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What's the point?

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Hello everybody, I just got DayZ yesterday and have really been let down with it. There really is no point to the game, you just run around and find stuff, only to die 20 minutes later. I have created probably 20 characters, and have died 19 times just by trying to find basic stuff right after I spawn. One game I had a few minutes ago I finally was able to gather a hatchet, would enabled me to fight my way through zombies to an airfield, where I found an empty AK-47 and nothing more, on my way out of the airfield I spotted a fellow player runing torwards me.... then he shot me.

It just seems like you really can't do anything or get anywhere unless you have people to play with.

-Also, is there a way to "save" a game and come back to the same character?

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there is absolutely no point in playin this MOD you should totaly stop playing it. also it does save. tho u need to be alive..

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there is absolutely no point in playin this MOD you should totaly stop playing it. also it does save. tho u need to be alive..

How do you save a game and go back to it?

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automaticly you don't have to press any "Save" button or anything.

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You abort, it saves automatically.

You can join any servers and it joins server.

I thought this game was boring at first, then I played with 3-4 friends, it changed everything.

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You abort, it saves automatically.

You can join any servers and it has your stuff and same spot.

I thought this game was boring at first, then I played with 3-4 friends, it changed everything.

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looks like you didn't do enough research before buying the game.

looting, surviving, killing zombies and players. thats the bare bones of dayz.

the game is saved everytime you disconect from the server with a live character.

and you can do a lot without people. you just got the game yesterday. this isn't your regular video game. it will take you 20+ hours of playtime to get comfy with the basics, up to 100 hours to be an efficient player who can build a well equiped, self sustainable character in an hour or less, depending on the server.

give it time, keep playing. or don't. its up to you. but don't expect instant gratification or traditional game goals from dayz.

Edited by Ganjastar

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There really is no point to the game.

If you think about it there is no point to play any video game, it serve no purpose but to have fun.

I restarted a lot when I started playing this is my third day and I can finally manage the game.

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How do you save a game and go back to it?

You leave the game... you can't save multiple characters if thats what you're thinking.

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So, I have to go back to the same server I was on to continute the character?

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So, I have to go back to the same server I was on to continute the character?

no. any server.

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So, I have to go back to the same server I was on to continute the character?

No, the hive stores your character, and the next server *should* drop you where you where.. it won't always work, as the updates are being pushed out faster than a pram-face looking for more child support, and if you and the server you try to connect to are running different versions (including beta versions of arma2), then strange things can happen.. this is when you go to the bug reporting section of the forum and fill in a post with the 'please read before posting' format.

The point, as you would put it, is to keep testing said updates, reporting bugs and faults, of said updates, until it's stable enough to have another major update.. rinse and repeat.. you didn't buy dayz.. you bought arma2; You are helping to bug test an alpha mod for the retial product, which are not connected.

Edited by Skinman

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Man, you need to be patient and understand, this is NOT your typical game. I died soooo many times before realizing the art of STEALTH. In time you will learn to spot those structures you can enter and also be able to determine what "could" drop there as far as loot. Be patient and just play like Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell).

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There are go.. fixed that for ya..

Don't play it like a game, play it like it's *really* you in the middle of a field, with no weapons, trying to get into that barn, surrounded by zombies.

thats when you run...

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Its a sandbox game. It does not hold your hand and your only objective is to survive. You either get it or you don't.

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Man don't complain just because you havent found anything. If this were real life, and you were by yourself, would you have time to complain? The games is challenging you to play this as if it were real life. And not everyone out their is trustworthy off the start. MANY people will kill you just to survive. Plus, find friends to play with, the game is a hella a lot more fun with people to have fun with while watching each other's backs. :)

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Ever since they removed the bandit skins and humanity, there really isn't much going on.

DayZ has been taken over by hackers, Griefers and Hacking/Exploiting, server resetting when they die admins.

The funny thing is the hacker/duper groups are pumping out Youtube videos like crazy now... naturally of course they don't show the part where they "Find" all those .50's, 10 GPS units, 20 pairs of NVG's.....etc.

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You abort, it saves automatically.

You can join any servers and it joins server.

I thought this game was boring at first, then I played with 3-4 friends, it changed everything.

I was thinking the same, Till i also played it once :P.

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Jesus...some of you guys need to calm down. Not everyone is going to get the point of this mod right off the bat, especially if they have never played a sandbox game before. Help the guy out (as a lot of you did), and have a little patience.

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How do I tell what buildings are open? I spent 10 minutes crawling to a barn with zombies in it only to find out i couldn't even get in the building. Then 10 minutes crawling back out. It was rather disapointing.

Edited by Foam

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