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Installed latest Beta Patch, but version won't update

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I've done a lot of lurking the forums on BI and here in hopes to find help, but nobody else seems to have ever had this issue. For the most part I download the latest Beta Patch (94945) and install it, the installation goes just fine and I click "ok" after it finishes. When I launch ArmA 2: Combined Operations (DayZ) in the lower right corner it still shows me at Beta Patch 94444. I tested this on both my laptop (trying to install 94945) and my desktop (trying to install 94876). Laptop is trying to go from 94444 > 94945 and desktop is trying to go from 94700 > 94876 so clearly it isn't an issue with the Beta Patches themselves. I have the latest DayZ update but the beta patches are causing me hell right now. I have redownloaded them multiple times as well.

Thanks guys!

Edited by Freekill0

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you probably forgot to copy and replace the "arma2oa.exe" from the main arma OA folder with the one in the ...\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\... folder?

that's what I initially forgot anyways

Edited by zoidish

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If you're launching it through Steam, you have to overwrite the original .exe with the Beta .exe.

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Yeah, literally right after posting this I was like "oh wait a minute, if this is the issue I am going to feel really dumb" Fixed it, forgot to copy paste the new beta file! We all have those moments... Thanks guys.

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