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Altering Z by influencing PVP

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Hello dear friends,

I play DayZ for a while, and from the start one thought haunts my mind and I gues for many of you too.

Forum is talking about the game to be reflecting reality, I gues msiter Rocket is trying not to go too far from it.

PvP is not a problem, while it is reasonable, as you can find it now - it is not... Trying to solve this problem, dev is trying to alter some parts of the mod, forgeting the key aprt of it - Z.

With all respect to dev's and you guys, my suggestion would look like this:

- Z's should run in straight lines to player from their starting position. Now they are running in zigzags, which seems ridiculously and it is unfounded. Why sould they run like this? As a primitive hunter you take straight line to you prey. Do they lost theyr mind - yes. But primal instinct is intact.

- Make Z's stronger in body - 2 - 3 einfield / shotgun shots to body, may be 1 shot with M1911 to head with 80% succses to to kill (shots to head is far away not fatal to head in real world as you may know). From the start it looks like z's is mind and nervous system is infected, not body. They shoud keep on target ignoring pain, while motor function is intact. With all respect to devs, now they look like butterflies who can see you from miles but can do shit, and thats for they fly to you wobling to look anoyng. And gree dear friends, with arma mechanics, it is very hard to target them moving this way. But it is a show-off, not based on reason...

- Infected sensitivity should remain the same, maybe slightly reduced. They mutters while walking, shaking his head, ranging from side to side, their body does not obey the mind, so if the mind is busy - where such skills? Their mind is muddy after all, not oneself.

So in this way, we have primitive but dangerous machine. That acts naturaly, reasonably, and reflects real human body characteristics.

With these z's around, I would be counting every bullet, every round. I would understand, that every shot i am waisting on PvP will be missing when I'll agro couple of zeds. We dont need thousand zeds anoyingly flying around that hits our pc's hard, i think we need few (the same we get now) that does more.

What about shooting players to get ammo - well ok, you can try your luck, and find 10 rounds of some ammo, bout youll have to waste them on z 's you agro doing this, as they are stronger now.

Maybe this will not kill pvp, but will add some balance to mod, that is missing at the time.

Once i was on roof of office watching some dude shooting noobs. He shoots one guy, then takes makarov and shoots 2 or 5 z that agros and comes to himg and this again and again. In my way, he would be so in triouble, alone, traying to deffend him self from these 2 zombies that can take makarov mag and still could move!

Dont make this game harder accompany to buggy arma engine, like buggy interactions or making you to stand up entering the haus, make it hardert at its hey - infection.

And yes, one more, whats with the 1200 of blood, why? We have 5 liters of blood, and it is 5000 of something. So at 2000 you should be so in trouble... Blood transfusion should restore max 1000, and food in a day or two should do the same.

Sorry for my english, it is not my native.



Edited by Uno
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Making Zeds harder to kill than players? That makes people want to avoid them more. Since this won't really happen (them being able to successfully ignore all the Zeds), I think it's nice. If they can really improve on melee weapons in Day Zed, this might hurt your suggestion but not significantly. And when they do develop melee weapons, things will get interesting.

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Yes, but Zeds is not as smart as players are, they dont shoot you back. This will make you team up, to do safer rades on loot.

Melee should do more damage. We miss balance here too.

And two more - mens normal temperature is not 42, it is 37. Tehy should fix this one too. And zeds spawn too fast, they should be off for 2-4 min after killed, while with my suggestion they are harder to kill.

I remmember when I and mate where swarmed in supermarket, it was nothing to deal with. I shot 30 z and my mate did the same. Whe had ammo, but zeds where broken. So there was no thrill or comon sence. If we had less zombies but them being stronger - that would be dif story.

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Don't make them be less than they are now. If anything, we need just a little bit more.

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Don't make them be less than they are now. If anything, we need just a little bit more.

Yes mate, but no of this stupid zig zag running.

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Yes mate, but no of this stupid zig zag running.

That's only because they can only move in 4 directions. We can move from 8-16.

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That's only because they can only move in 4 directions. We can move from 8-16.

Check this one mate, they are tend to move here in more straight lines:

Edited by Uno

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The zigzagging happens because of the pathfinding in arma. In the video you posted the animations are slower which leeds to seemingly smoother paths to the player I think.

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The AI pathfinding sucks so much ass they basically need to fix it before they can do anything regarding zombie difficulty/speed.

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Agreed, and concrete walls or fences dont do mutch for them.

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Check this one mate, they are tend to move here in more straight lines:

I try it.

I like this.

3 hits from zombies and you are dead. They run slower and only minor zigzaging.

No bleeding but you know 3th hit kill you for good.

After moping hordes of zombies in DayZ this is actually great.

Holy mother this system is much better than blood system.

You can use bandages to patch yourself but still.

Tell me when last time you were afraid of 3 zombies?

In DayZ they are retarded deaf and weak like flies. You only died to them because you make a mistakes. A lot of them.

In this. They are danger. They can easily kill you.

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I try it.

I like this.

3 hits from zombies and you are dead. They run slower and only minor zigzaging.

No bleeding but you know 3th hit kill you for good.

After moping hordes of zombies in DayZ this is actually great.

Holy mother this system is much better than blood system.

You can use bandages to patch yourself but still.

Tell me when last time you were afraid of 3 zombies?

In DayZ they are retarded deaf and weak like flies. You only died to them because you make a mistakes. A lot of them.

In this. They are danger. They can easily kill you.

Woah, woah, woah, woah.... no. 3 hits? 3? Remember when you start out with no weapons? If 1 zombie sees you, he can kill you then, and in well under 5 seconds. If a zombie runs up to you when you're on the ground, dead. If they run at you from different directions, dead. And attracting them isn't even mistakes. It's how the game works. Sometimes it's inevitable.

This is too far. This is DayZed, not baseball.

Another solution can be found without being this radical. Sorry, but this just wouldn't be fun. It would be stressful.

Edited by OW22
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3 hits yeas but there is no bleeding and zombies are slower and not that crazy zigzaging. So you can actually aimm and shoot them on when they coming.

With the latest DayZ patch zombies see well but its easy to lost them and they are deaf like rock.

Melee weapons will be high risk. Maybe if their reach were longer than Zeds and 1 hit it will make melee still viable against single target.

But these form of infected will actually force survivors to cooperate to get supplies or stuff.

Especially if better loot spawn will be heavier guarded.

Now its just too easy.

If you know what to do you can avoid all zombies and even spotted just lost them.

With zombies becoming a real threat and better loot spawn points heavy infected by them we will see hopefully a more cooperation.

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3 hits yeas but there is no bleeding and zombies are slower and not that crazy zigzaging. So you can actually aimm and shoot them on when they coming.

With the latest DayZ patch zombies see well but its easy to lost them and they are deaf like rock.

Melee weapons will be high risk. Maybe if their reach were longer than Zeds and 1 hit it will make melee still viable against single target.

But these form of infected will actually force survivors to cooperate to get supplies or stuff.

Especially if better loot spawn will be heavier guarded.

Now its just too easy.

If you know what to do you can avoid all zombies and even spotted just lost them.

With zombies becoming a real threat and better loot spawn points heavy infected by them we will see hopefully a more cooperation.

The problem is you're forcing people to cooperate. DayZed is supposed to support single survivors being able to survive on their own. If you want cooperation, then YOU need to do something. Rocket has given you the tools, and now you and your community need to step up. Hunt down the murderers. Start handing out supplies. Do something.

Or... make a group so far spread and incredibly powerful people will team up so they won't be destroyed by your might.

It's up to us to change how this game plays. You can't do everything just by changing the mechanics.

Edited by OW22

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The lone survivors should be have high chance for getting supplies from low infected areas or from hunting.

Like now.

Problem is that most of the people just rush Stary Sobor or Cherno/Electro or Airfield to get big guns.

High rewards->high risk.

Now you don't need skill or firepower to get high tech stuff.

Just run grab things leave(if campers don't shoot you). 1/2 to 2 hours you are fully equipped.

But with these high danger infected and with higher infected population on high rewarding zones you need group or high skill to get big rewards.

Surviving alone shouldn't be really much harder just getting better stuff will be more risky.

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Fair enough, but 3 hits and dead is too harsh anyway. And getting rid of bleeding wouldn't be as much fun. Remember when you didn't start with a gun and constant death messages went across the screen? Making zeds kill in 3 hits will make that happen at a larger scale and have a lot longer lasting effect.

Edited by OW22

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Yeah 3 hits is probably too less. 6 will be better. It still will make you think before engaging zombies. with some nasty effects when you get wounded(like in current system).

Remove food healing effect and let medical supplies patch you.

Like bandages patching one of the wound with animation, painkillers remove pain effect and heal one wound(short animation) and morphine fix three wounds remove pain and fix bones(long animation). This way medical supplies will become even more important.

I always take blood loss as extensive pain and shock - the wound who don't kill you but can hinder your mobility and awareness.

Weapon damage will not really change but zombie resistance for body shots should increase.

With infected slower and less zigzaging but more resistant and dangerous head shots become a main way to dispatch them(especially with scarce ammo and fixed unlimited ammo bug).

Zombies on the other side shouldn't break your bones - it should be reserved for leg shoots or falling from heights.

Anyway zombie in current state arent really dangerous you can actually tank them when other survivor mop them with axe.

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Once i was on roof of office watching some dude shooting noobs. He shoots one guy, then takes makarov and shoots 2 or 5 z that agros and comes to himg and this again and again. In my way, he would be so in triouble, alone, traying to deffend him self from these 2 zombies that can take makarov mag and still could move!

Dont make this game harder accompany to buggy arma engine, like buggy interactions or making you to stand up entering the haus, make it hardert at its hey - infection.

And yes, one more, whats with the 1200 of blood, why? We have 5 liters of blood, and it is 5000 of something. So at 2000 you should be so in trouble... Blood transfusion should restore max 1000, and food in a day or two should do the same.

I agree zombies should be more deadly in groups.

And he's right about the blood thing. 12L is too much for realism. Those Blood Bags have 1.5L tops by the look of it.

Though this would change a lot of current mechanics in game.

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I'd go with 8 hits. 2 for mistakes, 6 for everything else. As for bullet damage... it could stand to be a little higher, but I don't know. I think testing it to make 1 shot k.o. guns need 1.5 hits might be interesting. And of course increase the hits needed to kill for all the other guns by that ratio according to their damage. Headshots shouldn't change that much, though. If the bullet destroys the brain then the Zed should die. If it doesn't destroy the brain, have them us another.

If rocket does this, it'd have to be an experiment. Who knows? He may already have done it already.

Edited by OW22

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Tell me when last time you were afraid of 3 zombies?

The day I realized 3 zombies means 3 gunshots which means 3 chances for a player in the area to get a bead on me, move in and take me out. Terrifying, really.

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The day I realized 3 zombies means 3 gunshots which means 3 chances for a player in the area to get a bead on me, move in and take me out. Terrifying, really.


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There shouldnt be no 2 or 3 hit counter. Z shoud be stronger, run straight and dot act like buterflies. They should take 2-3 M1911 shots or makarov mag to kill. Thats it, try this and you will see it is working.

Simple example - you will not see very noob in cherno (smar noob not like 10y o kid) shooting zombies - becouse he is fucking afraid of zeds to agro and for players to hear shooting, he will run or hide or try to avoid in all costs but not to shoot.

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We.ve won guys - they have nerfed the guns!

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