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So anyone here NOT shoot at first sight?

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at first my squad and I did not Kill on sight. but we died too many times by people who did.

so now when we see a guy we look at his weapons, and when we think he could be a threat to us, we shoot him. if he like carries a makarov or a hatchet, we let that man live.

we go by the motto: "Better safe than Sorry"


thanks to KoS'ers we take extra precaution.

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Most people shoot on sight because the world has gone to shit. If you haven't established contact and determined the intentions of someone, then don't expose yourself to gunfire on their behalf.

If you open yourself up and make yourself a target, don't be surprised when someone removes you from the equation.

So what I see is this, they shoot you become they don't know if you'll kill them... if you make your intentions clear, you just painted a red target on your head saying kill me. I'm sorry if i'm understanding that wrong be it seems likes a lose/lose situation and avoiding other people seems like the preferred option.

Also I play friendly because I don't see the point in shooting someone who is no immediate threat to me.(ie shooting at me or my friends.)

Edited by Orthus

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If the player is unarmed I do not shoot on sight, I may even leave them a can'o'beans or a soda. If they follow me afterwards I tell them to bugger off or I'll shoot.

If they have any kind of weapon I do shoot on sight, especially if I am around my friends that I play with. Gotta protect their loot and mine.

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I usually dont shoot on site im a little trigger shy when it comes to people, really screwed me over today was looting the office in electro on a new character and as i walked out of one of the rooms a guy with a winchester walks right by me and dosent see me, i almost shit my pants and tried to walk away. I later ran into him and he walked by me too a second glance and ended it right there.... damn i shoulda took the shot

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If anything I'm too many chances before I shoot. Learn't this way too many times (& might explain my zero murder count, lol). Especially after dropping a "Friendly", "want to trade?" or "Respond or I open fire". The latter is used only after previous attempts have failed, and even then I don't shoot, only to have them walk up from behind later and cap me.

I have found if I allude to having others near by they back off and walk on by... +1 for bluff tactics. ;P

I will say the majority of players that respond don't shoot...it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

Would be great in addition to the murder count you had a help count as well. As in transfusion count....granted I'd likely get shot, transfused then shot again by the same player. :P

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hell...you have to shoot first now. I hate it, but you have to defend yourself....its kill or be killed on these streets. thug life.

Trust me, i wish it wasnt that way, like it was back when dayz first came out on those first couple of servers...it was a golden immersion opportunity. But its been ruined, theres basically no community...just clans and solo warriors going neck to neck just cus were in the same town or you have better loot than i do...pfft. such pitty crap.

cant we all get along?

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I usually dont shoot on site im a little trigger shy when it comes to people, really screwed me over today was looting the office in electro on a new character and as i walked out of one of the rooms a guy with a winchester walks right by me and dosent see me, i almost shit my pants and tried to walk away. I later ran into him and he walked by me too a second glance and ended it right there.... damn i shoulda took the shot

I was in Vybor yesterday on top of the school shooting Zs in the street, when I heard someone on the floor below open a soda can. Headed to the nearest ladder and ran towards the brick house at the N end of town. Shortly after arriving I hear the sounds of someone crouch running towards the house. I get in the hall and try backing out the other way, then he comes through the door guns blazing. I should have prepared better for the confrontation(doorway/Lean for cover), but was too focussed on backing out through the door behind me.

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I try to avoid shooting first because I thoroughly enjoy teaming up with players I encounter. Sure, I've been shot and hatcheted by plenty of people after announcing my presence, but I've also had a lot of fun travelling and looting with groups of strangers. So for me it's worth the risk even though I die more often than not.

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if I get close to someone who I caught completely off guard and they haven't seen me yet, I'll usually call out for them to not even so much as turn around or move, and then proceed to ask them to drop their gun on the floor, or have them hit their surrender key. However, usually it's having them put the gun on the floor. Then I'll tell them they have 5 seconds to tell me whether they are going to comply or not. If they still haven't seen me, I'll warn them again and say "If your mic doesn't work, type it in direct chat. Last warning.". If they have so much as turned around, not dropped their weapon, or haven't answered me in that time frame, they die.

So no, I don't always shoot on sight. But in areas like the NWAF and Stary Sobor, I always shoot to kill, and on first sight. Because even if you don't shoot that person immediately, that's not to say he doesn't have a buddy on overwatch, and once the person your talking to spots you, he's going to tell his buddy on overwatch your location, and while you're dicking around trying to tell the guy "Friendly" or "Put down your gun" you hear the crack of a sniper, and have blood pouring out of your skull. I've pretty much confirmed over the last 2 months that no person who goes to these places is friendly, and they will shoot first as well. So, you better hope you have better eyes, and a faster reaction time.

Edited by KField86

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I will do my damndest, day in and day out, to not shoot... Yeah, i'm gonna die a lot. But then again i'm not terribly attached to most of my gear and a new life can let me try a new playstyle (Melee, Enfield, Shotgun, Crossbow, stuff I haven't tried.). So while I find shooting someone before you can even begin to assume their intentions to be in poor taste, I'm not entirely bothered because well... Who am I to tell someone how to have fun?..

...Even if it does involve being a psychopath or an asshat.

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I never shoot on sight nor have i pulled a single shot on other players. I'm actually quite attached to my gear but even if i loose them/died, I can just restart with a new character maybe with a little "ouch!" to my heart. In the end it's just a game. No need to throw chairs at the monitor or banging the keyboard.

Edited by leeo38

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I usually watch the person for atleast a few seconds before making a move. Unarmed, I won't shoot - No threat to me. It's a big map.

But anyone with a gun you really can't trust. Just because they have a Makarov doesn't not make them a douche, same for the unarmed.

Also, if they have good gear then maybe it's worth the risk. I'm sure they have their means of acquiring that gear anyway.

Edit: In my experience I find engaging someone to be more dangerous then not engaging them.

Edited by Wargunner

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I don't shoot on sight. I've only killed 3 other players in 370 hours of play. I remember each one and they all shot at me first.

Kill 1. Survivor climbing down a ladder at the hospital in Berezino. I was nearby but didn't shoot. I only had a Makarov anyway. He gets to the bottom of the ladder turns and opens up on me with his Makarov. I hit him more times than he hit me. He died, I ended up in shock with a broken leg.

Kill 2. In the Bistro in Elektro. I was upstairs after looting and was just coming back into the upper hallway/landing and saw another player at the top of the stairs pointing a Winchester at me. He fired at me and I fired back with my AK. He died on the stairway. I lost some blood, bandaged myself and went to loot his corpse and to go down the stairs. He had a friend in the downstairs hallway who shot me dead. Moral of this story... be more cautious. Check those corners and lean first!

Kill 3. In one of the red brick buildings in Vybor. I was just about to exit the building when a ghillie suited wookie appears in the doorway before me armed with a handgun. He shot at me, I shot back with my winchester, he went down. But he left me bleeding heavily and with another broken leg. I crawled into one of the rooms to attempt to bandage myself and blacked out with the long timer running. I bled out before I could wake up.

I can't count the number of times I've died to other players. Normally I'm shot in the back by somebody that has the drop on me. Most of the time I've never even seen the player concerned. You can minimise the risks by using fieldcraft and experience. But ultimately it all boils down to luck. If you see a player first, you have a choice. If they see you first. They have a choice. Most of them shoot. I don't.

I've had the drop on a number of players and haven't pulled the trigger. Because I don't need to. I see them as another raggedy ass survivor just trying to get by and make it from day to day. I don't need/want what they have. I can get by alone. I have food, drinks, guns and ammo. And surviving doesn't have to be at another players expense.

Given the choice I avoid other players and just do my own thing as I do in real life. There really are far too many assholes in this world. I choose not to be one of them. It's no different in DayZ.

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There really are far too many assholes in this world. I choose not to be one of them. It's no different in DayZ.

Truer words never spoken my friend, here have a can of beans B)

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I will never shoot first unless you approach me in a threating manner i.e not replying to coms and having a gun pointed at me, I will always try to be helpful if I spot someone in trouble (sniping zombies chasing them etc)

I run in a none bandit clan and unless your intentions are clear to us we will never shoot first unless you are attacking our base etc.

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I never shoot upon first sight, mean i end up shot a lot, but hell at least i didnt screw over an inoccent player.

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This is a deathmatch game.

The game mechanics simply punish you for not using every opportunity to kill another player .

It has been like that ever since bandit skins were removed.

As a consequence, there is no natural CO-OP now, you need friends from outside of the game for that. This kills immersion, but the game is still lots of fun.

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If you pop up and scare me, yes I'll shoot. If you sneak towards me, I'll shoot. If you talk on chat, I'll be friendly. If you are fighting zombies and looting, I'll be friendly unless we're at the NWAF. In general, I get more paranoid the further north I get.

Just spent most of the day there shooting Zeds, there were 3 other players there who just watched me having a good ol' time. I ran around like a chicken robbing a bank distracting the Zeds while they went on a loot run. One of the players came up to me and dropped me off a tin of Pasta!!!

So no, I do not shoot on sight, those who do are subjects of fear.

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This is a deathmatch game.

The game mechanics simply punish you for not using every opportunity to kill another player .

It has been like that ever since bandit skins were removed.

Oh, hey perestain. Welcome back. I missed you and your complete nonsense posts.

16.5% of total survival attempts have ended in PvP. This is clearly more than a deathmatch game.

Also, murder rates are down, banditry rates are down and life expectancy is up since bandit skins were removed.

But, yeah. Welcome back! Your posts are always worth a chuckle or a facepalm. Usually both.

As a consequence, there is no natural CO-OP now, you need friends from outside of the game for that. This kills immersion

Funny. I'm entirely immersed when I play with my friends. When I try to cooperate with random strangers and they run around in circles giggling like idiots and end up shooting each other in some elaborate friendly fire fuck-up my immersion goes to shit.

So, to each their own sort of immersion I guess.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I usually don't. Yesterday I ran into a survivor north of sub. He looked alone and scared, I gave him a canteen, some food, and and extra map I had in my backpack. We talked for a minute, wished each other luck, and went our separate ways.

If I run across snipers camping electro, cherno, or stary. I will usually shoot them, I figure if ur laying in a bush over looking a city with a sniper rifle, you will most likely shoot me on site.

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I don't shoot on first sight. Rolling with a bizon doesn't really allow for reliable player killing, so I usually run/hide/better-part-of-valor.

My friend the recently teamed up with a random to go loot a town, risky business, but my friend had just spawned and was in a rather trusting mood. They rolled for a while, long enough for the sun to go down. It gets dark. The other guy puts on NVG. NVG. NVG. My friend doesn't even think twice. Double tap. Walk to body. Tap tap tap. Loot.

Now at first I was appalled, but then I got to thinking. This is legit PVP. This is a reason to PVP. It makes way more sense than camping a tower in cherno sniping noobs for "fun". Friend is still an ass-hat for doing it, but still.

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Depends where i am and what there carrying, if there unarmed, i leave them. Unless im in Electro or Cherno, because i dont like to comunicate if that person would find a gun in the city i feel as if they most certainly allways shoot.

if i see someone decked out in gear i shoot because A) i want that gear and B)that person is probly not going to trust anyone because everyone want there gear and its true

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Never. I have not killed a single other player. Would only kill a player if I was sure he was a bandit (i.e. I saw him killing another survivor). I often see other players but I keep out of sight.

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Depends, if they only have a handgun (no rifle on back) and im at a safe distance i won't shoot unless they're directly in my path.

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