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Servers/characters de-syncing from the HIVE?

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So my buddy and I are both having the same problem... we're not sure if it's a problem with our characters, with tents, or with the server itself.

Here's the breakdown of the past two hours or so.

We play on US 257 Seattle. I recently placed a tent, which I didn't like the placement of, so I repacked it and placed again. Didn't like that one so I repacked it also. I always save them. The second time I packed the tent up I couldnt pick it up no matter what I tried.

Upon a server restart (that I was not aware of, as the server restarts every 8 hours, and this was not one of those) there were two tents where I had placed and packed mine. I know this is a known bug, so we didn't place any items in them for fear of losing them.

Now, however we are having some very serious inventory problems. Ever since the tents were placed and repacked these are some things that have gone down:

1. My buddy had previously placed his L85 AWS into one of our tents. We have never had any problems with this tent before. It has stored items and survived multiple restarts with no problems. It was placed once and once only. He pulled this gun from the tent along with two AS50's and shortly after logged out. When he logged back in all thee guns were gone.

2. I dropped an M4A1 CCO SD and mags into that same tent. I had dropped my M4A1 ACOG on the ground in order to pick up the CCO SD to do that... but now had picked the ACOG back up along with mags. I logged out. When I logged back in, I still had the ACOG, but none of the mags. Also, the M4A1 CCO SD and mags were no longer in the tent.

3. I retrieved a couple of things from the one tent I described above (the good one). I logged out. When I logged back in those items were gone, from both the tent and my inventory.

4. I took items from my inventory, including the ACOG and dropped them into the tent. Logged out. When I logged back in they existed both in the tent and in my inventory.

For a while, the inventory set that I had around the time of the failed tent placements was the ONLY WAY my inventory would be upon login, whether I had dropped or picked up new items. Whether that was from loot piles or tents. It didn't matter. My inventory would revert.

I went through probably 5 or 6 logouts/ins with various results. I went to a town where I engaged some loot piles, drank, ate, walked out of town and logged out. Those changes to my inventory saved. Then I started dropping a single water bottle and logging out and back in. Sometimes the bottle would be on the ground AND in my inventory again (duped). Sometimes it would not be on the ground anymore, and it would be back in my inventory. A couple of times I would log back in and be a short distance from where I had run to before logging out.

I can no longer tell from one logout to the next what will save and what will not. I can no longer tell if pulling items from my tent is going to end in me losing the item upon logout.

Can anyone provide some insight as to what is happening here? I'd appreciate any feedback that could be given, as I'm not sure where to go from here. The game seems slightly unplayable for me if there's a 50/50 chance that anything I do is not going to be saved.


Edited by Rayth

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Ive also seen this, not sure but i think some servers arent synched with the hive sometimes maybe you joined one of those servers.

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I have also been having problems with server/character and/or Hive being out of sync.

Yesterday i spawned as far NE as possible on DE238 looking for tents and vehicles, when i was getting low on food, drinks. I decided to walk to Krasnostav to raid the supermarket, along the way visiting the Olsha Radio tower to see if the bike was there and lucky me it was sitting there nice and crisp. So i biked my way to the supermarket to fill up on provisions with the eventual plan to go to berezino and put my DRM to good use by providing newby survivors with some fresh bullits ;)

I waited about an hour before the first survivors showed themselves and i got some action, killed one and the other logged off XD nothing new so far. After waiting another half an hour with some zombies moving in the city i had to take a quick bio, so i logged off to the lobby for easy login.

When i got back i was about 2 hours back in time in frikkin Krasno! Food and drinks meters werent reset but my bag was missing all the cans i put in there before, the DRM mag i emptied in Berezino was also back in there. Also behind the bush where i initially left the bike at the point where i was raiding the supermarket was no Bike!

I stopped playing then because i was afraid of what i could loose next, i would hate to see any of my shiny goodies be lost only to some dumb server error. Other then getting honestly shot over them :P

Is this some expanded Extra Cruelty after 7.2.3 that wasnt in the patch notes?

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