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Enfield or Winchester?

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Quick question. I'm a newer player and am not sure which gun is better.

I have a Winchester with about 45 slugs. I've found an Enfield with maybe 3-4 clips.

I'm making my way steadily north for better loot but, in the meantime, which should I choose? Thanks.

Edited for typos.

Edited by Zexis

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This will be an eternal debate.

I personally prefer the Winchester because it is quieter yet still very accurate at up to 200m.

The Lee Enfield is accurate to 400m and more powerful, but it is very, very loud.

Ammunition is plentiful for both so that's not a concern.

My advice is that if you expect to engage players, take the Lee Enfield; but if you're planning to stick mostly to zombies for now, take the Winchester.

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Winchester. Fire an Enfield and you're dead.

Unless you're inside and you have enough bullets.

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Unless you're inside and you have enough bullets.

Naw, not really. The zombies will spawn back until you're all out of ammo and then they eat you.

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I would say Winchester, I used the Enfield when I first started. Lets just say I ran out of ammo before I ran out of Zeds to kill.

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Winchester is better, in my opinion, because the Enfield is a dinner bell that announces your position to every zombie (and player) in the area. However, this is coming from someone who barely touches either gun before getting a military weapon, which are infinitely better than both.

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I leave the Enfield where it is every time. I made the mistake of picking it up once and once only. The winchester, however, is a good gun.

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Winchester for me every time. That damn Enfield will waste you more time than it saves since every shot requires a further 10-15 bullets used to kill the zombies it aggros.

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I love the Enfield. But yes, it's way too loud. Pretty satisfying though. I use it as an early pick up for searching deerstands to get a better weapon. You can snipe the zeds then grab the loot and run.

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Winchester hands down for me. Its a solid gun that can be usefull in the most situations.

If you want to hunt players for the lulz get the Enfield, but they will take it from your cold dead hands soon ^^

Am I the only one who thinks assault rifles and other high grade guns are much to common in the game? Not to talk about the hills of amunition. I think reducing both would add to the fun.

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I prefer to have the enfield and use a sidearm for zombies.

This. Exactly this. Why anybody takes a primary for zombies baffles me.

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Enfield. It is a one-shot no matter what. It's basically a .50 cal without a scope. It's not loud when indoors. You will be thankful you have the enfield when you have a long-range fight. The lee is also very easy to use at close range, so its a win-win. Use the m1911 or magnum for zeds. NEVER use lee vs zeds unless you need to. The ammo is also very common. My friend and I have over 200 bullets for this beast.

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winchester is the better one if u ask me. and if you find a revolver PICK IT UP! :D best side gun in the game after the m1911

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Hatchet for zombies. Its a Primary. No trouble finding SD rounds for it either.

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This. Exactly this. Why anybody takes a primary for zombies baffles me.

I try to avoid it, but every now and then I'll aggro a zed out in the middle of nowhere with no indoor cover. It's easier to whirl around and take a potshot with a shotty than to spray an entire clip of my sidearm.

I guess my main concern is that as I head towards Stary, it's more likely that I'll find players. And with my less than stellar laptop and its accompanying lag, PvP can be tricky for me.

Edited by Zexis

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The winchester is still a very apt gun for killing players, as often I've been hit by it once in the body, or shot someone once in the chest at medium range and had them keel over and die. It's powerful due to its use of slugs, and its quietness is definitely a bonus. The enfield is ridiculously powerful against players, but like everyone and their mother knows, if you shoot it within a 150 mile radius of a town, you will quickly observe a hungry zombie convention taking place on your face.

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I try to avoid it, but every now and then I'll aggro a zed out in the middle of nowhere with no indoor cover. It's easier to whirl around and take a potshot with a shotty than to spray an entire clip of my sidearm.

I guess my main concern is that as I head towards Stary, it's more likely that I'll find players. And with my less than stellar laptop and its accompanying lag, PvP can be tricky for me.

Shooting a shotgun outdoors is more likely to aggro more zombies, that's why I prefer to use a sidearm, even if I miss a couple of times.

I also play on a laptop, and that's precisely why I prefer the Enfield. For me to win a PvP fight I need to get the drop on someone, and be able to take them down in one hit. Winning a shootout is tough on a laptop.

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Enfield gained a few usability points with reduced sound indoors. Some people don't seem to realize this.

Edited by Wulfear

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