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Is humanity supposed to drop this fast?

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I was at 2,514 humanity. Someone shot my friend so I killed him in return. This took my humanity from the 2,514 to around -3,300

This instantly gave me a bandit skin. I head downstairs of the building I'm in and check out a loot pile next to me and I get shot in the back, so I turn around and shoot another survivor that had just shot me in the back. This brought my humanity down from around -3,300 to about -8000

That's a lot to earn back for 2 kills in self defense lol

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From what I gather humanity is Player X - Player Y's Humanity. Meaning if you have 2500 and kill someone with 0 you lose no humanity, kill someone with -500 you get +500 humanity to a total of 3,000.

Chances are a bandit nearby shot your friend and you killed the wrong guy, unless you actually seen him shoot your friend. This guy must have had over 5k Humanity for you to lose that much.

The wiki says otherwise though : http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Humanity So I really am not sure on Humanity.

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It was definitely him who shot him, because we were inside a building, not visible from the outside and up a ladder. My friend was showing over the edge trying to loot some zombie corpses that were sitting there and he got popped in the head from down the ladder. I waited a few seconds and up comes that guy and I shoot him.

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I lost about 2000 for killing my friend when my, "I think I just threw a grenade." wasn't enough warning. We both had 2500 at the time.

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I got killed by a group of 2 bandits and 2 survivors, I killed one of the bandits, then killed the survivor who killed me. No big deal, got killed by another dude of their group. After dying like 5 times I finally got back and finished the last 2 so now I have 2 murders. I become a bandit, oh the humanity... eh... haha. too late now, so I shot another guy trying to sneak up on my location. Is 2 kills after they killed me really worth a bandit skin??? we shall see...

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There's a free target system meaning that as a survivor and you shoot a survivor, someone can then kill you and not lose humanity for it.

I've been in battles with other survivors and won without losing humanity and I also shot my friend in the ass with a makarov as a test while he was AFK and I had plenty medical supplies, it said "FreeTarget: true" for 30 seconds meaning that anyone who would've killed me in that time would've been seen as them killing a bandit.

I say that if someone shoots at you and misses or if they shoot you and you can't shoot them back within 30 seconds, it's your decision on whether you want to kill them and lose humanity or just get out of there.

Humanity should drop this fast because killing someone should be a big deal with big consequences, unfortunately those consequences of a big humanity drop doesn't mean anything yet but hopefully it will one day.

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