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Zombies or Gun shots in town?

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What scares you more in town Zombies walking around or the gun shots you hear coming from some where in town .

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Gunshots. Zombies I can deal with, it's the players that shoot back.

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Gunshots. Zombies I can deal with, it's the players that shoot back.

Ha i agree i hear a gun shot in town and it freezes me in my tracks. But for somereason i feel the need to go and find those gun shots for some reason Edited by shazbot04

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I only go towards the gunshots if I can tell it's not a group there. Also if I hear a .50 CAL or something, I run the opposite way.

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Zombies. Two words: aggro range. Whenever I hear shooting, it feels good to know someone else drawing the walking trouble causers elsewhere. Altho gunshots dont attract zombies so well, he might just be running from the zombies, which attracts attention.

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Hearing gunshots after going days without seeing a single person really makes me nervous Great feeling!

I miss playing DayZ :(

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Like I said in another thread, the new zombie aggro mechanics forced my friend and me to light up a big town, and I think everyone left. But yes, shots typically point me in the opposite direction, or at least move further away so I can get a good point to scope it out.

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gunshots deffinetly :) but being hunted at night by a zombie you cannot see because it is to dark and you have to run into the woods because you gotta neutralize it and the forrest is even darker isnt a great feeling either :D but gunshots are scarier

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Definantly Gunshots. Darting around with a hatchet in Cherno/Elektro, no zombies can stop me.

Hear gunshots, dart into an alley and just start repeating "Game over man, game over."

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When I see zombies, yeah fine just avoid them or kill them. When I hear a Sniper shot, RUN FOR THE HILLS!

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Zombies are just a nuisance if i have a weapon, pain if don't. Gunshots are far more threatening depending on the sound of the shot, if i hear the whizz from it barely missing me, i bolt but if it's in the distance i investigate to see if i'm shooting a bandit or helping a newbie or survivor.

Gunshots are much more scary. Sniper shots mean get the hell out of dodge.

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Depends on the shots... Continual blasting is likely to be another player fending off zeds... I keep an eye open at the direction, but am seldom worried.

One shot of a sniper rifle like the M107, M14/DMR or even an Enfield and my ears perk up, while I duck down becoming all rabbit-like.

The most disturbing sounds however are these guttural moaning and gurgling zeds! Especially on a moonless night when you know your surrounded by them, but can't even see the gun your holding

Edited by ScramUK

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