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Underground Bunkers

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Interesting note: Rocket discussed the possibility of underground bases in which players/teams may build far down the future. (Fuzzy on details, read the latest interview from... what is it? Razzed? rezzed?)

This would be fantastic to have. He mentioned it at Rezzed as a concept or a hypothetical addition to the mod I think. But he did sound as though he had been really considering it. So if this comes out eventually I would be ecstatic. Here's my base idea for underground bunkers. They're tiered and have a difficulty curve in attaining the items necessary as well as a buffer period before you actually get the bunker. Meaning dedication is also a requirement.

Limit one per person server-wide/hive-wide. Meaning you need to pick a single server in which you want this on.

The following would be build based on what is in your bunker's inventory, excluding tools.

The bunkers will use the same inventory system as tents.

The owner of the bunker can destroy it at any time - destroying the items within and all resources put into it - regardless of how many times they've died since building it.

The bunker should be able to be upgraded regardless of dying after building the original bunker.

-Upgrade-able underground shelters-

[Tier 1]: Hole in the ground

Requirements: Entrenching Tool

Same inventory as tents.


[Tier 2]: Little dirt bunker

75 inventory slots.

Requirements Entrenching Tool, Sandbags, Tier 1, 10 wood, 5 day rest period from last bunker upgrade.


[Tier 3]: Medium wooden bunker

Requirements: Entrenching Tool, Sandbags, Tier 2, 30 wood, 7 day rest period from last upgrade.

75 inventory slots.

Can be damaged and must be repaired for use for a cost of 50-75% of supplies used for original building cost .


[Tier 4]: Large wooden bunker

Requirements: Entrenching Tool, Sandbags, Tier 3, 50 wood, 7 day rest period from last upgrade, 2 Scrap metal, Toolbox.

100 inventory slots

Can be damaged and must be repaired for use for a cost of 50-75% of supplies used for original building cost .


[Tier 5]: Reinforced wooden bunker

Requirements: Entrenching Tool, 6 Sandbags, Tier 4, 75 wood, 10 day rest period from last upgrade, 5 Scrap metal, 4 Barbed Wire, Toolbox .

150 inventory slots

Can be damaged through use of explosives and must be repaired for use for a cost of 25% of supplies used for original building cost. Reduced cost as a benefit for reinforcing it.


[Tier 6]: Cement Bunker

Requirements: Entrenching Tool, 16 Sandbags, Tier 3, 90 wood, 12 day rest period from last upgrade, 30 Scrap metal, 6 Barbed Wire, Toolbox, 30 canteens[full], 40 bags of cement(obviously this item does not exist).

200 inventory slots.

Cannot be damaged - can be conquered?[Maybe not].


Obviously the dev team is busy on other things right now and this cannot be implemented in the near future, but I am throwing the idea out there anyways.

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It actually is confirmed that there will be instanciated underground bases.

I like the idea of collection ressources and lvling up your base

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"Limit one per person server-wide/hive-wide. Meaning you need to pick a single server in which you want this on."

would suck to have your server full and not be able to use your compound. on the other hand, you really don't want to just jump into a server and have them stacked on top of each other or something.

could make them instanced i guess, but that takes away from what DayZ has going for it right now imho.

could make them deeper or something? server could just make it 15 ft deeper then the next one. this would allow them to be transfered to different servers. idk, just tossin out ideas.

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"Limit one per person server-wide/hive-wide. Meaning you need to pick a single server in which you want this on."

would suck to have your server full and not be able to use your compound. on the other hand, you really don't want to just jump into a server and have them stacked on top of each other or something.

could make them instanced i guess, but that takes away from what DayZ has going for it right now imho.

could make them deeper or something? server could just make it 15 ft deeper then the next one. this would allow them to be transfered to different servers. idk, just tossin out ideas.

Well you pretty much listed the reason why I wanted it that way. But among that the priority would be performance. Something big like this would be taxing on performance. It would also have to be instanced too. You don't want a thousand bunker entrances to slow down your server, you want just a few, plus the single one per person helps encourage staying on one server and not server hopping and the it would also encourage cooperation in my opinion. You want a nice bunker? Get some friends make it go faster.

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just thought about this and you pretty much nailed it. One addition though, bunkers could be built anywhere outside town. Basically starting a first tier bunker would spawn it underground with visible doors. Selecting with middle mouse button would make opening door and climbing down animation. Inside there would be room/several rooms (depenting on tier), with tables, chairs or other objects (depenting on tier). First tier doors dont cover up. Other tiers could have possibilities that there is no visible door, you have to know where it is, middle mouse "enter bunker" option only appears if you point your mouse at correct spot, where doors would be. I dont think its a problem performance wise, its just another small building underground. Ofcouse there are some clipping issues that should be worked out, so first tier bunker shoudnt be hard to make in the beginning of implementation, in case it spawns badly (visible on the ground, doesnt spawn at all), so you could easily make new one when last one is destroyed.

Edited by syfoor

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Just don't expect James Bond villain underground bases. As mentioned also it might be just a hole with some planks and tarpauline.

this could save server resources and have basic objects just moved around.

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