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Need a Sniper

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Hello, my friend and i are looking for 1 reputable sniper. Add me on steam! Just reply on this thread and we can talk. Please no low skill enfield/cz550 noobs.

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Give me a target, 3 shots, and it's dead.

Currently using an M24 due to lack of ammo, so anything you can throw at me should be better.

Edited by Dr621

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Just letting you know the CZ550 is not a "Noob" weapon stat wise it does the same damage and range as the DMR and the M24. The only difference is of course the sights and ammunition. Just letting you know good luck on you sniper hunt!

Edited by Heineken
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dr, add me on steam? my name is M0HNKE on there... yes, that is a zero lol

Edited by TheAsianMonk

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Give me a target, 3 shots, and it's dead.

Currently using an M24 due to lack of ammo, so anything you can throw at me should be better.

3 shots? lolol

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3 shots? lolol

Three shots is pretty much the most I'll ever need per single target.

One shot if they're still or moving very slowly.

Up to three shots if they're running. Though zig-zags are a bitch.

Edit; Distance of course, is a factor. You have no range-finder with M24, so the first shot would be used to estimate the distance.

Edited by Dr621

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Three shots is pretty much the most I'll ever need per single target.

One shot if they're still or moving very slowly.

Up to three shots if they're running. Though zig-zags are a bitch.

Edit; Distance of course, is a factor. You have no range-finder with M24, so the first shot would be used to estimate the distance.

yeah 3 shots if your a noob... i do one shot one kill... aka shoot them in the face its quicker.

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yeah 3 shots if your a noob... i do one shot one kill... aka shoot them in the face its quicker.

I want to see you shoot a running target in the face with an M24 without a range-finder.

Get to it.

Edit; And make it a legit distance. at least 300m.

Edited by Dr621

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all i have to do is just do my sniper formula, or use the map to figure the distance. the zero in on the target...

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all i have to do is just do my sniper formula, or use the map to figure the distance. the zero in on the target...

You sound truly professional. Tell me more about how you use the map to get the distance.

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3 shots with an M24 sounds a bit much, 3 shots with a CZ would be understandable (1 to zero, 1 to incap, 1 to kill) but with the M24 using the formula you can zero in on anyone if you have like 4 seconds and you passed 3rd grade.

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sniper formula is (height in meters)*1000/milidots on scope = your zeroing in point, on a map every mini square = 100m

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are you mental einfield is the best it has a 400m with a good sight

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You sound truly professional. Tell me more about how you use the map to get the distance.

By using the 100 x 100m grid squares.

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are you mental einfield is the best it has a 400m with a good sight

Eh... I've seen some people who are rather beast with the Einfield, epic trollin and hilarity when they snipe people.

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i've sniped with the einfield before its good if you have painkillers or if you know how to weakshoot

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now what would be trolling is if you sniped someone with a akm... cause you can zero it up to 800m

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now what would be trolling is if you sniped someone with a akm... cause you can zero it up to 800m

Sniping with a Revolver is the way to go, 1 headshot is incap

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