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Making Smaller towns viable and stopping the shoot on sight mentality

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I dont feel like typing a wall of text and I doubt you feel like reading one so Ill keep this short and sweet


Some of the smaller towns have little to no enterable buildings aka little to no LOOT.

My solution: you know all those destroyed cars DayZ places all over the map? Allow the ability to scroll on one of them and select "Scavenge" or something similar that would do a short animation and then open up a gear menu.

The wrecks could spawn something equivalent to a single Industrial loot spawn or residential loot spawn.


Here is a good way (imo) to stop the KOS mentality almost every player has adopted.

Disclaimer: This suggestion would only work after Aborting / ALT+f4 was fixed

Make players who are killed scream when they die, to justify what Im about to lay down;

Whenever you kill a player, a HUGE zombie hoard is either spawned or attracted (I dont know the specifics on zombies)

25% of the hoard goes for the body of the person you just killed to make killing then quickly looting a body very difficult, and the other 75% come after YOU, the killer.

It could be something as simple as the infected are attracted to the sound of someone in pain (similar to a shark to blood) but they would rather come after the guy thats alive then eat the dead body.

It would hopefully make cities and towns more dangerous on the zombie aspect of things, but make the wilderness (where no zombies could hear the screams of pain) MUCH more dangerous as bandits would be on the prowl.

Please +1/-1! Thanks

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I think they would hear the gunshots better than one man crying out loud. And if a guy would be screaming in pain, the zombies would most likely go for him, not whoever killed him and gave em free meat.

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I think they would hear the gunshots better than one man crying out loud. And if a guy would be screaming in pain, the zombies would most likely go for him, not whoever killed him and gave em free meat.

I feel like you didnt read everything so I will quote what you missed.

It could be something as simple as the infected are attracted to the sound of someone in pain (similar to a shark to blood) but they would rather come after the guy thats alive then eat the dead body.

Edited by wurocket

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Unfortunately i don't think that idea would quite work.Peope would still shoot on sight.Difference would be that they would just run away trough some houses and maybe were unable to loot.People are like that they like to shoot other players.

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Unfortunately i don't think that idea would quite work.Peope would still shoot on sight.Difference would be that they would just run away trough some houses and maybe were unable to loot.People are like that they like to shoot other players.

I understand, however, the VAST majority of all killings that go on in Cherno/Elektro are over loot. There are sometimes dickhead snipers on top of the hospital but what can we really do to prevent that?

Everyones first instinct nowadays is too shoot first think later. If shooting another player in a city brimming with zombies was a near-fatal mistake, hopefully players would start thinking first.

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Bring back global chat, i play on servers with global and i've never encountered a fake friendly regroup.

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It's not the loot they want, they just want to do what they can't do in reality ( with or without zombies ) without consequences : end your miserable virtual life just for the sake of ending it because they have a mental disorder.

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Bring back global chat, i play on servers with global and i've never encountered a fake friendly regroup.

Every time i go to a server that has global chat all i mostly see is spam.

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Bring back global chat, i play on servers with global and i've never encountered a fake friendly regroup.

Thats not what this thread is about, its about that time when you walk into the back of a super market and see a guy with his back turned to you with an AK on his back. You would like that AK but you know if you shoot him you are good as dead from the zombies that would be attracted by the smell of his fresh corpse (or scream or whatever).

You dont have to team up, but you both know you cant kill one another and get away safely, so you make a temporary truce.

Rocket in all his interviews says he wants DayZ to make the player feel something, and I feel these suggestions could do well to stimulate that.

Edited by wurocket

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I'm sorry, but would people stop trying to work around the damn CORE of the mod? The only thing that makes this mod scary, is the player versus player. If everyone was best friends, and we could all meet up in Chernogorsk and drive the party bus to the NW airfield and share the loot, while we all hold hands, there's really no difference between that and regular Arma 2, minus the loot lol. Zombies - - easily gotten around, however, if I go into a town and see zombies aggroed or zombies in general before I get 250m from it, then I know there's a player, and he probably has beans that I want. It's called survival - I don't have water, well I'm sure the player entering the school does. I'm sorry, but that's part of the game. If it weren't for other players, it would be no different than Left 4 Dead.

Besides, it's the same thing as real life, except maybe a little less extreme in real life.

You're not friends with everybody. You don't want to hang out, be buds with everybody, and people are douches. You meet up with someone, they realize you have a good gun, and dammit they want that gun. So they kill you. Was it worth risking it by TRYING to be friends? I don't think so. You can't trust anyone unless you've been with them for a while, or know them prior to playing the game, and that's almost certain. Now, not saying that that's completely true.

For example, if someone is sitting on a hill in Stary, and I see them, they're most likely a threat.So, I'm not going to risk all of my good equipment running out into the open to greet him, and instead, get two bullets in the chest. I think I'll switch roles with him, and end up being the one alive. That's just the fact of a PvP survival game.

This part of the game is necessary, and really the only way to avoid it, is for people to stop being so damn trigger happy. Rocket shouldn't PUNISH you for using a mechanic that he put into the game. Afterall, he made it that way for a reason. He made it so you could kill your best friend if you needed the beans and the canteens. If you needed to break their leg so you could escape the hord of zombies (The Walking Dead reference; Shane, you evil evil man). This is the reason it's so scary, and what sets it apart from most zombie survival games/mods.

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Im not at all suggesting PvP be taken out the game, have you read the thread or are just assuming things?

Im attempting to bring more of the Risk/Reward aspect that Dayz is built on into PvP.

There is currently ZERO risk (not to mention it is boring) in shooting someone in the back of the head with your makorav when you could have interacted with them, each person calculating their next move carefully.

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I read the thread, and you're trying to discourage it. And there's enough risk reward, because if you shoot someone, you've got possibly his friends or other players nearby who are going to be curious as to what's going down in Cherno.

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Suggestion one: Sure, that could work, and could be helpful.

Suggestion two: No, just flat out no. Why should players be punished for playing the game their way? Let's face it, a "huge zombie horde that spawns once you kill another player" is a punishment in whatever way you look at it.

I'm totally getting sick of this. Again, let's go completely backwards on this: Why don't we start punishing players for killing zombies? Every time you kill a zombie, 4 players that are online are randomly spawned next to you with M249's with unlimited ammo. No? Why not?

Yeah it sucks, I'm guessing you made this because you were PK'd in Cherno or whatever, but that's life inside Chenarus. If you can't take it, don't play it. Maybe next time you'll be the one that gets the drop on them.

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I read the thread, and you're trying to discourage it. And there's enough risk reward, because if you shoot someone, you've got possibly his friends or other players nearby who are going to be curious as to what's going down in Cherno.

Im not at all discouraging PVP, I am simply making way for other ways of interaction between strangers that isn't one killing the other.

Believe or not, dude, this game was not intended to be a death match.

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Suggestion one: Sure, that could work, and could be helpful.

Suggestion two: No, just flat out no. Why should players be punished for playing the game their way? Let's face it, a "huge zombie horde that spawns once you kill another player" is a punishment in whatever way you look at it.

I'm totally getting sick of this. Again, let's go completely backwards on this: Why don't we start punishing players for killing zombies? Every time you kill a zombie, 4 players that are online are randomly spawned next to you with M249's with unlimited ammo. No? Why not?

Yeah it sucks, I'm guessing you made this because you were PK'd in Cherno or whatever, but that's life inside Chenarus. If you can't take it, don't play it. Maybe next time you'll be the one that gets the drop on them.

You simply arent thinking, Im sorry, It isnt at all punishing players for killing others, its making killing players not always the number ONE choice like it is now.

You can kill players without worry in the wilderness, or if you have a open avenue of escape.

Also: for the tad bit at the end, you guessed wrong. (I suggest you re-read what you type before you post to prevent yourself from looking a fool again)

Edited by wurocket

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You're not discouraging it, yet you want a huge horde of zombies to spawn around someone who just killed a player, and you want 75% of the zombies to go after the killer? Explain how that's not discouraging it.

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It's not the loot they want, they just want to do what they can't do in reality ( with or without zombies ) without consequences : end your miserable virtual life just for the sake of ending it because they have a mental disorder.

I'd kill you for a compass. You are both a threat and a hinderence to me, but you compass, water canteens and potental ammunition is a boon.

If I knew you had none of these, I might leave you alone. Unless you looked at me. Then I'd kill you for my safety.

Is that a mental disorder? Self Preservation? Go cut yourself, because in your mind anyone reeling from the pain must have a mental disorder aswell. Not everyone kills for the hell of it. Starving people value their life over yours and will kill you for food. Same with people with broken legs, bleeding people, or those that are terrified due to their last not-so-friendly encounter with players. Human nature, the side many don't see and in turn tend to ignore.

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I agree about making the small towns have some interesting stuffs.

As for the shoot on sight it's a social thing and Rocket already stated he isn't going to push any behavior 'tuning' on the players. We as a player base only get what we deserve in this regard.

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You're not discouraging it, yet you want a huge horde of zombies to spawn around someone who just killed a player, and you want 75% of the zombies to go after the killer? Explain how that's not discouraging it.


Its not "Punishing" players you dolt.

Its bringing more challenge to killing players in larger towns + cities (where most close quarters player interactions occur)

Your not using logic, if your mom asks you to take out the trash, is she punishing you?

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You simply arent thinking, Im sorry, It isnt at all punishing players for killing others, its making killing players not always the number ONE choice like it is now.

You can kill players without worry in the wilderness, or if you have a open avenue of escape.

Also: for the tad bit at the end, you guessed wrong. (I suggest you re-read what you type before you post to prevent yourself from looking a fool again)

Hahahaha, please. You're too delusional to see that you're punishing player killing. Please, please for the sake of your topic and credibility; address my suggestion in my previous post. How about we make it more "challenging" - as you put it, (tip toeing around the word punishing) by making it so when you kill a zombie, a horde of random online players are spawned in your direct vicinity all magically armed with M249's that can only damage you. It's not punishing in any way is it? It makes it more challenging!

Also: I'm guessing when someone killed you in Cherno you lost a lot of loot?

Edited by Renkai

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Its not "Punishing" players you dolt.

Its bringing more challenge to killing players in larger towns + cities (where most close quarters player interactions occur)

Your not using logic, if your mom asks you to take out the trash, is she punishing you?

First of all, you quoted me, yet I didn't use the word punish in that particular post. I clearly said "discourage". Sure, I used it in my original post, but that's because you wanted to put players under unfair circumstances because they may have wanted to a.) get food b.) ammo c.) medical supplies d.) they were afraid e.)just felt like it.

Not everyone just kills to get their murders up. I for one, only kill when I have a reason to - ie. I'm threatened or I need supplies.

By the way, your analogy sucks.

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It's connecting the spawning of zombies to the killing of another player, so yes that's called attaching a negative consequence to it you sycophant.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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Hahahaha, please. You're too delusional to see that you're punishing player killing. Please, please for the sake of your topic and credibility; address my suggestion in my previous post. How about we make it more "challenging" - as you put it, (tip toeing around the word punishing) by making it so when you kill a zombie, a horde of random online players are spawned in your direct vicinity all magically armed with M249's that can only damage you. It's not punishing in any way is it? It makes it more challenging!


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So let me just ask, both of you would prefer the entire game to be a death match with zombies? That doesnt seem to be Rockets vision at all.

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So let me just ask, both of you would prefer the entire game to be a death match with zombies? That doesnt seem to be Rockets vision at all.

No, no, no you're not using logic. I want, when I see another player, to turn into a carebear and hug eachother until the end of time. I think you've misunderstood all of our intentions.

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