a control tower prone when your entire body is covered and see everything that is going on outside.

This will also eleivate a lot of the really annoying "sniping" thats been going on. A player will sit in a well concealed location that would normally obsure any kind of field of fire and will just come out of the cover to make a cheap shot when the moment is right.

The stakes are high for combat and death in this game because of the pain in the ass of respawning, which is a great thing. 3rd person perpective cheapens the engagments and levels of realism.

I say field goal kick the entire feature out of the mod. ;)


100% correct. Also remove tags on regular servers. Completely unfair advantages. And also these advantages come to an even more extreme disadvantage to new players who think "regular" servers are going to help them warm into the game. Which no, it just gives more experienced players, an easy warzone to pick off new players with their built in range finder. COMPLETELY immoral thing to have servers dictate what type of play the server will uphold when our characters are all bound to the same hive...

If we have one life across all servers, all servers should run the same rules.

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No. 3rd person is the equivalent of having periphial vision but without the wallhacking white dots of the ARMA2 periphial feature. It should be an option for server owners, the same with crosshairs.

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To remove 3rd person, would mean many unhappy players... I agree that the server owner should decide, maybe make another level of difficulty that disables it. This way we can all be happy.

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No. 3rd person is the equivalent of having periphial vision but without the wallhacking white dots of the ARMA2 periphial feature. It should be an option for server owners, the same with crosshairs.

I think it's a little extreme for periphial vision. I'd say its more along the lines of a very low altitude unmanned drone.
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No. 3rd person is the equivalent of having periphial vision but without the wallhacking white dots of the ARMA2 periphial feature. It should be an option for server owners, the same with crosshairs.

I wouldn't consider those "peripheral" dots. I've come accustomed to referring to them as visible noise indicators helpful to those without surround sound. Left and right ears.

And actually after watching an interview with Rocket I'm pretty sure that's what he intended it to be. However if you can prove me wrong, I will stand corrected.

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Because everyone knows in real life one cannot hide behind objects and peek unnoticed; they must give away their position completely in order to see over that log or railing.

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Actually it's not even about having advantages.

Many players are actually playing also because it can be played as a TPS, they like to see their character.

I usually don't play FPS at all, I really hate the first person view.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone to think that way.

Just let server owners decide and that's fine.

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Join a server with it disabled if you don't like it. Removing it would cause a negative reaction from the community.

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Join a server with it disabled if you don't like it. Removing it would cause a negative reaction from the community.

You think that they care? Peoples keep forgetting that this is not a "community project", they don't have to listen to anything we say.

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3rd-person is basically cheat mode. There is no point in hiding when someone can just peak through the window above while lying prone unmoving. I play on 3dp:OFF servers (dayz commander is great!) but when sorted by ping < 150 they are very few of them.

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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First person would be MANDATORY if it didnt suck monkey balls.

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This is not an issue. There is already so many servers that has 3rd person disabled. If I play alone, I play on a server that has 3rd person on and in group we play with 3rd person off. Just choose a server with 3rd person off...

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I think everything should be able to be toggled. If you don't like 3rd then don't play on a server with it. I'm changing my server to a 1st person only server right now because I've finally convinced my friends that it's better to be a badass then a carebear(1st person/third person).

Third person is just easymode, especially in a shooter where other players are competition.

Edited by Psychobob

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Well i dont see the problem tbh. there is plenty of servers atm where 3rd person is disabled.. if you have such a grudge against 3rd person views.. maybe you should just only play on servers where 3rd person is disabled?.. i mean its not rocket science dude... then all the rest of us, who doesnt have a problem with 3rd person, still be able too play the way we like it.. Problem solved for everyone... end of story.

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While i agree with the OP about the merits of first person.. I really don't mind it being a server option. If some people want to use it and they're happy for their enemies to be able to use it, i don't see why they should be restricted.

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