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(UK/PL) Looking for friendly survivors!

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TIMEZONE - London, GMT+1

A bit about myself :

I'm Bartek, 17, love gaming and definitely DayZ. I've been playing for 11 years now and today I'm playing DayZ.

I'm a friendly player, looking for a Survivor (Not bandit!) group/people to team up with and play regularly.

I like to play it safe, communicate with players with a microphone before I shoot (Today I stepped on a friendly sniper near a tree ... shooting bandits in Cherno, he gave me a blood transfusion! :D)

Well, I have no idea what else should I point out so I'll move to the next section.

What I'm looking for :

I'm looking for a team of well, up to 5 players to team-up together in DayZ (Or maybe someone will invite me to a team? Dunno, I keep my fingers crossed!)

Like I said before, I'm friendly and I'm looking for friendliest, no need for any bandit stuff. I like to help the others and i help whenever I can.

What can I offer :

- Mumble room for our group (Located in PL I think, we would see how the pings are eg. latency)

- Of course myself as a group member, if there are any roles I would like to be a medic/support kind of a guy.

- Serious but funny game experience, I like to treat this game like a real life BUT it's only a game, I'm not a douche but if there's a serious threat to me or people around me I will be focused, not running around like an idiot or anything like that.

So, to conclude this post :

Like above, feel free to join with me! :)

My contact is :

1. PM here on the forum

2. Steam - http://steamcommunit...ixelatedbartek/

Thanks for reading this post!

@Dat Genteman under me

Go be racist somewhere else, k thx bai :)

Edited by PixelatedBartek

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Okay, I think that's it for now, got enough players to start a group.

Thank you all for inviting me, the thread can now be closed

Badum *tsss*

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