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Textures and servers?

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In a lot of YouTube videos, the graphics look different / improved?

Are the texture packs? or are these just different settings?

I have a good graphics card (590) 16GB RAM, the game is installed on an SSD and I have a decent i5 processor.

Should I just max everything? Or do you get better results with different settings?

I have a second question about servers, is there a 'good' server lists? or recomended/promoted list?

Thanks for any help

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Are you running Arma 2 Free and Arma 2 OA? I know that arma 2 free has lower texture quality.

And if not that I would just have almost everything maxed on a 590 except shadows but thats just me.

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Thanks, no I have the Full CO bundle from the resent sale.

OK, Ill try maxing it but not the shadows.


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Thanks, no I have the Full CO bundle from the resent sale.

OK, Ill try maxing it but not the shadows.


Check 3D texture resolution in options. It should be 100% (equals yours screen resolution) or higher.

Also if you have Combined Ops only, character models and weapons from BAF and PMC expansions will be low resolution.

I hope that helps.

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Yeah the survivor and camo suits are from PMC. Not sure on anything else? It's about £6 on Steam at the moment

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So if I only have Combined Ops. the textures will be low? I can buy survivor and camo suits? They are part of PMC?

Sorry for so many questions

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Ah but I bought the game from Bohemia, so I would need to buy the expansions from them too. steam seems to require I have the game from them?

OK, I think I get it, just need to buy the PMC pack.

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Yeah, if you buy the PMC pack and install it, it should increase some textures their resolution.

I think BAF expansion also increases textures from some stuff but I am not sure.

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