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"Illegal Copies May Degrade"

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A few of my friends are joining our new Day Z server and every time they join the server posts "Illegal Copies May Degrade" when they join, however, it says on their end "You were kicked off the game."

They all have Steam versions.

I can join just fine however.

Edit: It seems when there's only 1 person in the server they are fine. but when they join when its empty they join fine. But then when I join after it says "kicked from game"

Its a 40 slot server.

This is using the newest Battleye for 94945 server and client side.

Edited by xbamaris

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Well maybe you friends are not telling the truth and have pirated versions lol. Not the first time someone posted on the forum like this.

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The illegal copies may degrade pops up for everyone, it's a battleye message it's most likely something else kicking them

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Read the edits.

Editing the config, changing "kickDuplicates" to 0 fixed, but still said illegal copies may degrade when someone other than the first player that joins joins. so does that mean its not gathering GUID's correctly?

Edited by xbamaris

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Guys. THEY ARE LEGIT. They join other servers and not get those messages. I have a disc version.

They've been playing Day Z on legit servers for weeks. Stop assuming that they are cracked copies just because that comes up,

The new Battleye is probably to blame for this.

Because before the new Battleye client update they didn't have any issues. Until I told them how to update the client because our server has updated to the newest patches for BattlEye Server and client they and I have had issues getting into other servers where its stuck on Wait for Host.

This was also happening to other people who WERN'T my freinds.

Edited by xbamaris

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I can confirm this happening on our servers DE12 and DE13 as well. Ignore the message for now. It does not matter if the game tells you you are legit or not - till the point where you suddenly turn into a cow, can't shoot straight or suddenly wet your pants.

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If they are running the Steam version get them to run a varification check via the steam program. I doubt it will fix anything, but it's worth a shot. I had to do this to knock out some of the bugs, especially after following all the install instructions when 1st getting my hands on both Arma:CO & DayZ.

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Old topic, it was the Battleye bug which was fixed in the other beta patch.

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