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10 Forgotten good ideas + some new ones

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1. Change process of collecting firewood to manually hitting a tree with the hatchet which would spawn firewood underneath you

2. knife as melee weapon

3. low strength, high frequency melee weapons

4. weapon degredation

5. force direct chat for everyone (http://dayzmod.com/f...s-of-survivors/)

6. hatchet able to dismember animals so you can take a leg/torso for when you get a knife

7. bushfires (player controlled + random)

8. fishing

9. variety in zeds (fat, old, child + respective logical traits; fat = slower but more chance to knock you over if running, old... fuck i dont know, child - it would be eerie for sure, maybe swarms of them in appropriate areas?

10. Gore + dismemberment

11. extremely rare, highly dangerous 'yeti' from 'Skifree' (I am semi - serious here, that would be hilarious)

Edited by _Profile_Shame

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1. Change process of collecting firewood to manually hitting a tree with the hatchet which would spawn firewood underneath you

Like runescape? :D

2. knife as melee weapon

Dem tactical kills...

3. low strength, high frequency melee weapons


4. weapon degredationD

Don't know what that means.

5. force direct chat for everyone (http://dayzmod.com/f...s-of-survivors/)

da fuq

6. hatchet able to dismember animals so you can take a leg/torso for when you get a knife

I don't want to spend 10 minutes making my meal.

7. bushfires (player controlled + random)


8. fishing

Runescape? :D

9. variety in zeds (fat, old, child + respective logical traits; fat = slower but more chance to knock you over if running, old... fuck i dont know, child - it would be eerie for sure, maybe swarms of them in appropriate areas?

I think Rocket talked about this. Not too sure though. I wouldn't mind putting a DMR round into old people. Not sure about children though.

10. Gore + dismemberment

​And add stitches to the game? If I lose my arm, pick it up and add it to my inventory and stitch it back up?

11. extremely rare, highly dangerous 'yeti' from 'Skifree' (I am semi - serious here, that would be hilarious)


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3. low strength, high frequency melee weapons


I've never gotten crowbar to work, is it low strength?

4. weapon degredationD

Don't know what that means.

Weapons eventually break, like in Fallout. It's really annoying.

5. force direct chat for everyone (http://dayzmod.com/f...s-of-survivors/)

da fuq

da fuq, indeed.

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11. extremely rare, highly dangerous 'yeti' from 'Skifree' (I am semi - serious here, that would be hilarious)


If she doesn't know what skifree is, she's too young for you bro!

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by low strength weapons I mean poles, sticks, bricks... general items you would use for self defense if SHTF and there was nothing else around

also I am now 100% serious about that skifree yeti

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I think before you ask why there isn't any old or children zombies, you should first ask why there aren't any women zombies...

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Hehe, that SkiFree Yeti would be epic.. EPIC.

When killed the bastard would contain at least 12 raw meats, several items from players it has previously swallowed, and a nice warm fur coat to keep the chills out on those cold cold Russian nights.. :D

I can just imagine barreling down a mountain trying to outrun him, haha

Edited by uberwolfe
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I think before you ask why there isn't any old or children zombies, you should first ask why there aren't any women zombies...


Hehe, that SkiFree Yeti would be epic.. EPIC.

When killed the bastard would contain at least 12 raw meats, several items from players it has previously swallowed, and a nice warm fur coat to keep the chills out on those cold cold Russian nights.. :D

I can just imagine barreling down a mountain trying to outrun him, haha

he would have to look exactly the same as the original, just in 3d form

1 per map

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i like 1,2,7,8,10. But the bushfires would be the best. you could flush out snipers if you did it right. but you would need to facter the amont of rain in the last hour, and the wind. but it would be a great tool to use.

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1. Change process of collecting firewood to manually hitting a tree with the hatchet which would spawn firewood underneath you

2. knife as melee weapon

3. low strength, high frequency melee weapons

4. weapon degredation

5. force direct chat for everyone (http://dayzmod.com/f...s-of-survivors/)

6. hatchet able to dismember animals so you can take a leg/torso for when you get a knife

7. bushfires (player controlled + random)

8. fishing

9. variety in zeds (fat, old, child + respective logical traits; fat = slower but more chance to knock you over if running, old... fuck i dont know, child - it would be eerie for sure, maybe swarms of them in appropriate areas?

10. Gore + dismemberment

11. extremely rare, highly dangerous 'yeti' from 'Skifree' (I am semi - serious here, that would be hilarious)

Okay, so as an overall idea I like the thread but I suggest you lay it out a little better and maybe add links to the best versions of your "re-"suggestions.

1. Not a bad idea, I don't think this would work as a part of the Arma 2 Mod though, probably need to be implemented in the stand-alone.

2. Although proved possible, the current melee system is just a gun re-skin and is pretty terrible, teamed with the zombie pathing it's a huge problem but once again... hopefully melee system and such will be fixed in the future/in the stand-alone.

3. I'm against this, although technically infected I like being able to one shot zombies, I think a better system should be implemented so that it's not always one shot but only a one shot to the head, maybe knocking them out if you hit the torso, hands would just do 1/5 damage of the zombies health as well as decreasing it's melee range as well as leg shots obviously doing similar damage but crippling them into a crawling state. Oh, but decrease weapon spawns.

4. Read point 1.

5. I don't think the game could "force" anyone into direct chat all the time, honestly I know it's annoying with those survivors that are magical and telepathic but I think this is one thing that would never really work.

6. Sick, I like it. Hopefully dismemberment in general, for animals, humans and zombies alike. Also, probably have to be stand-alone again.

7. Not overly keen, I don't think it'd work with the persistent work model or with the basically MMO model.

8. *Shrug* Not much input here. Why not?

9. Yes please! Although I think the child zombies would get the game banned in a lot of places so variety is good, banning is not.

10. Why not include this with 6? But same as 6 I guess?

11. I don't even...

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1. Ascetically pleasing like it

2. Yes.

3. Ehhh,,,

4. definitely should be intergrated and you can fix it like in fallout with parts from other or the same gun.

5.I guess

6. definitely

7. Yes but not random would be annoying and their would have to be a way of putting it out

8. definitely

9. definitely

10. definitely

11. Silly.

Overall good idea's seen a few before but still good thinking.

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Yes to the knife

Yes to fire

Yes to gore

Yes to zombie variations

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