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I can't play the normal game now - armoury, mission editor etc

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Whenever I load a mission in Chernaraus, such as COOP armoury or preview a mission in the editor, it won't let me play.

First I get this before the mission has finished loading:


Once I click continue and get into the actual game, I get this:


I'm unable to play or move or do anything. It really sucks.

Any solutions? It also seems it has only happened 1.7.2.

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disable dayz mod and restart

figured it out last night

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  On 7/15/2012 at 3:35 PM, vinss said:

disable dayz mod and restart

figured it out last night

in game main menu >expansions >dissable @dayz



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I have the exact same problem

I know it has something to do with dayz because i tried the game without the -mod=@dayz and it worked perfectly fine, when i added it back it, i get the same errors.

Not only that but most of the units in the game have been messed up and missing, i can't even use riflemen from blufor in the editor anymore

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got the same issue, i hope they fix it. i posted a bug report on dev-heavon hoping it will solve the problem.

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