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Enfield or Winchester?

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Enfield EVERY time, I can headshot at 300 metres(I have low visibility, can't hit much further) and it's powerful as hell, everyone saying bout it being too loud, LERN2SIDEARM, I only use my primary for engaging players.

Although, Winchester can be quite good, it can be lethal at a fair range too, 150 metres maybe.

Edited by Parrin

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Einfeld is about 12k dmg. Winchester is nowhere near that.

Only thing that comes near Einfeld in damage is AS50 and M107 sniper rifles.

Edited by marik

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I prefer the Winchester. Lots of ammo because you can turn any shotgun ammo into Winchester ammo, it's a lot quieter for my own safety, it does pretty good damage (better than a single shot of an AK74), and has a range that is good enough unless you're planning on going and hunting players. And even then, I've taken out geared players with ALICE packs and M16s using only a Winchester. Having more ammo, having a quieter gun that still does good damage, etc. all are good because you're only going to have the Winchester or Enfield when you're just starting out and haven't found any military guns yet. The range doesn't matter, because most likely you're going to be using it under 100m to pick off any zombies that might be in the way of the next deer stand, where you'll find an M16 or AKM which will blow either gun out of the water.

Edited by Old Ham

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I prefer the Winchester. Lots of ammo because you can turn any shotgun ammo into Winchester ammo, it's a lot quieter for my own safety, it does pretty good damage (better than a single shot of an AK74), and has a range that is good enough unless you're planning on going and hunting players. Having more ammo, having a quieter gun that still does good damage, etc. all are good because you're only going to have the Winchester or Enfield when you're just starting out and haven't found any military guns yet. The range doesn't matter, because most likely you're going to be using it under 100m to pick off any zombies that might be in the way of the next deer stand, where you'll find an M16 or AKM which will blow either gun out of the water.

You should check your facts. You can't convert Winchester slugs. I still don't understand why the Winchester in-game is a shotgun at all.

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I'd prefer Winchester, but like today, I found an Enfield and I picked it up because I was running low on PDW ammo. I went to loot another barn and found a Double Barrel Shotgun, gave up the Enfield in an instant.

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Enfield is one of the most powerful guns in game.

It's 1 hit kill or 1 hit knock out every time.

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I'd prefer Winchester, but like today, I found an Enfield and I picked it up because I was running low on PDW ammo. I went to loot another barn and found a Double Barrel Shotgun, gave up the Enfield in an instant.

I have to hear the logic behind taking a Double-Barrel over an Enfield

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I have extremely bad luck with the enfield. I had been in a barn, my Makarov out of ammo, and I needed something to kill the zeds with, or I'd be dead. I killed all the zeds I had aggro'd and as I was leaving the barn, my legs broke, I passed out, and I died from blood loss.

Another time I had an Enfield in probably Balota. I next to a barn, and I had heard gunshots. I naturally take shelter in the barn and try to wait out the fight. Turns out the fight was taking place in the barn I was in. Next time when I see a fresh dead body, I'll think twice about running into a building.

Anyway, I say Winchester. I'll even say the DB Shotgun is better than that cursed thing.

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I have extremely bad luck with the enfield. I had been in a barn, my Makarov out of ammo, and I needed something to kill the zeds with, or I'd be dead. I killed all the zeds I had aggro'd and as I was leaving the barn, my legs broke, I passed out, and I died from blood loss.

Another time I had an Enfield in probably Balota. I next to a barn, and I had heard gunshots. I naturally take shelter in the barn and try to wait out the fight. Turns out the fight was taking place in the barn I was in. Next time when I see a fresh dead body, I'll think twice about running into a building.

Anyway, I say Winchester. I'll even say the DB Shotgun is better than that cursed thing.

Having an enfield always makes me run into places and have bad luck.

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Enfield. Ten rounds of beautiful .303 with at least an effective distance of 400 meters. Is it a dinner bell? Why yes, it is, but it's also a bell that tolls for the lives of the poor survivors that just made the mistake of crossing me and opening fire. Besides, ammo is so common for this thing I can keep firing 'till the cows come home. I think I once cleared Elektro with an Enfield, two times. Or three. Couldn't count over the mound of Zed bodies at my doorstep. I even named it after my girlfriend, so I can claim that the rifle is as loud as its namesake.

Of course, I now resort to using a sidearm after displacing from where I shot the Enfield. Sniping 101. Besides, Winchester is a rifle in real life. Until they rectify that mistake in game, I'm not touching it.

Edited by SGTFledge
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Enfield is 1-shot-kill, but it is loud, audible to 234m according to DayZ DB. Hence the name Dinner Bell.

Use Winchester instead.

But next time I'm dead and respawn, I'll find an enfield for shits and giggles :D

Edited by Private Poptarts

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Enfield. Ten rounds of beautiful .303 with at least an effective distance of 400 meters. Is it a dinner bell? Why yes, it is, but it's also a bell that tolls for the lives of the poor survivors that just made the mistake of crossing me and opening fire. Besides, ammo is so common for this thing I can keep firing 'till the cows come home. I think I once cleared Elektro with an Enfield, two times. Or three. Couldn't count over the mound of Zed bodies at my doorstep. I even named it after my girlfriend, so I can claim that the rifle is as loud as its namesake.

Of course, I now resort to using a sidearm after displacing from where I shot the Enfield. Sniping 101. Besides, Winchester is a rifle in real life. Until they rectify that mistake in game, I'm not touching it.

I love you

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Welp, I've now come across a CZ and picked that up instead. If I'm going to take a shot at raiding NWAF, I figure I ought to be prepared for my first sniper battle.

I'm scared :(

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The Enfield is loud, yes, but it saved my life once in a very dangerous situation. A bandit had just killed off four of my friends with an M107, and I was standing in the woods, trying to locate the murderer. Suddenly he pops up behind a tree 200 meters away, aiming at me. Let's put it this way: He didn't get to keep his M107.

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This will be an eternal debate.

I personally prefer the Winchester because it is quieter yet still very accurate at up to 200m.

The Lee Enfield is accurate to 400m and more powerful, but it is very, very loud.

Ammunition is plentiful for both so that's not a concern.

My advice is that if you expect to engage players, take the Lee Enfield; but if you're planning to stick mostly to zombies for now, take the Winchester.

On point, although I usually find more Enfield ammo than Winchester. Enfield is great if you like to party hard.

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enfield all the way. huge stopping power, good range, good accuracy. winchester is for when you are new spawned and it's the first thing you find.

your primary gun is for PLAYERS ONLY. use your pistol for zombies. seriously. find a 1911 or revolver and you are golden. even a makarov is fantastic for killing them (make sure its headshots with the macaroni tho) when you aggro a zombie just get up and start sprinting. if there is a forest nearby or the right buildings you can just lose them. if there is a building that is large enough you can go inside and shoot them in the head as they file in. any sort of stairwell works for this too. you can even use a hill for this in a pinch, just zigzag run up it, and either lose them or turn around and kill them.

DONT use a shed or small building to fight zombies, they will just hit you/walk through the walls. the brown houses are about the smallest you want to fight zombies in. pink and red houses are good, as are apartments of all types. anything bigger is almost always good, but make sure you watch alternate entrances.

again, enfield enfield enfield. it's actually a really terrific gun.

(edit) p.s. you don't need to carry around a bajillion clips of ammo either. remember, your primary is for players. even in an extended firefight you probably wont go through more than 3-4 mags. enfield ammo is super plentiful too, so you can hit up a barn or house or whatever anytime to re-up if you are getting low.

Edited by StoneColdSteve

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