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Crossbow is a great weapon and it definitely needs work.

Lousy aim and lack of ammo stacking makes this weapon very hard to use.

Better sights/aiming ... please !

Additionally, why not make bolts stack like a brick of 200 rounds for m249? Takes up 2 slots and stacks up to 30 bolts. Make having more stacks in the inventory impossible(just a virtual restriction, due to the size of the bolts for example), but player can have another stack in a backpack, having 60 shots would take 4 slots total.

These changes would make crossbow a viable short range silenced weapon for a ton of players and not just a cosmetic waste of primary weapon slot till you get any other rifle.


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After using the crossbow as my main weapon some more. I love it because of the silence and badass factor, but what REALLY needs addressing is the aiming. If it's going to take up 1 slot per shot then aiming needs to be perfect for the shot.

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I love everything that the original poster has said.

Overflow also has a really good idea about the quiver as a type of "backpack".

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Agree totally with the OP. Crossbow obviously needs a lot of work, it's a very "Day Z" weapon so I'm sure it'll get the attention it deserves. I just can't wait until it does.

Also, I would love to see a few variations on the crossbow, i.e. one with a scope and one without; with the scoped crossbow being rarer.

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One crossbow hit to the head and you killed off that lone zombie you aggroed by mistake. That's one inventory slot, for a totally silent kill, no other aggro, nobody knows you where here.


One bullet to the head/torso and you now have to kill 10-20 zombies. That's 2, maybe 3 inventory slots...

Once you get the hang of it, crossbow are..pretty insane. You need to spend some time training however, and learn when and where you can shoot in order to get that bolt back. Bolts are decently common however, so it's not that big a deal if you lose a couple here and there.

Been using crossbow only for 2 weeks now (with a M1191 as backup in case shit hit the fan or bandit is about), I'm hooked. Heck, I don't even loot military weapons anymore because of it. I mean, silent kill, get close, grab bolt, hide body. No trace of you passing through whatsoever. Plus, for some reason, players seem more relaxed when they see someone roaming with a xbow in hand :)

To me, they're fine the way they are now, it's just that other weapons are too easy to use :)

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Okay so I did archery for ~7-8 years and I can tell anyone that argues about finding arrow if you miss... It's hard as shit! And that was with arrows using bright red feathers. Takes anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes if you know exactly where it went and a bolt would be the same (or maybe even harder). Also would very likely not pass through the body the head is quite broad.

However you should be able to carry with you a huge amount of arrows/bolts, I usually had 10 arrows with me when shooting and I could easily fit 25-35 in my quiver without problem, bolts are a bit larger so perhaps 20-25 in a normal sized quiver. And sights are usually scope type on both tactical crossbows as well as hunting crossbows.

Great example of a g cheaper type of crossbow:

Tac crossbow:

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Shoot bolt at hopping zombie, see bolt go through zombie and hit ground behind, zombie not slightly wounded. Never again.

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Shoot bolt at hopping zombie' date=' see bolt go through zombie and hit ground behind, zombie not slightly wounded. Never again.



Very much so.

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Perhaps to balance the PvP a little the player should have to take a moment to remove the bolt before they can bandage and stop the bleeding? and then the bolt is stored in their inventory.

If you put 2 bolts into someone it'd be a struggle to pull out two and and bandage before it puts a serious hole in your blood levels. If it knocks you unconscious id say your a dead man.

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I don't think crossbow need buff in pvp, just to make it atleast viable option as silenced zombie killing machine before you can get m4, mp or m9 sd. Or maybe even good option compared to them.

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Great weapon in need of work. Improve aim and ammo stacking please :)

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One crossbow hit to the head and you killed off that lone zombie you aggroed by mistake. That's one inventory slot' date=' for a totally silent kill, no other aggro, nobody knows you where here.


One bullet to the head/torso and you now have to kill 10-20 zombies. That's 2, maybe 3 inventory slots...

Once you get the hang of it, crossbow are..pretty insane. You need to spend some time training however, and learn when and where you can shoot in order to get that bolt back. Bolts are decently common however, so it's not that big a deal if you lose a couple here and there.

To me, they're fine the way they are now, it's just that other weapons are too easy to use :)


HI guys! Thanks for the feedback, some fantastic Ideas, whilst I dont think it needs a quiver as thats far too much work for one single weapon category. I do think a quick change is required.

I like alot of the ideas and the guy inside me who wants to be op (I should point out, thats the inner me, not a dude literally inside me.) wants to say yes quiver, scope. millions of arrows. no recoild etc etc but thats not what this is for! :)

Now, to the guy I quoted! :) glad to see you are loving it, Really I am. and I absolutely see your point about the value per kill, something I certainly overlooked. but. the issue is, we ALL know Zed movement is erratic. getting a single bolt through the skull of a Zed @ speed takes some major doing ( Im aware the idea is to drop him before that happens, but still, lifes a bitch like that!)

If anything, the whole 'losing a bolt in the body' needs a fix, as thats not anything more then a bug, its not intended, its simple a bug. make it so when you drop a Z with a bolt, the bolt is there. no questions about it!

I know other weapons are 'easier' and again as you pointed out, have some drawbacks, but I dont feel that justifies the horrible sights. there is literally NO sights I find, even IF we arent going to put a proper scope on it, at the very least could a model not be edited with some neon green markings on the current model to enable people to aim better with it? I am by no means a bad shot, and I lose arrows constantly.

Its potent for sure, but at the same time, I have to say... I struggle to find its worth at the moment. I have to be up in a zed's grill to drop him easily, and thats if he hasnt aggro'd me already! then if its not a headshot, thats 1 arrow down. and arrows take up so much space that if im on a fresh char, that coyote pack of mine sure fills fast with everything else I gotta carry!

Please keep this discussion going lads, and try and bring this weapon to life. I feel its almost an entirely different way to play.

Guns = banditry/people with giant brass ones.

stealth = people with hrand grenades for bollocks.

xbow = a happy median. with moderate testicular fortitude.

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Some great ideas here... I definitely agree that the xbow needs some sort of buff. A better sight along with fixing the unrecoverable bodyshot arrows would do wonders.

I also think that 2 body shots for zeds is pretty harsh, considering a single .45 round downs them. I understand there has to be a balance (what with reusable ammo and silent firing), but a one shot zed kill seems fair considering the slow reload/short eff. range/high inventory space. Everyone I know would drop the xbow in its current form for a Winchester in a heartbeat.

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I really like the idea of the crossbow with 3-4 bolt quivers and a small scope. I do however think that the idea to have retrievable ammo might have to be scrapped as I'm pretty sure there is no way to add individual rounds to a gun's mag in this build.

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I am very much for the retrieval of crossbow bolts.

Bolts taking up too much space hasn't really been an issue so far, other than when the game glitches and I can't retrieve a bolt, I lose effectively 20% of my ammo for no reason.

Bolts should be retrievable from the gear of the person/zombie who was hit. This would stop bolts from being irretrievable when a player falls face down, and the bolt is unreachable.

I do not use the iron sights for the crossbow because of how bad they are. Any sort of update would be welcome.

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It has been nice to read couple really analytic posts to critisize all those ideas. I too am conserned if this would even be made too good weapon if all is applied.

I think it should be handled in one of these two ways:

1. Make some kind of better sights for it, preferred aimpoint etc without any zoom. To complement the low ammo count and need for headshots.

2. Make it able to carry more ammunition and kill 1 hit to torso. To complement the low accuracy of the gun.

And then almost completely out of topic, I find pretty hilarious that 1 or 2 bolts for the bow takes up as much space as 200rnd light machinegun magazine (never found one) or 2 bolts taking as much space as pile of wood :D

So for realism option the 2nd choice would be good, but then again there is the engine with it's limitations, and the only thing I could think how to get around those was the idea of quiver as backpack (it's still gonna be hard job). All tough in gameplay perspective to have packback that stores just ammunition for one weapon would be pretty ridicilous

The 1st option is not any less realistic one than the second one, because pretty much every modern crossbow used for hunting there is equiped with somekind of scope.

For that bolt retrieving I would let it be as it is, sure it annoys like hell when you can't retrieve the bolt when it has got under the zombie, but well in reality that same bolt propably would have snapped in two.

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It seems fairly overwhelming at this point, that everybody wants what is suggested at least.

1, a reflex/reddot type scope to facilitate aiming a little, it wouldnt break immersion and it would do nothing but help the use of the weapon without making it op.

2, more arrows/better more reliable return on bolts.

PLEASE rocket! I beg of thee! :D

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totally agree with this, love the xbow but needs some work. sight is nice but id love to have a quiver first something that takes up 3 bag slots but can hold 10 bolts (along those lines)

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I totally agree with this suggestion. Crossbow is my favorite weapon in-game but it must be improved in ammo and scope ways.

I know it's not important thing what game really needs now but I hope in future crossbow will be improved.

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(this is a repost from another crossbow thread - concerning SIGHTS)

I use the crossbow all the time, and I still have no idea how to aim with it. I'm trying to be consistent with how I aim it, but it's rather hit or miss (really). The bolt always hits them in a seemingly random part of the body.

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Firstly' date=' to Rocket, This is in no way bashing on the current game design, It's just a discussion about possible improvements. so please dont be offended, I love this mod, and will put my money where my words are as soon as that option becomes available.

so! The crossbow. easily my weapon of choice, it has many upsides and downsides.


near infinite ammo*


looks badass

found relatively easily compared to othe quiet weapons.


slow reload time punishes heavily for missing, but is a core part of it

ammo takes up 1 slot per bolt.

'near infinite ammo' isnt always the case.

next to no sight picture.

Ok, so just to discuss the above, When I say infinite ammo, it is to some degree true. however, a miss (so no idea where arrow went) or a situation where you CANT retrieve it, is a LARGE ammo loss. the entire 'point' of a crossbow is the silent aspect. but lets say you are sneaking through cherno. you need to cross a street, but the Z is a little close. so you drop him with the bow. great. but you cant risk breaking cover to go get it, lest the sniper in the tower pick you off. (this is just one of the many scenarios that leads to a lost bolt.)

the obvious remedy for this, is to make each 'bolt' you pick up, be a handful, I'd say 3/4 bolts per 'bolt' would make it a worthy Z stopper. and wouldnt break immersion much, lets say you had 4 'bolts' thatd be 12-16 bolts, which is still less then most othe guns mags! so far from OP and that would STILL take up 4 slots, whereas one 15 round winchester slug mag is 1 slot.

now, the silence is its selling point, and ease of access compared to other silent weapons makes it invaluable. this is obviously countered by its slow reload time.

this brings me to my last point, and my only real gripe about crossbows (whilst I still think ammo needs a change, i can live with it.)

the sights. are HORRIBLE. it is a compound crossbow. and just for a quick example:


there are SOME there without scopes, but even those have a fairly prominent rear sight picture and front point. I'm not saying stick a sniper scope on it, because thats not what its for, but the crossbow has alot of things working against it in the PVP enviroment, (whilst it excells in Zed slaying) could we PLEASE get a model update, which gives it a small scope? even a 1x reddot. just something to make it a little more functional.

Overall, I love the weapon, but I think it needs work, Ive yet to meet a survivor who doesnt drop it for a winchester/enfield. if not for the sights, then for the ammo space.

I hope this will be considered constructive crit and not whining, If it is taken the wrong way, feel free to delete it.

please also share your ideas on how to improve the crossbow!

P.S this is basically Ideal. note the arrow 'mini quiver' holding multiple bolts and a small 1-2x scope?



-It should inflict low stopping power but high bleed damage;


-optics.. nearly every modern crossbow comes with one (with markers to distances);

-its hard to reload! make them slower to reload,

- make them accurate from 20 to 30 meters.

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+1 for reflex site and stacked bolts.

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Stacked bolts, reflex or telescopic sight and fix the retrieval. The crossbow is in need of a serious buff, it's a shame it's so underpowered.

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