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[US-East] Looking for people/group/clan/team or wrecking crew

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Just got this game last night but been playing FPS's for over a decade. Played CS1.6, CS:S, COD1 & COD4 competitively. Last run, I was making my way up to NW Airfield. Stocked up at Stary Sobor then ran to Kabanino before getting shot in the head by what I assume was a bandit. Looking for a few people to group with to help prevent this from happening again, haha...

Reply or add me on steam if you're interested.


Also, I can host a mumble / teamspeak 3 server if needed.

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Hey dude, I too want to start a small squad. I havent played for too long and I play in US east. I tried getting you on steam but for some reason it doesnt find you as tweakstur. Let me know if you are interested by messaging me on this forum!

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Hey I'm in US east too, I'm a relatively experienced player & I hate bandits too! Haha add me on steam if you're interested in playing together sometime: Skrubs

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Pickals here! Looking for team also. I usually use skype but anything works for me. Im 18 and US east. My skype is Pickalss and my steam is Pickals1

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Teamspeak 3 server:

Getting a group started now, feel free to join up.

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Few of us are meeting up at Zub Castle in about 30 - 60 minutes for round 2. Make your way there then join us on TS3.

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