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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

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  On 7/15/2012 at 11:02 PM, Ratnix said:


The only person who hasn't shot me on sight is the player I asked to when I was in elektro grocery with a broken leg from a door glitch there.

All they did was back up so I had room to crawl past them.

Of course someone else shot me while I was looking for a can to break the hospital window since shooting it with the pistol I found in the store didn't work.

I'm not sure why you're still talking to me or if you're trying to prove a point. If so, explain what the point is because every message from you contains a different story with different points of view.

It's like having a conversation with a schizophrenic cat.

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Because its too dangerous to even try and rob someone, they will probably turn around and put a bullet in you like the guy did in the video.

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The video in the OP is a gimmick. It was never the norm. Nobody ever does this on a regular basis. It's theatre. To says "it's dead" is to say it ever lived in the first place. It's a farce. You're decrying the loss of something that never existed and using it as an excuse to discuss penalizing PvP for 4 pages...

This type of robbery is a completely unnecessary risk on the part of the bandit. It makes no sense whatsoever in any context other than making an interesting Youtube video that lots of people might watch. Holding it up as some kind of gold standard of banditry is ridiculous.

Silly thread full of silly folk.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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  On 7/15/2012 at 10:45 PM, Gruelius said:

And the only reason they didnt kill is that they didnt want to have a bandit skin ovbiously.

So the consequences did that, i am sure that rocket and the team will do something to promote that kind of behaviour. but yes something needs to be done.

That video showed ghillie suits which came after bandit skins were removed you moron. They were just bored, and the player in question was a new spawn that posed no threat so they fucked with him. Just stop talking.

Edited by SeptusCap

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Currently, banditry is fairly dead because everything is so readily available. One can easily just join an empty server, head to the NW Airfield and be fully decked out. There is really nothing holding people back from gleefully throwing all their ammo at some fresh spawn. This is just an assumption, but I think every item is fairly common in a sense because they need to be tested. If so many people didn't get warped into the ocean because of their Camo and L85s and it was instead just a couple of instances of this happening, how could the devs known those items were the exact issues? It's just something we'll have to deal with until they drop the spawn rate of items.

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At the very least we should be able to disarm someone who is unconscious. Then I wouldn't mind leaving them alive, unless the situation called for some actual killing (other clan, or just feeling like it :D).

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  On 7/15/2012 at 10:42 PM, Cerven said:

This thread, and many like it, are advocating one thing: punishing bandits.

No it's not. It's advocating discouraging certain bandit behaviors. As it stands now, the only players getting "punished" are survivors that want no part of senseless PvP.

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  On 7/16/2012 at 3:12 AM, Etropalld said:

No it's not. It's advocating discouraging certain bandit behaviors. As it stands now, the only players getting "punished" are survivors that want no part of senseless PvP.

And of course we know who to trust to tell us which forms of PvP are sensible and which are not, right?

Who are those people again?

And why should I give a flying fuck what they think?

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as someone mentioned before, i like the idea of psychological effects for both parties, but having this implemented would be a very difficult task for rocket, if they decide to do it at all. i would think that for the non murderers, this effect would come into play after seeing someone, and surviving their presence. you just constantly think about it, or what you could have done. maybe your character shakes, similar to the shakes from pain, except these would go away automatically and return every once in a while; i don't know still. i'm bad at explaining things. and the bandit psychological issues would come in after murdering someone.

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as long as there will be disconnecters, i will shoot on sight, dont blame the one shooting you, blame the ones who kept disconnecting on the guy who shot you, easy enough, ofc there are massmurders now, lots of players wants to save their empty loot can's cuz its so precious obviously.

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  On 7/16/2012 at 3:12 AM, Etropalld said:

No it's not. It's advocating discouraging certain bandit behaviors. As it stands now, the only players getting "punished" are survivors that want no part of senseless PvP.

So you're talking about actively discouraging a particular behavior that isn't an exploit or cheating. How is that not a punishment, exactly?

To clarify, I'm not one of these mass murderers. I've been shot/killed by them before. To me, having these sorts of players in the game adds to the level of paranoia that we all experience during play. I ENJOY that feeling, and I don't want it robbed from me because somebody is mad that they keep walking into Cherno and getting shot.

I understand that you don't LIKE that particular behavior and you may even think that it's detrimental to the game as a whole, but what you're advocating IS a punishment. Call a spade a spade, at least. If you want to advocate punishments, fine, but don't try to color them as something other than what they are.

I'm even ok with providing players incentives to work together - I just don't want there to be consequences that completely wipe out this particular brand of banditry. It creates a more tense atmosphere and in my opinion, adds to the game as a whole. Trust is a tenuous thing and it should continue to be as such.

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  On 7/15/2012 at 8:31 PM, omgwtfbbq said:

it seems like banditry is less and less what it should be.

have you ever noticed that people aren't robbing anybody anymore? by this i mean, (i wasn't around for this, but in the past this happened apparently) instead of shooting you for your stuff, the bandits wouldn't kill you, but instead hold you at gunpoint, tell you to drop your stuff, and leave.

Hold a survivor at gunpoint and tell him to give you his stuff, survivor DCs and joins another server.

I honestly don't think it's more complicated than that, the reason this doesn't happen anymore is because this game turned into DCWars. You need to kill immediately or the person will most likely disconnect. I believe this is the core problem that when solved will slowly stir the community to many other forms of banditry and a considerably less amount of kills on sight.

I'm avoiding complaining at all costs, I know this is an Alpha, I know there are other priorities. And I know it's not my position to demand anything. However..

Rocket himself said this "DCing" is an exploit and "is easy to fix". It is ruining the very core experience of the game. Why is this not a priority?

The thought annoys me.

Edited by VLG Castiel

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If you disagree wirh banditry I'm tryin to find a way to establish servers off the main hive where the servers are either password protected or PvP is disabled. These servers would not transfer items and may be a whole different life all together in DayZ. Allowing for Banditry and a society to exist seperately. Check out Devolution of DayZ in forumns and please leave some insight

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  On 7/16/2012 at 9:08 PM, Mosiph420 said:

If you disagree wirh banditry I'm tryin to find a way to establish servers off the main hive where the servers are either password protected or PvP is disabled. These servers would not transfer items and may be a whole different life all together in DayZ. Allowing for Banditry and a society to exist seperately. Check out Devolution of DayZ in forumns and please leave some insight

The prospect of absolutely NO PvP seems far worse than allowing senseless PvP to occur, IMO. The threat of being stalked by other players adds a level of danger to the game that it would lack otherwise, as no AI zombie will ever be as frightening as being stalked by another human...anything that adds to your emotional response when playing is likely making the experience more immersive, which is exactly the point!

I concur with you that senseless PvP seems, well, senseless...it would add a lot to the experience if you didn't just assume every encounter was going to wind up with gunfire. There are enough players complaining about banditry that you can be assured there are plenty of people willing, in theory, to cooperate. In a perfect (game) world, we would have the groups of PvP-minded individuals prowling the map, with groups of cooperating survivors that would occasionally be forced to deal with them (on top of those eagle-eyed, easily-confused zeds...). Right now, it's near impossible to play as a lone wolf and expect to find other survivors to group with...you really need to have some people to play with, using TS/Ventrilo/mumble. Otherwise you are just easy prey, and you shouldn't be surprised when someone shoots you. Hopefully that may change a little, but you should never lose the fear of being backstabbed when trying to be friendly with anyone you aren't in direct, constant communication with, or that you don't personally know. Again, that adds to the fear / immersion / overall experience!

I also concur with those stating that changing the current logout procedure to prevent abuse of DCing is needed as soon as possible, and could very well completely change the dynamics of player-player interaction once enacted (i.e. - forcing players to face each other to be killed outright, warily pass eachother unscathed, decide to team up, get robbed, offer assistance, etc.) I would expect a short disconnect countdown, or something similar, in the near future. All we can do is have patience - having so many new players flooding the mod is slowing some of the progress in other areas, and you have to take the good with the bad in this alpha state...

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Theres alot of talk about murderers and "dear god please dont hurt the way i play".... when i think the thread was supposed to be about bandits and their playstyle. well, focused mostly on "Banditry" and less on "murder". I also dont think the Brainless killers need to come in here guns loaded thinking that people want their playstyle removed. I dont think thats the case.

The tools needed to do the kind of stuff a bandit is supposed to do just arent available though. My idea about a debuff that deletes items if someone is shot up to much for example. Also, maybe adding in an item like a bat to knock out people to minimize the dangers while you rob them. How about parting out a car that you just ambushed. Its leaps and bounds easier to just murder someone and take their stuff then it is to do it the right way. even more so without the right tools available.

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I just chalk the mindless killing up to people who have gone bat-shit-crazy since the end started. Or the people who are like "Hey, if there's no law, that means I can really do ANYTHING I want to do.... including killing people just for fun." I know they are out there.... I've been dodging one of them IRL for weeks. :P

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'put your gun down, do it!, do it now and you wont get hurt' Alt+f4 ...... *where did he go* .....10 seconds later get shot in the back .....

ill shoot ya and if i think its safe ill come loot ya, but not always

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All that needs to happen is to fix the exploits. Natural law will sort everything else out, just as Rocket intends. It's literally as simple as that. As long as guns being duplicated with tents and stockpiled through a half-hour hopping session, and dropping server as soon as you see another player is the norm, then the current state of the community will remain. I think most people would enjoy robbing someone like this too. Wouldn't it be better to take someone's bag and EVERYTHING and leave them with NOTHING in the wilderness? I think so. Of course they could respawn, but maybe that could be altered too to make your own life more valuable than just the loot your carrying. I've always thought its the job of the player to make the game how he wants it to be. If you don't like killing on sight and want to see robbing like this, then do it. No one is stopping you (except the current exploits discouraging it). Once things are polished it will be a MUCH better experience.

Edited by slonlo

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  On 7/15/2012 at 8:52 PM, Vylent said:

There is only one fix to make this kind of game play good quality fun and balanced. If you shoot someone up it puts a debuff on them so if they die within the time period 50% of their stuff is deleted. You know... as if it had been jacked up from all the bullets put into it and what not. It gives people a reason to be actual "Bandits" and not just trigger happy pole smokers.

also, make it so that characters linger in game for 15 seconds after logging out or alt+f4. Maybe put an icon over the characters head to let you know they are being scrub and trying to log out.

I had an idea about this very thing:

Possessions on players who are shot and/or killed by gunfire all have a 50% chance per bullet per item to be destroyed.

Thus, just outright murdering someone for their gear becomes a crapshoot. You may end up destroying the very thing you wanted. Which raises the stakes. Robbing someone instead of outright murdering them is riskier yes, but it also has a higher potential payoff in that you won't damage anything.

it's kind of gamey, sure. But it's also a mechanic that adds to the complexity of gameplay for everyone. It puts difficult decision-making in high-intensity situations on bandit shoulders too. Right now, only survivors have to make lightening-fast, difficult decisions. Bandits have it easy. They know it's far more efficient to just outright murder someone, which they know they will do in advance of every situation.

Edited by jonahcutter

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  On 7/16/2012 at 9:08 PM, Mosiph420 said:

If you disagree wirh banditry I'm tryin to find a way to establish servers off the main hive where the servers are either password protected or PvP is disabled. These servers would not transfer items and may be a whole different life all together in DayZ. Allowing for Banditry and a society to exist seperately. Check out Devolution of DayZ in forumns and please leave some insight

I think you're way off base by disabling pvp. The interplay between desperate players is at the heart of what makes this mod potentially something special. That not konwing what will happen when you encounter other players are some of the best moments in the mod.

Bandits don't face that unknown right now. They already know they'll kill someone, at long as range as possible, with almost no downside, before they even see the target.

The problem isn't pvp. It's the type of pvp.

Edited by jonahcutter

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the reason bandits just shoot you and take your stuff is because people will just d/c if you try to rob them at gunpoint. the d/c problem leads to the immediate shooting problem. some people just don't seem to get that the game is more fun when you actually go through with a firefight, even if you die, or getting robbed even though you have the ability to d/c. it's what makes the game worth playing. otherwise your not risking anything by just d/c'ing when anything dangerous happens.

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  On 7/17/2012 at 5:43 AM, leeo38 said:

X2 :thumbsup:

This is a real bandit:

Now THAT'S a bandit... Watch and learn you wannabe bandits that shoot on sight for fun. These actions could make this game the best game ever.

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