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Avis Nocturnae

Weight v. Movement Speed

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I was thinking about players that are carrying full coyote packs with exteremly heavy snipers that can in theory run just as fast as a newly-spawned player. I was thinking that each item could have a weight value and an equation similar to this one could be created:

Actual movement speed = Intended movement speed x (1 - percentage of maximum weight)

So say you want to move at 3 MPH and you have 25% of the maximum weight that could be carried then you would have this equation:

3x(1-.25) or

3x(.75) or

2.25 MPH

and possibly make it so that there is a limit to the slowness that you have and possibly make it so there is an exponential curve to the weight value so that a small amount of weight has a small impact on the speed and a large amount of weight has a large impact on movement speed with a generous middle zone.

And tell me if I have majorly messed up the equation and how to fix it and I will edit it as needed. Just a general idea to try to add some realism to the game

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Can only be solved with an added stamina system afaik. The more you carry the less distance you can travel until you have to take a break.

I guess it takes more work to limit speed modes depending on the weight of your equipment.

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Yea, just feels like I can probably run faster with just a flashlight and a can of beans in my hand instead of an engine xD

Edited by Avis Nocturnae
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It is an interesting idea, really. I actually agree with this suggestion and I think it should be added.

But, I hope it won't effect massively the running abillity, so you will still be able to run from those infected humans.

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It is an interesting idea, really. I actually agree with this suggestion and I think it should be added.

But, I hope it won't effect massively the running abillity, so you will still be able to run from those infected humans.

Yea, that is why I was suggesting an exponential curve of sorts

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Check the other thread linked just below this fast reply box, there was already a quite extensive discussion about weight ... so that discussion was lost and i remade my OP to include most of the things that were mentioned should have an impact etc.. continue the discussion there perhaps ? atleast read it so you know things that have been mentioned in relation to weight already :)

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