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No! Just No!

Go to a local computer store and have them build one for you after specs you'll give them. Join a hardware forum and ask people what they'd recommend. If you want I'll even give you a list of components.

Only an idiot would buy an OEM PC and you'd have to be completely bonkers to get it at Walmart for Christ's sake!

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This is coming from CyberpowerPC anyways, I don't see a difference if I order if from walmart or there?

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Local computer store...stores like walmart have them in shop supply and when they are gone it's mostly your problem to contact the company that made it if you have a problem. And in most cases nobody really knew much about what they were selling. We have something similar like Radio Shack in germany, these stores are good enough if you know what you want...i either trialed the people working there or evesdropped when they were consulting customers...i really had a hard time not to laugh, it was that bad.

I had made that mistake once and never again...since then i have either built it from parts i bought or had it built for me. I'd rather pay 10% more than pay twice.

Edited by Enforcer

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The graphics card sucks. What use would a new PC be to you if you can't even enjoy the game on high settings + high FPS?

And you'll get more out of your money if you either build it yourself (which isn't that hard) or have someone build it for you. Don't you have local computer stores in the US? Just give him a list of the parts you want and have him give you a price in return. If it's good make the deal.

You'll only get ripped off when buying an OEM PC.

Edited by butter_milch
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Edited by iiiiii57iiiiii

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But if I did get this, it could play games like ArmA on normal settings?

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Tell me what is wrong with it?

The case.

You're paying a high price for the packaging bro.

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Will the computer be able to run ArmA and other games like it?

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But if I did get this, it could play games like ArmA on normal settings?

I play Dayz on nearly all normal settings with a dual core 2.4. You don't need to shell out a grand to play ARMA or DayZ on normal settings.

Listen to Butter_Milch and Enforcer. They're honestly trying to get you the most for your money. Take the specs from that blue light special and call around to local PC shops. Give them the specs, ask about better graphics cards, and see what they quote you. You're going to save a lot of money.


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DO NOT buy your gaming PC at WALLY WORLD! LOL... If your going to spend $1,100 You can easily have it custom built by somebody or even yourself. With better specs than that "CASE" . Never EVER judge a PC just by the case. That is what it looks like to me that your doing.

The graphics card sucks. What use would a new PC be to you if you can't even enjoy the game on high settings + high FPS?

And you'll get more out of your money if you either build it yourself (which isn't that hard) or have someone build it for you. Don't you have local computer stores in the US? Just give him a list of the parts you want and have him give you a price in return. If it's good make the deal.

You'll only get ripped off when buying an OEM PC.

Valid points here.

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Thanks for the help, I will listen to you guys, but I just want to know if these specs could run ArmA and other games like it?

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I'll chime in, if you want to spend $200 too much just for the sake of it then this is fine, but before you do check 1 of the 100 many online pc parts places as many have a build your own rig part selector on the site.

Even walomart have a basic version http://www.walmart.com/ip/iBuyPower-Build-Your-Own-Gaming-Desktop-Bundle-Select-Case-Processor-Memory-Hard-Drive-and-more-with-Windows-8-Pro-Upgrade-Option/15374646?findingMethod=rr

Use this then take the details to newegg.c0m or similar to compare prices.

Finally either take that list to your local small pc shop and see if they can build it for you (they'll charge about $200 but you'll have far superior parts) if they cant get the parts order them yourself and strike a deal for them to build if.

I would put money on yoiu being able to get either the exact same thing yourself for less money or as I suggested above yet still be cheaper & better than that oem. Most likely you're probably paying $100 for the crappy keyboard & mouse and another 75 for the case not including $200+ to walmart, it screams how obvious the money could be spent elsewhere to upgrade certain parts.

Seems like you have your head stuck on that pc that must come from walmart, for whatever reason, if you HAVE to buy it it will play everything at max settings no prob, just know you ARE paying about a 1/5th over the self build price (which would be better spent on a better keyboard, mouse, case & gfx card) or you could give the same cash to a small local pc shop for them to build a rig with optimised parts that sit better with each other. You'll get better adviced, after purchase care and save cash, seems a logical move for just about everyone else reading this but maybe you work at walmart.

Your call, you'll kick yourself in 6 months when the "new shiney toy must have it buzz" wears off and you familiarize yourself with pc parts, prices etc but its your call, your cash.

The moniotor is ok but has a low resolution - you should be looking for at least 1920x1080

this instantly seemed better http://www.walmart.c...2436VW/13060462 (same pricde larger screen and 1920x1080)

Edited by Turk

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Alright, gonna bring these specs to the computer shop near my home, thanks for all your help guys.

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Or you could try DigitalStorm if your Comp shop doesn't work out.

They do custom builds as well.

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This is what I came up with, gimme your opinions.

  • Motherboard & Processor
    (Intel Core i7-3770 (4 x 3.40GHz) Processor, BYO Bundle)

  • Memory
    (iBUYPOWER 16GB Kit (2 x 8GB) DDR3 SDRAM Memory Module)

  • Hard Drive
    (1TB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive)

  • Graphics Card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 1GB GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 Video Card)

Edited by iiiiii57iiiiii

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ugh so much money. i have a better rig than the ones your suggesting

my rig [im a graphics designer so... MOAR POWAAAAA]

12 core 4.3ghz (AMD ftw)

24gigs 1800mhz ram

dual ATI 6770 (crossfired) (OC to 1ghz barrier)

1000w power supply.

dual 1080p 240mhz 32' screens (hoping to get a 3rd soon)

and i get free shit from razer so i got their best gear :D

and 5 drives.

1 x 30 gig ssd (OS partition)

4 x 500 gig 24,000rpm hdd's

and yep. i run dayz on lower graphics just because i like it a bit better, it runs smoother. every game lags a bit by default on highest settings due to the usual engines restrictions. ^.^ i hate lag in big battles.

btw all that only set me back $800

^.^ custom building FTW

Edited by -AL-Eclipse

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Thanks for the advice, all I want is to be able to play games like ArmA. It doesn't have to be on high graphics, and like you, I don't run them on high anyways because of lag.

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np. armas still beautiful on lowest ( lolwut?) but yeah the gameplay of dayz is so immersive you begin to not even notice the low graphics ^.^ and when you start the dayz dreams please post. mine were scary as fuck. :)

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Thanks for all the help man! I can't wait to play, and I will be sure to tell you about the dreams if I do have them. xD haha!

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XD its nearly garuenteed. dayz makes me hella paranoid. im always looking behind me and looking around for any threats and i have strange nightmares. q.q

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