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SSS clan playing on a 3/3 SSS clan server

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ok i start to think you are retarded. I told you the reason I made this thread. Where am I saying the same thing over and over?

Edited by Roboserg

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Hey guys.

Been reading this for a while now lol....!

i agree with both sides really to be honest. although Roboserg is acting like a petulent child.

There are clear rules for server hosts. These dont include ignoring them if your having server problems. Whilst i agree you probaly werent doing anything untoward. Youve got to expect some people to see what you did as "dodgy". From what ive seen though servers have been banned/blacklisted for much less than this. So im not sure.

either way. Its only a game :)

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what the hell did they do to you lol or you are just some mega nerd who have to tell teacher about everything? if they had 3 slots for few hours a day max during the update what the fuck is the actual problem? find other servers last time I checked their server wasn't the only one that run DayZ with hive lolwat srsly it's not game where u have to farm fucking lvl if they are cheating they gonna get banned eventualy if they farm gear who gives a fuck. some1 will kill them eventualy big deal

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Then we would not waste forum space on this shitty topic getting out of hand.

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keep spamming.

Edited by Roboserg

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Blacklist those pussy's server and everything's fine.

They'll be able to play that "I got an explanation for everything"-game to infinity,

nonetheless it's suckers like them farming beginners with their AS50s in Cherno.

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I'm locking this, so the moronic ones in this thread can cool off and go find a more constructive thread to contribute to. If you spent more time in game bug hunting, then you do here, things might get done.

Locking a server, with 3 player cap, is pointless, and if you think its not noticed or documented and escalated to the support staff, your obviously a idiot.

Edited by Curgon
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