Bettik 3 Posted July 20, 2012 I'd like to see the game continue with Bohemia Interactive's engine. Although it's consistently buggy, ArmA engines always strive for and achieve more realistic ballistics and sounds than any other games out there. For Rocket and his tiny team to try and duplicate that in something new would be a pipe dream. The biggest draw, at least for me, with this game is that it continues to stay true to the idea of realism in all aspects--not just the idea that players and their goals are the driving force behind the game, but also the look and feel of it all.Hopefully, with the announcement of War Z, Bohemia will now shit rather than get off the pot, as it were, and go beyond just "supporting" Rocket. They need to invest in the future of this project now! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Use different engine if it has:1) Milsim grade weapon/ballistics modeling - (both physics and 3d models) and variety.2) >225 map with no sector loading.3) Separate control over weapon movement (with aiming deadzone), head movement and body movement.4) Perfect TrackIR support.5) Arma level editor and scripting.Well, I thought so, we do not need another L4D/COD with z0mbies111The beautiy of the game is in the underlying arma engine.If you don't know the name of the engine (hint, it's not arma engine), how can you make claims about its functionality?1) The only thing Arma 2 models with concern to ballistics is travel time, bullet drop, and bullet start location (inside the gun, not the tip of the barrel). These things already exist in other engine as projectile physics, they are just usually not implemented for every weapon as those physics would be detrimental to the action-based multiplayer of games like Crysis 2 and UT.2) You think Arma 2 has no sector loading? Really?... It just hides it from you. It does it far in advance so to the user it looks like no loading is ever done. Any engine can do this. If the full map was loaded all the time the game would have insane requirements, I'm sure none of our pc's would be able to play it.3) Any engine can do this, that is all done by changing the users perspective, not a hard thing to do.4) A- I don't think many people use TrackIR... B- All the data readin for TrackIR is done by the free TrackIR sdk, meaning every game can easily use it and tweak how the readin data (which is done automatically and is the same for every game) is changed into ingame data until it "feels" right. I've done TrackIR "support" for silly java games, just to see how easily it's done.5) I'm guessing you have never even looked at a screenshot of the CryEngine or Unreal SDK, much less actually used them. Same goes for Real Virtuality and the Arma 2 editor. The CryEngine editor is so well made I would feel comfortable using it with a Xbox controller and mini-keyboard. Honestly though, if someone thinks the editor included with Crysis/Crysis 2 is too complicated, they really shouldn't even be designing a map, much less creating a full mod.The only real point that can be made against switching engines is the time required to recreate the whole map. Although editors such as the one for CryEngine would make this a less painful job, it would still be a lot of work. Real Virtuality just isn't a good engine, it feels and runs like it is still in early beta, yet it has been out for 3 years. If I can run Crysis 2 on high and have it look beautiful at 45 fps, if I can run Unreal Tournament 3 on highest and if it look astounding at 50 fps, why should I be running Arma 2 at low/medium settings with it looking like a blurry mess at 25-30fps? Why am I teleporting to and from ladders, dying from scraping against a ledge while sprinting, and just overall getting a completely different set of glitches every time I login if the game and engine are such a well made base for DayZ? Why does the speed of the server cause my game's fps to vary from 2 fps to 30 fps if the networking behind Arma 2 is so great? It would be a lot of work to switch over but, honestly, dealing with all the shit from Real Virtuality and Arma 2 is just not worth it when you look at how much better just about every engine out there could be. I love DayZ and have literally days of playtime in it, but that doesn't change the fact that I find myself fighting with the game itself just as often as I fight zombies and bandits. Edited July 23, 2012 by syphon0202 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harris (DayZ) 3 Posted July 28, 2012 CryEngine 3 is capable of amazing graphics with excellent performance (compared to other games ex: ArmA / ArmA 2). If Rocket is going to make DayZ a standalone game without B.I he will most likely not be able to use the same map. Even if he is should he? DayZ should not follow behind ArmA at all it should grow, expand, take shape into something even better. Yes the idea of DayZ would not of happened if not a mod for ArmA 2, but ArmA 2 uses a bad engine. You can say its the best because of the realism and all of that but look at other engines. They are capable of the same or better realism without the bugs, lag, and with the bonus of better graphics. I am not saying DayZ should look as good as Crysis 2. I am saying that it should use something that can increase the player base while bringing major increases to various aspects of the game.Virtual Reality Engine is the most realistic engine out there. FalseIt is outdated, buggy, slow, graphically terrible, etc. Every engine can do better than this one. BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE BULLET DROP. Oh no bullet drop isn't in other engines? It can be added. Any engine can be expanded into what the developer wants. Come on guys. Imagine a better zombie game. A full survival world. PvP is nice but that is all DayZ is right now. It could grow and make the zombies better while also making PvP better. Rocket wouldn't be limited he could let his mind create a better game than DayZ. Being able to have a proper apocalyptic world with ruins, more loot, more exploring, everything you could ever want.For Rocket to start fresh with a new engine would take time, but this is a game everyone loves the idea of this game is undeniable the best. Does ArmA's engine make it happen? Yes. Again it could be expanded into something more. That's the big picture. Taking this idea and expanding on it. Making it the best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harris (DayZ) 3 Posted July 28, 2012 I posted in another thread about this but I'll repeat myself. There is no other engine that offers an editor like the VR engine. From what I can deduct from what Rocket says he wants a Eve Online/Minecraft type hybrid. No other engine I can think of offers the editing power to make that possible. The 3d editor for VR3/VR4 is able to achieve this almost right now, it just needs a little tweaking to make it more user friendly without too much time involved, and fits the Minecraft idea perfectly.When he said minecraft type he meant in the releasing of the game. Minecraft was released in Alpha, Beta, Full (I know there were ones before that just an example), and continues to be added to. That is what Rocket is talking about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kozzy420 39 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) ARMA2 engine is my fav for shooters.Yes I love Cryteks engine and BF3's engine,etc.. but as far as what I have the most fun on and what is mroe suited to my style of shooting games, its ARMA2 hands down.My fav shooters have always been the more realistic ones, ARMA, Operation Flashpoint, Ghost Recon1, ARMA2, Red Orchestra,etc.. Sure I loved Quake1, Counterstrike,BF2,etc.. but for my playign style I love these types of realistic sim style shooters the most.Dayz fits this style of shooter perfectly imo. I think they should use ARMA3 engine as it looks like a big improvement over arma2. Yes arma2 engine has a good amount of bugs, but its the best shooting feeling of all the engiens imo. Edited July 28, 2012 by kozzy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites