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Video Settings?

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Well I noticed I'm really laggy, so I want to fix this unbarrable lag. My graphic detail is at very low and thats about it. I want to fix everything in the video settings advanced sections. My computer specs are :

Processor: Intel® Core i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.20 GHz

Ram: 4 GB

I don't want to be playing on a really low quality that makes it look like terrible quality but if its necessary then I will use it! Thanks

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Let me be the first to say, I am sorry that you will have to play with terrible graphics.

I don't know if you are tech savy but, basically you are running of off the graphics on your processor which are pretty terrible.

I can however give you some tips that MIGHT help.

1.Turn post processing effects OFF.

2.Set video memory to default.

3.You can turn shadow detail off. (Might help for me it's personal preference.)

4.Turn antialiasing effects off.

5. In your launch options use the variables
-nosplash -cpucount=2 -exThreads=1

6.Turn of hyper threading in your BIOS

7. Run as administrator.

8.Turn vsync off.

I hope all of that helps! Also you can buy a video card thats works well with game for around $50.

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The issue with DayZ (well ArmA 2 in general) is if you have stuff set to low or very low it decides to push the work load over to the CPU. So if shadows are on very low the CPU picks up the bearing instead of the GPU (which should) so I run something like this.

Vsync ON: Vsync really helps MAINTAIN performance by synchronizing the FPS of the game to the Hz of your monitor. Also without it can cause some serious issues with LCD monitors.

Post Processing OFF: Resource HOG! and the nausea inducing motion blur is well... nausea inducing.

Video Memory DEFAULT: This is because you actually access more GPU memory through DEFAULT than you do on VERY HIGH

AntiAliasing OFF: While it looks pretty that the edges are nice and sharp AA is a resource HOG.

Launch Options: -nosplash, -cpucount=2 (dual core) -cpucount=4 (quad core) ArmA 2 doesn't like to access all your CPU cores for some reason.

Hyper threading: This is only an issue with i7 processors mainly.

Run as Admin: Meh, why not. Vista and 7 always have "run as admin" issues. I use Xp (Like a boss)

View Distance: I lower mine to about 950, somewhere around 1000 gives a good balance between performance and being able to see a sniper.

Other than that fiddle with some of the settings moving them from very low to high and see your performance gains or losses!

Hope this helps my friend!

Edited by Freekill0
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The issue with DayZ (well ArmA 2 in general) is if you have stuff set to low or very low it decides to push the work load over to the CPU. So if shadows are on very low the CPU picks up the bearing instead of the GPU (which should) so I run something like this.


Agree whit everything. But view distance is server side locked, at 1600.. This is actually something that could help people to get more fps. If i want to turn down my view distance why shouldn't be able to? Seems like the engine renders everything, even long distance objects, and this is forcing cpu to work unnecessarily.

Edited by Hyle

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The issue with DayZ (well ArmA 2 in general) is if you have stuff set to low or very low it decides to push the work load over to the CPU. So if shadows are on very low the CPU picks up the bearing instead of the GPU (which should) so I run something like this.

Vsync ON: Vsync really helps MAINTAIN performance by synchronizing the FPS of the game to the Hz of your monitor. Also without it can cause some serious issues with LCD monitors.

Post Processing OFF: Resource HOG! and the nausea inducing motion blur is well... nausea inducing.

Video Memory DEFAULT: This is because you actually access more GPU memory through DEFAULT than you do on VERY HIGH

AntiAliasing OFF: While it looks pretty that the edges are nice and sharp AA is a resource HOG.

Launch Options: -nosplash, -cpucount=2 (dual core) -cpucount=4 (quad core) ArmA 2 doesn't like to access all your CPU cores for some reason.

Hyper threading: This is only an issue with i7 processors mainly.

Run as Admin: Meh, why not. Vista and 7 always have "run as admin" issues. I use Xp (Like a boss)

View Distance: I lower mine to about 950, somewhere around 1000 gives a good balance between performance and being able to see a sniper.

Other than that fiddle with some of the settings moving them from very low to high and see your performance gains or losses!

Hope this helps my friend!

Would cpucount=6 be alright for a 6 core cpu? I've got a Phenom II X6 1045t 2.7, but would it even matter adding that line in to sixlauncher or commander?

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yes, cpucount=6 would help. Your game will now access all your available CPUs making for a large boost in performance.

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maybe you can try downloading game booster? or disable some other programs that use up your memory

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The issue with DayZ (well ArmA 2 in general) is if you have stuff set to low or very low it decides to push the work load over to the CPU. So if shadows are on very low the CPU picks up the bearing instead of the GPU (which should) so I run something like this.

Vsync ON: Vsync really helps MAINTAIN performance by synchronizing the FPS of the game to the Hz of your monitor. Also without it can cause some serious issues with LCD monitors.

Post Processing OFF: Resource HOG! and the nausea inducing motion blur is well... nausea inducing.

Video Memory DEFAULT: This is because you actually access more GPU memory through DEFAULT than you do on VERY HIGH

AntiAliasing OFF: While it looks pretty that the edges are nice and sharp AA is a resource HOG.

Launch Options: -nosplash, -cpucount=2 (dual core) -cpucount=4 (quad core) ArmA 2 doesn't like to access all your CPU cores for some reason.

Hyper threading: This is only an issue with i7 processors mainly.

Run as Admin: Meh, why not. Vista and 7 always have "run as admin" issues. I use Xp (Like a boss)

View Distance: I lower mine to about 950, somewhere around 1000 gives a good balance between performance and being able to see a sniper.

Other than that fiddle with some of the settings moving them from very low to high and see your performance gains or losses!

Hope this helps my friend!

do this, but allso make sure your 3d (game ) resolution and Intel resolution are the same

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