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Modem loses internet?

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Ok, so im at my wits end with this. Ive been playing this game for about 2 weeks now without any issue. Now with this new patch I basically cant play. Ill log into the server list and lose connection. My verizon modem will lose its internet signal. Now I thought it was a fluke but time after time I try to play this game it happens. Ill play BF3, D3 whatever and no issue. Start up DayZ and bye bye internet, gotta restart the modem.

Anyone else having this issue? I didnt see it posted on the forum and if it was posted im sorry for reposting.

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I've had this issue too, but to a lesser degree. Instead of my modem dying for a moment, anything I have that uses the internet (Steam, MSN, AiM, etc) will lose connection for about 10-20 seconds, and my latency will sky rocket where it was previously low double digits. I have no idea what to do about it, but I thought it might be a good idea to report that I've had a similar issue.

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This happened to me as well... I was playing online when Dayz gave the "no message from server for... seconds" and then eventually threw me off. I tried again a few times (having to restart the router each time because it cut off the internet for everyone in the house), and each time it was fine (YouTube =ok) until I got onto the server and it just stopped (this happened ~5-6 times). I did a speed test and my normally ~12-Mbps internet connection had dropped down to Mbps... Now that is weird... so I restarted my router again, but this time, instead of doing it through the web-interface, I went to it, unplugged it from the DSL line, power and all of its Ethernet ports, left it unplugged for 5 minutes, and when I plugged it back in again, I was back up to Mbps. And Dayz has worked fine since... (about 18:00 yesterday).

Well, I say fine, but now, whenever I log back in, my character reverts back to the state it was in when I was thrown off the first time. My location in the game is persistent, but I cant keep any guns or loot that I find... I go back to the Makarov that I had before... I even gave some ammo to a friend of mine, and when I logged back in, I had it back, and he had it too.... I'm sure that isn't right!

The mods may want to move this to another thread, I just want to know about anyone who had had the same problem... because I don't want to re-spawn, and find that every time I log back in after that I revert to no items... :/



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well i submitted a ticket...tried to play today...same problem...this really sucks..

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I've had this issue too, but to a lesser degree. Instead of my modem dying for a moment, anything I have that uses the internet (Steam, MSN, AiM, etc) will lose connection for about 10-20 seconds, and my latency will sky rocket where it was previously low double digits. I have no idea what to do about it, but I thought it might be a good idea to report that I've had a similar issue.

Yup. This is very similar to the problem I am currently experiencing which started three days ago, but I often find it takes FOREVER to pass the "loading" screen after the "waiting for character to create" screen. If I am lucky, it will load but more often than not it seems like I spend an eternity waiting for a whole lot of no progression past loading. It's driving me insane. I am hoping someone is noticing the many threads and posts I have seen by other users - very happy (in a weird way) to see that I am not the only person with this exact issue.

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I have posted my reply on another thread in the bug forum, where people commented about experiencing the same issue, but I want to be sure people affected can see this, so I am posting a reply here also. (I am hoping a developer comes across this.)

Upon further testing with the game, I have discovered a work-around that resolves the problem until the developers can implement a proper fix for this bug!

I can't explain why, but it seems that playing in full screen mode is what causes the problem when attempting to load into servers. In your graphics option, if you select your UI resolution to be 'windowed' and then try logging into any DayZ server (I tested at least six different servers), it loads in normally just like it should - no cutting or slowing of internet, no stuck at character create or loading screens. The only down side to this method is that when you try to go back to full screen, you can (if you say 'later' to restarting the game), but the HUD elements will still remain at window mode size until you restart - so you can still see everything else in full screen resolution, but your debug monitor, server text and side health/info icons will hang around where they were in windowed mode. And restarting will just result in you having full screen mode again and being unable to connect for some crazy reason.

EDIT: Pressing alt+enter will change you in and out of window/full screen modes without needing to restart and your GUI HUD moves appropriately with it - so this is a totally perfect way to get around the connecting issues for now. Just make sure you are in windowed mode when you press to connect to a server once you are in its lobby. Then once you have loaded into the game, bring up the game menu so you can press alt+enter and your game should change to full screen. Close the menu and enjoy surviving!

I hope my little work around helps someone out there. I know I will be using this method to connect until a real fix is implemented. I wasn't sure if I should make this a proper thread to get people's attention (and the devs), so if someone can make sure the right people see this, that would be great.

P.S. I have used my work around all day today and it has worked like a charm.

Edited by Hotdog

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Try the Six Launcher "options" and uncheck the box that says "may cause connection drop".

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This problem occurs regardless of whether DayZ is launched via SixLauncher or not.

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You know, since I've been playing this game, I've been increasing more internet issues.

About two weeks ago, my router would suddenly lose it's connection. It would be online, and read as working fine, but there would be no internet to be had.

It happens more and more as time goes on, and especially when I am running Arma, and my roomy is running WoW or The Secret World.

We've called our ISP, they claim it's our router.

We've called support on the router, they confirm it's not.

We've called the ISP, they say we need more service.

We stupidly pay for more service.

Still no fix. Now we're switching ISP this week.

I hope Arma 2 isn't somehow sapping internets.

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