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Sputnik (DayZ)

6 months in Alpha state....

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face it. dayz (as a mod for arma) will never leave the "alpha" stage.

The game/mod is extremely new, only six months in development. Any person that knows anything about game design, knows that that is quite a short time. While he may be using some items from Arma itself to help with the coding, he still has to create numerous things - along with MoCapping, icons, weapons, etc... If you people want to complain, make the mod yourself.

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It seems to me with the way this game has exploded that there should be funds to hire a small team of really talented devs that could get it out of Alpha in a month or so. Even if they don't want to slap "Beta" on it just yet Bohemia really needs to be supporting Rocket in getting this game to where it needs to be.

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You act like six months is a long time for a game to be in alpha.

Exactly. But don't forget, we're living in the "gimme gimme gimme" generation now. The fact is, Rocket has so many ideas for this game, and he's not going to upgrade to Beta status without testing all his concepts first. Once he finds some concepts he likes, and sees that they are able to function in the game-world, he'll most likely move to beta and work on correcting bugs, exploits and making things extremely polished. Then comes the release announcement.

Edited by KField86

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6 months? I was playing a Zombie mod not dissimilar to this on ARMA maybe six years ago..

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The only game really nowadays that has a year lifespan is the call of duty series..

All the others live on, even if a new version.

Take a look at battlefield series. 1942 is live and well, as is battlefield 2, even with bf3 out.

The modding community for many places is huge, look at company of heroes. A 2004/5 game, with 2 expansions with latest that came out in 2008/9, and its community is alive now, waiting for company of heroes 2.

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I still play Bad company 2. with a lot of people.

lifespan schmam.

Warcraft is like 7 year old now

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Yeah, it's pretty long. Average game lifespan is about a year, especially with Arma 3 around the corner!

No!! Average time create an iteration of a franchise is a year...because all they do is add one or two new features and update the game with new models, textures, maps and sounds.

A game from scratch, would take a good 3-5 years for a decent game. DayZ is going to be in Alpha for a looong time as theres a lot that they can add, and fiddle around with. Even then, a lot of the stuff they want to do, can't be done as a mod, but will be able to do as a separate release. Even then, does it matter? It's a fully working released alpha, which in itself is rare to be open to the public and in as good, working conidition as DayZ is.

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