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My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

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a sneak peak of episode 2.

still work in progress so its a raw version.

finally found the music im going to use. difficult to find music for a good sequel.

and to make a good or better one. but ill give it a shot.

hans zimmer- time

with a extra sound/speech layer from: the great dictator-charlie chaplin. love that speech.

Edited by kleutscher

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longer work in progress.

last work in progress im going to post till final version.

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Very nice video.

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That's very cool!

It's funny how in these two and half minutes I connected with the survivor perfectly well and was hoping he could find a helicopter or even a plane to get out of that God forsaken place and find healthy civilization, shame but that would be probably reality (and the game itself) you survive the toughest (zombies) and you get killed by your own race over greed and fear.

Once again, Amazing, earned a sub on youtube and I opened my last can of beans for you, deserved it :beans: ;)

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Great stuff you have there kleutscher. The beginning of the video where the guy walks up to the city infested with zombies and the camera panning out to give an overall view of the city, reminds me of the scene in I am legend when Will Smith was hunting the deer in Times Square. Look forward to more videos bro

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thanks for the beans, enough to survive for a while :)

@snafu, nice to hear that you worried about the guy:), now going to try to achieve the same with episode 2, more difficult becouse its a group, and one of them shot the poor guy.

@sneaky that shot was inspired by that scene of i am legend, cool that you noticed it:)

Edited by kleutscher

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Hi mate again

when im adding the units the zombie has a green line connecting the zombie to the player, i guess this is to follow him or something

the problem is the zombie are always overtaking the civilian

how to keep the zombies behind following the civilian?

any help appreciated

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The green line means that he is grouped to the unit(in this case the civillian).

You dont want to have that. Make 2 groups. one civilian(s) and one zombie(s)

How to do that:

When the zombie is attached to the civ. Press F2 (groups) click the zombie and hold left mouse and slide away from the zombie.

This way you unlink the zombie.

To attach units to each other. It works the same way.

F2(groups) left click and hold and slide to the unit you want to attach to.

Give the leader of the group an higher rank in unit setup(F1) lower ranks will follow him.

This doesnt work with zombies. Every zombies needs to be a own group with own waypoints.

Else they dont walk or run. and stay in place. still trying to fix this and find a workaround so they can be grouped.

Had the same problem with the zombies overtaking the civ. How i fixed this. I didnt :)

I knew where i wanted to shoot the scene, from wich point.

Then i gave the civ a headstart placed the zombies further away. Tweaking this so at the point where i wanted to shoot the scene the zombies just didnt overtake the Civ.

Other way you can slow down zombies is to make a couple of waypoint to the destination. At every waypoint they stop for a moment. but that just look weird.

Hope you understand, My english isnt that good :)

Edited by kleutscher

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Could someone check this.

in the editor since the update i cant find by F1 unit> side, "Game logic and Empty" only blufor, opfor, independent civilian and ambient life.

Did they delete those two with the latest update?

found a workaround to get those back by opening old saved scenes.

Would be a shame for others who wanted to play around with the editor to create their movie.

Becouse in "Empty" you could find all the other objects like, cars, props, bodies, structures etc etc.

edit: its important you start the editor from DayZ.

Edited by kleutscher

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no problem.

i'm curious at your movie.

if you have any other problems with the editor, let me hear.

also still learning the editor the possibilities are so massive:)

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this is how it has to be! more cars! cars everywhere

really badass! keep it up!

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More vehicles.

And make fuel and parts more rare.

And parts based on types of vehicles.

Edited by kleutscher

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2nd film much better than the first. great speach, what is it taken from?

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Its from: Charlie chaplin, the great dictator

Music: hans zimmer , time

Edited by kleutscher

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Thanks, hope to finish episode 2 tomorrow.

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Released episode 2.

posted in opening post.

Edited by kleutscher

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Episode 1 & 2 easier to watch.

Edited by kleutscher

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Great work Kleutsher!!!<br /><br />Looking forward to eps 3 <br /><br />The music was great, are you going to continue on with it past 3 episodes? Or are you going to do another story? The only thing I would do different is adding blood splatters when the characters get shot, like a pool of blood pouring out of the survivor when he got sniped at the NW airfield, I can help you with that, if you are interested, just pm me. <br /><br />How much time does it take you to do one episode?<br />And what apps do you use?<br /><br />I am also making a movie with the editor, I wrote the script for it and I was wondering if I can ask a few questions if i cant find it when i google it? The tutorials you posted are a great help BTW. <br /><br />Keep up the awesome work!

Edited by nnuu
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Great work Kleutsher!!!<br /><br />Looking forward to eps 3 <br /><br />The music was great, are you going to continue on with it past 3 episodes? Or are you going to do another story? The only thing I would do different is adding blood splatters when the characters get shot, like a pool of blood pouring out of the survivor when he got sniped at the NW airfield, I can help you with that, if you are interested, just pm me. <br /><br />How much time does it take you to do one episode?<br />And what apps do you use?<br /><br />I am also making a movie with the editor, I wrote the script for it and I was wondering if I can ask a few questions if i cant find it when i google it? The tutorials you posted are a great help BTW. <br /><br />Keep up the awesome work!

think episode 3 will be the last in the series. dont know if im going to make more after that.

Send you a PM.

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Good work Kleutscher! Did you realise after my video that you could use the survivor character? Or why did you choice to use the civilian skins? :)

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Yeah i knew. but i find the survivors a bit to military for the first two episodes. episode 1 was more beginner like, episode 2 teamplay not tactical. episode 3.........

that is why i took the civillian skins.

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Epic! lol.. Just wait we will soon see a full length DayZ Movie..

Im betting $ on it..

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