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I've Given up

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I've tried every possible way to get Day Z to work. And I cant get it. I've tried manualy, and the six launcher... Could someone please team view me? I really want to play this game...

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Hm. What's the problem?

I mean its simple enough really. Install Combined Operations (or OA), run it once and then get six updater, install DayZ through that and away you go.

Edited by MeatAbstract

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Hm. What's the problem?

I mean its simple enough really. Install Combined Operations (or OA), run it once and then get six updater, install DayZ through that and away you go.

i did that it wont work :(. On 6 laucnher all the servers have 9999 ping and it wont let me join.

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i did that it wont work :(. On 6 laucnher all the servers have 9999 ping and it wont let me join.

The six launcher is ALWAYS refreshing. If you allow it 5 minutes to sit and refresh you'll see the server will start showing the actual ping. Ensure that your Arma is up to date with the server you are trying to join.

Also, after you join ANY server, ALWAYS close six launcher, it causes an amazing amount of network lag which results in SERIOUS FPS drops in-game.

Edited by Caviano

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Try the troubleshooting forum. I also use six launcher and it in itself fixed a lot of problems I was having when I first started playing. The servers I could play on used to be hit and miss. Now, if they are on the list and running the latest patch, I rarely have a problem getting in to play.

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Also, you can try and pressing the "Launch" button without selecting a server, then go into multiplayer from the OA menu. Find one that says DayZ in the mission title and away you go!

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Here is a guide you can try, if you OWN Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead, uninstall them, reinstall them, run OPERATION ARROWHEAD then close it, download 6 launcher installer, uninstall 6 launcher and reinstall, once it verifys and updates and stuff, click a LATEST PATCH AND BETA PATCH SERVER. and update, now join said server, and it should work, if not you can add me on skype my skype is MalganisUO and i will team viewer help you.

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Also if your having trouble try redownloading BattleEye. I had a issue were I couldnt join DayZ servers when I first began playing cause my BattleEye was giving me issues.

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