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No starting weapon or global chat encourage player killing too much?

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yes we *roll* in crews. just because you don't, doesn't mean you should ruin everyone elses immersion. when I spawn on the beach I don't want to hear the chitter chatter of teens going "LOL I JUST SHOT A NOOB IN CHERNO LOLOLOL*

facepalm at that.

I haven't read passed the first page but comments like this kind of irk me a little. While comments like "LOL I JUST SHOT A NOOB IN CHERNO LOLOLOL" do break some of the immersion, I am willing to bet my left nut (my favorite of the two) that you use some kind of VOIP to communicate with your "crew." I know you do. Everyone does. So please don't try to argue that being able to communicate regardless of where you are on the map or what items you have and/or using extremely detailed online maps that show every single loot point doesn't also break immersion.

No offense but your argument is "I don't want to hear other people outside of my crew" It's not a breaking immersion argument and people like you need to come up with a better defense for it.

Edit: He admitted to using TS on second page. I knew it!

Edited by dreman04

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In the original development of Arma, they were trying to come up with ways that would simulate your peripheral vision and help you have a better awareness of the environment. Although First-person view looks more "realistic" you also lose that awareness of your surroundings that you would have in "real" life. It can be like looking through a tube. That' also why there's the little white indicators on the edge of your screen.

I prefer playing in 1st person most of the time but 3rd person can be useful.

I have to disagree. Those indicators are there because #1 you can't feel, #2 you're not a doctor to know if you were in shock or not , and #3 it's a game.

Third person breaks immersion by letting you have out-of-body experiences at will. You don't have to put yourself in danger checking corners because of it. That's how it's useful.

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I have to disagree. Those indicators are there because #1 you can't feel, #2 you're not a doctor to know if you were in shock or not , and #3 it's a game.

Third person breaks immersion by letting you have out-of-body experiences at will. You don't have to put yourself in danger checking corners because of it. That's how it's useful.

Arma 3 developer said third-persion is more realistic, because of the tactile feedback, peripheral vision IRL etc. Carry on.

Edited by Roboserg
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I have to disagree. Those indicators are there because #1 you can't feel, #2 you're not a doctor to know if you were in shock or not , and #3 it's a game.

Third person breaks immersion by letting you have out-of-body experiences at will. You don't have to put yourself in danger checking corners because of it. That's how it's useful.

I wasn't referring to those indicators. I meant the really small little white dot's that appear right on the edge of you screen to show the vicinity of Zeds, peeps and even wildlife. If you haven't noticed them before, go take a look.

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SHould honestly just be a server option. Then you can just join no chat servers if you don't like noobs yakkin.

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SHould honestly just be a server option. Then you can just join no chat servers if you don't like noobs yakkin.

DayZ is sort of Nazi Germany when it comes to server rules. For whatever reason it hasn't been made clear that different people want different experiences with this game, and so it's bizarre that a single, rather strict, server rule set is enforced over all servers. I would actually love to see that be more flexible and have a server out there that caters to everyone's needs/wants. I believe alt+f4 and server hoping create an "unfair" environment far more than allowing servers to have different options ever would. I agree with you that it should be a server option, along with many other things, but we'll see if that ever happens.

Edited by dreman04

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DayZ is sort of Nazi Germany when it comes to server rules. For whatever reason it hasn't been made clear that different people want different experiences with this game, and so it's bizarre that a single, rather strict, server rule set is enforced over all servers. I would actually love to see that be more flexible and have a server out there that caters to everyone's needs/wants. I believe alt+f4 and server hoping create an "unfair" environment far more than allowing servers to have different options ever would. I agree with you that it should be a server option, along with many other things, but we'll see if that ever happens.

If you want to know what happens when you give people too much flexibility with severs go and read some articles on BF3. The server admins have basically destroyed the game by tweaking different attributes for their severs.

The problem is that everyone thinks they know what is best and how to improve the experience. 99 times out of a hundred they don't. It breaks the game.

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If you want to know what happens when you give people too much flexibility with severs go and read some articles on BF3. The server admins have basically destroyed the game by tweaking different attributes for their severs.

The problem is that everyone thinks they know what is best and how to improve the experience. 99 times out of a hundred they don't. It breaks the game.

I've never played BF3, so I can't relate. I tried looking up these articles you're talking about too but have no idea what a "ticket for conquest" means. I also don't know how much allowing servers to have passwords or lowering the player count on a server here and there would take away from your experience. This isn't a team deathmatch game where there are obvious capture the flag or reach x kill count goals. So you're not really changing the rules to the game by allowing some players to slightly change their server rule set.

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Slightly change the rule set? Seriously?

Passworded servers connected to the hive completely undermine every core element of the game.

Clans will use these servers as "safe houses." Every vehicle on the server parked on the coast, filled to the brim with 15 of every weapon in the game, hundreds of grenades, medical supplies, tools, backpacks, ammunition, etc. all farmed in complete and utter safety with no threat of loss or theft whatsoever.

Then the clan members will go out on to public servers and use their gear to assault other servers and clans.

As soon as they lose a couple members or get out-numbered, they can retreat to their safe server, re-equip, re-gear and worst of all reposition themselves for a counter assault.

Their safe server would also provide for a means of safe, easy travel. Want to get from Zelonogorsk to Berezino in 8 minutes instead of 40? No sweat, just hop on the server where you know you're safe, jump a motorcycle and drive there in complete and utter safety with no concern for fuel since you can casually stop anywhere you want to refuel... no concern for stealth.


Just no.

The fact that you don't understand how damaging a passworded server can be to this game calls into question your ability to really evaluate the existing hosting rules with any kind of reason or sense (as if you're asinine comparison to Nazi Germany didn't already do that handily).

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Well I've seen servers that allow 30 people and some that allow 100, so I think that that's already catered for. Password protecting servers is open to massive abuse. A group will lock a server, loot everything they want and then potentially use that to their advantage on another server.

I think the options to slightly change the gameplay are already there. I'm not against severs being able to enable global chat BTW, it's just not mu cup of tea.

*edit - read post above, put's it much better than me.

Edited by Fraggle

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lol passwroded servers and <30 slots are already forbidden. Its just noone cares and blacklists... I submitted two servers in the "cheater" forum - noone cares

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Slightly change the rule set? Seriously?

Passworded servers connected to the hive completely undermine every core element of the game.

Clans will use these servers as "safe houses." Every vehicle on the server parked on the coast, filled to the brim with 15 of every weapon in the game, hundreds of grenades, medical supplies, tools, backpacks, ammunition, etc. all farmed in complete and utter safety with no threat of loss or theft whatsoever.

Then the clan members will go out on to public servers and use their gear to assault other servers and clans.

As soon as they lose a couple members or get out-numbered, they can retreat to their safe server, re-equip, re-gear and worst of all reposition themselves for a counter assault.

Their safe server would also provide for a means of safe, easy travel. Want to get from Zelonogorsk to Berezino in 8 minutes instead of 40? No sweat, just hop on the server where you know you're safe, jump a motorcycle and drive there in complete and utter safety with no concern for fuel since you can casually stop anywhere you want to refuel... no concern for stealth.


Just no.

The fact that you don't understand how damaging a passworded server can be to this game calls into question your ability to really evaluate the existing hosting rules with any kind of reason or sense (as if you're asinine comparison to Nazi Germany didn't already do that handily).

Well I've seen servers that allow 30 people and some that allow 100, so I think that that's already catered for. Password protecting servers is open to massive abuse. A group will lock a server, loot everything they want and then potentially use that to their advantage on another server.

I think the options to slightly change the gameplay are already there. I'm not against severs being able to enable global chat BTW, it's just not mu cup of tea.

Ok. You guys are right with that password thing. I didn't even consider that truthfully. Call me an old fart, but I was talking about people setting up family or roleplaying servers where they only wanted certain people they knew coming in. A more controlled environment. But like you guys pointed out, people will abuse that more controlled environment. My bad.

Edit: My only fix to that is make everything of yours save to the actual server you join. So joining new server means starting fresh. But I have no idea how hives work or where saving all that data comes in, so for all I know that's impossible.

Edited by dreman04

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Ok. You guys are right with that password thing. I didn't even consider that truthfully. Call me an old fart, but I was talking about people setting up family or roleplaying servers where they only wanted certain people they knew coming in. A more controlled environment. But like you guys pointed out, people will abuse that more controlled environment. My bad.

I'm not entirely opposed to passworded servers with private hives. I think it's kind of a silly way to play but if that's your thing and as long as you don't expect support from the team in setup and maintenance I say go for it...

But, yeah. Hive-connected locked servers kind of break the game.

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But, yeah. Hive-connected locked servers kind of break the game.

I dont understand why the devs just auto-blacklist all passworded or <30 slots servers

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I'm not entirely opposed to passworded servers with private hives. I think it's kind of a silly way to play but if that's your thing and as long as you don't expect support from the team in setup and maintenance I say go for it...

But, yeah. Hive-connected locked servers kind of break the game.

I'm just trying to think of a way to feel like there is more of a community out there instead of just nameless faces that I kill or get killed by. I have my 2 buddies I play with, but that's it. And no offense to my 2 buddies, but this game will get boring if it's only us all the time. Just trying to think of how I can build a stronger community but server hoping and people just generally not playing in the same one kind of ruins it for me.

Anyways, I got to go for now, but I'll read everyone's responses when I get home at night. Later all.

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Ok. You guys are right with that password thing. I didn't even consider that truthfully. Call me an old fart, but I was talking about people setting up family or roleplaying servers where they only wanted certain people they knew coming in. A more controlled environment. But like you guys pointed out, people will abuse that more controlled environment. My bad.

Edit: My only fix to that is make everything of yours save to the actual server you join. So joining new server means starting fresh. But I have no idea how hives work or where saving all that data comes in, so for all I know that's impossible.

I'm pretty sure that people already use private servers. Any progress they make on that server is not saved. I'm not against that but I do think it defeats the object of the game. It's supposed to be dangerous, it's supposed to be tense and stressfull. If you want to lock down your own server so that you can skip through the fields high-fiving your family and friends then you should try another MOD. I'm not saying this to be an argumentative twat BTW. There's hundreds of other mods available to you now you have Arma installed.

What makes DayZ unique is the persistent server system and the perma death. Changing these attributes by having your own playground breaks the concept entirely.

Edited by Fraggle

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Ok. You guys are right with that password thing. I didn't even consider that truthfully. Call me an old fart, but I was talking about people setting up family or roleplaying servers where they only wanted certain people they knew coming in. A more controlled environment. But like you guys pointed out, people will abuse that more controlled environment. My bad.

Edit: My only fix to that is make everything of yours save to the actual server you join. So joining new server means starting fresh. But I have no idea how hives work or where saving all that data comes in, so for all I know that's impossible.

That fix also breaks the core concept of the game.

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i don't mind the starting loadout but i want the global chat officially reintroduced. i love talking to other people and making friends. they way it's set now, not a lot of people use mics or even talk in direct chat

That's not my experience but it does make me much more defensive. Bring on the radio's, it's the only answer.

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That fix also breaks the core concept of the game.

Oh please tell me more how server hopping and altf4ing is a core concept of the game.

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Oh please tell me more how server hopping and altf4ing is a core concept of the game.

Thats an entirely different debate. Of course both of those thing break the game but that isn't what we were discussing. Theres a million other threads on both of those subjects. Keep up...

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Thats an entirely different debate. Of course both of those thing break the game but that isn't what we were discussing. Theres a million other threads on both of those subjects. Keep up...

If you'd follow the discussion dreman04 proposed to have character server bound, so that items dont transfer across the servers. The other guy said its a core feature. Yea.

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I am following the debate and I'd already replied to that post.

So I play for three hours on a server. Admin decides to close it. Now I have to wait for them to open it again or lose all of my progress? What if I want to join a friend on another server, again I can't without losing everything.

I agree with you sever hopping and DC'ing needs to be dealt with, just not by restricting you to one server.

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I think the point of having radios will be that you will be able to infiltrate certain frequencies and find out enemy positions/ bandit activity and so on. Having your own number is more like a mobile phione than a radio. You seem determined to make it a happy fluffy world...

Well if everyone is using teamspeak, skype, steam or whatever to chat anyway then why not integrate a chat system into the game?

Also radio's can be like walkie talkie's with they're own frequency.

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I've seen a few people so far and I wanted to follow them or team up with them (or atleast risk death doing so) but there's no decent way to even talk (what the fuck is up with that?) so all of them just carried on running without noticing me and I couldn't catch up.

Makes me sad :(

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