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Waiting for host

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Hello everyone,

2 days ago i finaly bought this game after long harrasement from my friend. After a long and hard search for a server that had little lagg we played a few hours and i loved it. So today i wanted to play again but every server ive joined gets me at "waiting for host" ive tried atleast 20 servers and they all give me the warning. Any idea's how to fix this? I updated dayz and arma2 so it schouldnt be out of date. I use day Z commander to find servers ect.

Please help

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Happens to everyone. Leave the server that it's happening on and find a new server. It's really the only fix as of right now.

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Happens to everyone. Leave the server that it's happening on and find a new server. It's really the only fix as of right now.

No its not like that i have been looking for a good server for hours now, it just loads the tank loading screen and then goes to wait for host. on every server i know this isnt normal

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do you have the new patch what beta patch are u using?? are u using the 6 launcher or ingame server list?

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do you have the new patch what beta patch are u using?? are u using the 6 launcher or ingame server list?

Yes i am playing on, im playing on 94876 yes i use 6 launcher to update ect

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try and use the in game multi-player server list see if all the icons on the far left are red x's if they are then try re installing the beta version?

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or make sure that the version 1.6x is the same as the servers you are trying to connect to

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I've been getting this same problem just now after updating to and the latest arma beta patch. This is not your typical connecting to server lagging. I don't even get to the initial screen that lists the players on the server and their pings. As soon as I dbl-click on a server from the browser (using in-game steam browser) I get stuck on "Wait for Host"

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Filter for your exact beta patch and DayZ versions. I know the betas are supposed to be backward compatible, but I get the loading/waiting error every time I have a version mismatch.

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I had 94945 installed when I was getting the error. I reverted back to 94876 and everything is fine.

The exact same case here. I updated to 94945 earlier today and proceeded to get waiting for host messages on literally ever server I tried. It was around 15 or 20 servers, at least half of which were actually on the correct beta/DayZ. After reverting back to 94876 (well, updating actually, since my previous version was 94444) the first server I joined worked.

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