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New DayZ Gamestyle

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So here's how it works guys;

1. Find a server with side channels.

2. Get 1-2 Cans of beans and 1-2 cans of soda.

3. Sprint straight to the massive airfield.

4. Get shot and laugh at the guy looting you to find absolutely nothing, because you ate your food/drink/painkillers on the way there. :)

This will show people, that shooting people on site, is rude and non-profitable.

This is not a complaint thread, bandits are part of the game, but in a real war, are you the one shooting friendlies?

Edited by DecayPirate

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I feel like no matter what, you'd always loose X:

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I feel like no matter what, you'd always loose X:

The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

WarGames (1983)

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