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I Will Be Sad If This Gets Ported To Arma 3

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It will suck if this game gets ported to Arma 3. I'm sure it will be awesome, but I won't get to enjoy it because my crap top has a hard enough time handling Arma 2 on lowest settings. That's all. My sob story. sadface

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And what makes you think ArmA III won't run better than ArmA II?

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I dont think rocket will all of a sudden delete the mod for ArmA 2 and move it to ArmA 3 ;)

The new ArmA is coming out in 2013, you got enough time to save up for a gaming PC/laptop!

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Arma II's engine isn't exactly top of the line codework. So there's a good chance Arma III won't be much harder to run, if at all. Pretty sure I heard somewhere that they are giving the engine allot of attention to avoid the code bottlenecks like arma II has

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I really do hope I can run Arma 3 without any problems. God knows I'll try. There's no way I'll be able to afford building my own rig or a new computer, I'm working through college right now. sadface. Someday

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I dont think rocket will all of a sudden delete the mod for ArmA 2 and move it to ArmA 3 ;)

The new ArmA is coming out in 2013, you got enough time to save up for a gaming PC/laptop!

Im pretty sure its coming out Spring-2012

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Same for me, weird because my pc can handle ArmA2 fine, but on that "Can you run it" website, it says I can't run ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead or ArmA3

Thinking it will be a waste of money buying a pc upgrade that i might not have needed, but if I don't get it, il end up buying ArmA3 and maybe finding out it wont work... decisions.

When it moves to ArmA 3 i atleast hope the ArmA 2 version will stay active.

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