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Suzie (DayZ)

What gun did you find the first time?

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Road flares. I was on a night server, kept finding them in each and every building. Saw a bandit camping, bricked it, threw a flare at him in the hope it would attract others to attack him while I got away.

It did.

Zeds swarmed him, he died honourably and swiftly. After that, AK, 1911, czech pack, blood packs etc.. all the good stuff most bandits have :lol:

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First longer than 30 minute life I found a Makarov fairly early on. Then I found an AKM in the control tower of an airstrip.

My most recent life (still alive at this point) I found an AKM at a deer stand and then later on I found an M1911. I've also found a CZ which I put in my bag for now, not sure if I should keep it but I figured a sniper could be helpful. I've also seen numerous shotguns that I haven't bothered with since I have the AKM.

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Walked into a barn and had a choice between a Double-Barreled Shotgun, Winchester 1866, and Lee Enfield. I took the Winchester 1866 and then put the Lee Enfield in my backpack... or so I thought since it wasn't on the ground/in my normal inventory. What had happened, however, was since I tried to fit the 10 slot rifle into my 8 slot bag, it fell through an invisible wormhole into the abyss never to be seen again, and I don't realize it till quite a bit later.

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Winchester for me. On a little shack close to a church. Haven't found one since then. :( That was a sweet weapon.

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I like the Winchester, its pretty quiet compared to the usual 'rifles' you find, especially the Double Barrelled Shotgun which attracts half a town on use.

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My first was a crossbow. I loved the silence, but finding the bolts and picking them out of zombie corpses took me a while to learn.

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First gun I ever found was a CZ550 with 0 ammo. Im guessing someone must have left it there after swapping it for something else.

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My 1st gun was a silenced M9, first time playing, just run into some woods, found a deer stand and there it was. I thought it was a crappy shit and I immediately dropped it.

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The first gun I found was a L85A2 AWS, at a heli crash site with some of my friends. Luckily they had weapons to fend off the zombies while I got the rifle and a ghillie suit :D

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CZ 550. I still love that gun to this day. Made my first real attempt alot easier. Optics and firepower all in one.

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I found an M1014, but it only had one shell and ammo for it was rare, so I continued and found a winchester with ammo a minute later.

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First gun? Shotgun double barrel. Didn't use it once. Traded for a winchester, didn't use it. Got an M16, didn't use it. Finally, got a DMR. Scored only about 50 Zed kills in the day I had it, and 3 player kills. Died the next day, and now I'm rolling an AKM.

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