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To the two gentlemen I slaughtered today...

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My friend was killed today - he gave me an accurate description of the culprits. Lucky I was in the area or I would have never caught up with you two! It was fun watching you mill about, checking the gas station for goodies, coordinating your actions to take down zombies in an organized fashion and all that. I just sat on my hill with my CZ sniper rifle and waited for you to bandage your ickle wounds and dropped both of you in succession. I put a couple of extra rounds in your bonces just in case you decided not to be dead. It was entertaining watching you bleed out so quickly! You both looked like blood fountains, quite gruesome really. It didn't take my friend very long at all to rendezvous with me at your bloody bodies. Thanks for keeping his gear safe for him, that was very nice of you.

Edited by Hazzard
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My friend was killed today - he gave me an accurate description of the culprits. Lucky I was in the area or I would have never caught up with you two! It was fun watching you mill about, checking the gas station for goodies, coordinating your actions to take down zombies in an organized fashion and all that. I just sat on my hill with my CZ sniper rifle and waited for you to bandage your ickle wounds and dropped both of you in succession. I put a couple of extra rounds in your bonces just in case you decided not to be dead. It was entertaining watching you bleed out so quickly! You both looked like blood fountains, quite gruesome really. It didn't take my friend very long at all to rendezvous with me at your bloody bodies. Thanks for keeping his gear safe for him, that was very nice of you.

...You've already killed them, that's enough isn't it? Did you really need to publicly announce that you've murdered two people that killed your friend?

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I possess a vain hope that they might stray across this. I like to imagine that they were really happy about their little escapade. Virtually hi-fiving over their TeamSpeak channel. Regaling each other with how exceptionally well they shot my friend as he was minding his own business on Green Mountain.

A part of me wishes that I hadn't finished them off so soon... or at least not both of them. I would have loved to be near them as they bled out so that I could taunt them with direct chat before the life drained away. Oh well.

Edited by Hazzard

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a tale of revenge presented with colorful language and certain tone of bloating, a.k.a. personal blog post

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I possess a vain hope that they might stray across this. I like to imagine that they were really happy about their little escapade. Virtually hi-fiving over their TeamSpeak channel. Regaling each other with how exceptionally well they shot my friend as he was minding his own business on Green Mountain.

A part of me wishes that I hadn't finished them off so soon... or at least not both of them. I would have loved to be near them as they bled out so that I could taunt them with direct chat before the life drained away. Oh well.

You know there are pleasant valleys in which people like you can go to live and not be disturbed by filthy "normal" people.

They're called asylums.

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Yep. Nothing better than killing bad guys. heh.

It is high risk behavior though, so I do not engage in it often and stay in scavenge/survive mode.

Unless I am full/bored, then look out... :murder:

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Nice~ they really deserved it. I hope you annoy them enough that they'll think twice before killing another survivor going about their business. You can have my beans.

Edited by leeo38

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Lex talionis

Although fair retribution would have been to kill only one of them, ergo - you are a bad, bad man...

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This is jackassery beyond compare... though it is funny since I wasn't hurt.

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He is not a bandit or a bad person he is a B.A.N.S.T.O. (Big Ass Noob Support and Training Officer) Without people like him careless noobs would never know to cover their asses better. We would just have multitudes of morons milling about. This man deserves an award.

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