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50% reduced sound theory

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Now I'm not totally sure but I've come to a theory about the reduced sound behind objects, as we know if you fire a gun in a town you are bound to pull aggro on something. But my theory is that since the sound got reduced behind objects by 50% does this affect gunfire? I know it affects player sounds but I had an encounter where I pulled aggro on a zed and ran into a brick building so I can deal with it if more zeds got pulled as well. I took out the zed no prob with my 1911 and didn't seem to pull more aggro from the zeds wandering around the house across the street?

Any thoughts on this subject?

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Yeah, seems guns don't pull that many zombies any more for me. I usually can get away with firing, then a zombie won't be aggroed from like 10m from me, there's something wrong for sure; I'm just not sure exactly what causes it.

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It definitely effects gunfire. Part of my play style now involves heading in doors when I pull a zombie and just picking him off with others not even noticing. I think the intention of the wall dampening of sound was to prevent footsteps from unnecessarily aggroing zombies outside, but it seems to be applied to weapons too. I think I honestly feel ok with that though considering the changes to vision aggression.

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It definitely effects gunfire. Part of my play style now involves heading in doors when I pull a zombie and just picking him off with others not even noticing. I think the intention of the wall dampening of sound was to prevent footsteps from unnecessarily aggroing zombies outside, but it seems to be applied to weapons too. I think I honestly feel ok with that though considering the changes to vision aggression.

It does feel justified, now the only real test remains. We are in need of a brave soul to head into a big city and fire an Enfield from inside abuilding and tell us if he pulled the entire town or just a couple blocks.

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Thing is, the only thing i have worried about shooting my primary(loud) weapon is not pulling any more zeds( before and after the patch) but it was that i could attract other people. If i was on a low populated server, i would probably always use my primary s i find it more fun to use.

Actually, i was running to nwaf and heard gunshots to my right, went to investigate and there was a heli crash near a town( i would have not seen it without that shot)

I could clearly see nvgs at the heli and the guy shooting seemed to not know the heli was here, i waited for a good 5 minutes( and seen that guy disconnect 2 or 3 times cause of the zeds haha ) and after getting annoyed i ran to it and grabbed the nvgs, good times.

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I aggro'd one last night and ran into a building to dispense of it using a Winchester. Plenty of z's heard the shot and came after me too. So no, I don't think it has changed that much.

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