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I think the people playing this mod are mostly nasty mean people. No tactics no team play just spawn kill spawn kill repeat. Ive played OFP Arma and Arma2 and Ive been playing dayz for a while. Its just not enjoyable for most arma2 fans. Its really the nastiest most childish people Ive ever encountered.

If this mod doesn't do something to make these people leave the community, they will achieve the goal they are setting for themselves- to irritate the existing community so bad they stop playing the game all together.

Its the same with any fps game. These "people" find any trick to make it unpleasant to others. they don't care about score, tactics immersion, anything.

9000 new players and not a one of them has anything to offer but grief.

To any of the people im speaking about-

Your dubious achievement of upsetting people is a really sad and pathetic one. Anyone can irritate, and you cannot measure your success. Try doing something like reach a high score or use teamwork to overcome short term and long term goals. Being a sad little bully in a tiny little fishbowl is pathetic.

Now begin hating me with original comments such as "butt hurt" "fag" and "call the waaaaaaaambulance".

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Sooo, out of the thousands of new players, they are all RDMing you?

I haven't been killed in days, then again, I don't sit there and live in Chern or Elektro.

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I'll tell you this then, you've wasted your time writing this post, and made yourself a very nice target for anyone out there who wants to enlarge their e-peen.

to that end, I will tell you to do as many others do. Watch the forums for any developments that interest you, try to remain in the discussion if you care where the game is going, and go play another game that you find enjoyable.

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The problem with posts like these is that it just feeds the machine.

Stop giving the people that are craving attention more attention.

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I agree with the OP. But I also think that most of these people will leave in the next months except if the mods gets more casual.

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A lot of servers are transitioning to a whitelist so....Join a server that isn't populated by idiots.

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I agree 100% OP. I have seen the biggest group of trolls and assfucks ever join Arma 2 in the past month.

And it sucks.

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More like whinehammer, amirite? ;) jk. jk.

I think the real question is: do you think society will become anything less in the event of a real life zombie outbreak? In real life, I'm going to be spawn camping the hell out of newbs... if only for their precious beans...

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don't worry i don't play anymore. too many glitches too many a holes. but if there is a adult group who plays maybe ill have a go. this mod could have been cool but lowest common denominator always wins i guess. if your replying to this thread to argue you can feel confident knowing your part of this group.

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to be fair, most dayz players stick to zombies and never bother touching arma 2.

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More like whinehammer' date=' amirite? ;) jk. jk.

I think the real question is: do you think society will become anything less in the event of a real life zombie outbreak? In real life, I'm going to be spawn camping the hell out of newbs... if only for their precious beans...


id like to see this rl spawn. and what makes you think a zombie outbreak would be any different then any other place in time? ww1, ww2,? in rl banding together is the norm. and single renegades that shoot first are dealt with in ways that this mod doesn't account for. your idea is half baked. and naive at the very least. im saying with some work this mod would be good as of now its only for kids.

to be fair' date=' most dayz players stick to zombies and never bother touching arma 2.


god i hope your right. my precious arma series ruined by poopsocking 4 channers would be tragic.

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The disparity between my Day Z experience and my regular ArmA 2 experience couldn't be wider. When I play ArmA 2, it's on highly structured servers that keep the tomfoolery to an absolute minimum. For example, if anyone accidentally teamkills, it's usually followed by a dash to revive, a profuse apology, and a heaping handful of shame for at least the next hour. Going into Day Z I sort of expected at least a modicum of environment crossover. I once played on one of the ArmA 2 Free servers with a friend who didn't have the full game, and that wretched community has more in common, I think, with Day Z. Which is unfortunate, but then it's also appropriate. Day Z is not a rigid military simulator. It doesn't actively encourage discipline, or at least not the same kind of discipline, anyway. The ArmA series are the only games I can think of where following orders can still bring about a highly rewarding experience. Being a huge cunt doesn't really feel appropriate in ArmA 2; in Day Z, it appears to be a matter of course.

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' pid='34292' dateline='1337376579']Now begin hating me with original comments such as "butt hurt" "fag" and "call the waaaaaaaambulance".

This was unnecessary. Let's keep it friendly people. Please don't try to incite arguments and flaming.

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Is it full of assholes? Yep, sure is. Do I think ArmA players hate it?

Fuck no. I play with a well organized group that has had at it's peak 40 members (never got more than 20 on at once).

All we ever really did was COOP, maybe some Domination for PVP.

We have guys coming back to the game that haven't played in a year, and we have new joins.

People that like ArmA like this mod, otherwise there wouldn't be a mod.

This also isn't ArmA. We all wear the same uniform except for Bandits and that is changing. We all don't get to pick sweet guns out of a crate or drive tanks or fly A-10s or call in artillery. This is turning ArmA on it's head, because the only thing that brought in new ArmA players was the tons of weapons, the vehicles the realism of it all............. but most hate walking around forever.

Well what do we spend most of our time doing? Fucking walking, and people are eating it up.

If you were actually a true ArmA player, you would have a group you play with. The game was made for COOP or TvT, it's not a single player game at all since the campaigns are buggy and broken more or less. And joining a PvP server on your own blows.

Thank god for Day Z, maybe we can get more people to play ArmA III when it comes out. See how they like being Bandits when I call a mortar strike on them when they snipe my point man.

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I'm sorry a few of you old school Arma players find us newbies so insufferable. This game has gotten a lot of attention on a lot of gaming sites and attracted so many people to the franchise that Arma 2 is a top seller on Steam. A lot of us are still trying to figure out the controls and gameplay.

I've only played a few hours but have found the experience fantastic. Plenty of Arma vets seem willing to help us out and so far every noob I've come across has been willing to work together. If anything I've seen a few noobs complaining that the Arma vets are picking on us.

That being said, this mod is designed for the exact type of gameplay you are complaining about, so you should probably go back to your standard Arma mods. This is made for folks to choose between working together or going it alone. To choose between fighting zombies or picking off survivors.

The one thing I can guarantee you is there is no global conspiracy amongst us newbies to drive all you Arma vets away and destroy this franchise. Most will play this for a few weeks then move on to something else. Take a deep breath, try to find a server for Arma vets, and have a little patience with us noobs. Thanks.

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Hey U Op idiot:

Learn how to play and your supposed not trust any survivors u idiot

This mod has just came out now go GTFO

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I agree 100% OP. I have seen the biggest group of trolls and assfucks ever join Arma 2 in the past month.

And it sucks.

Then play original arma 2 and stfu.

Arma is in the top of sales, and not because of your tactics and teamplay.

Ppl like me bought Arma only because we love to shot zombies and other players on this beautiful game engine.

If zombiemod will have original arma 2 gameplay - no one will buy this, cause its not funny.

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Some of you are case in point. Calling people stupid, and saying stfu.... Weak.

I think that this mod is, in a word, spectacular for Arma. As has been I'd, this is a proof of concept and certainly puts the mod community out there, and gets the interest of des of full games, showing them that moddabliity gives a game legs.

The sales of the base game are, os we all know, through the roof, so you can bet that Bi is grinning as they work on Arma III.


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HAHAHAHAHA you have got to be kidding me... Alright, you played arma 2 before I did.. Sure maybe that makes you a hipster, but who the fuck cares? If you like arma 2, play arma 2.. Who the fuck are you to disallow people to play Day Z? And people that go rogue and play a call off duty-esque game are 10x less careful and therefore much easier to kill.. IF you play this game like arma 2 is meant to be played, then you wouldn't be posting here..


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i think very few of the new people will actually head on over to the Takistan servers

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Cyberzone10: Do you feel like you are contributing to the topic by doing what you are doing now? Hold on, I'll answer for you: You don't. If you don't have anything meaningful to say, don't say it.

That being said, I don't agree with the OP. ARMA and DayZ, even though they seem simular, are far from exactly that. I prefer to play arma with a group, and mostly coop using great mods like ACRE and ACE. Sure, there are some trolls on the servers, and especially lame is all those people who hack in stuff. Those are being dealt with, however. That's kind of the only way of trolling I can name. Random PvP'ers are annoying, sure, but they also add to the game in some strange way. If it weren't for the guys PvP'ing, there would be less risk. Zombies aren't scary.

Let the masochists have their fun, and team up with a community or a group. DayZ transforms tremendously at that point, and it will inevitably end up with most of the player based being organized in some way. And have patience, remember this is an Alpha. There will be incentives to prevent aimless PvP, having the direct talk work might do wonders on it self. Lone wolfers who kill for sport will eventually die off, or get boored. Those who are thrilled with the depth of DayZ will stick around. Most people who act that way would never, ever have the patience needed to play regular ARMA II either way. Just don't mind them, and be glad that Bohemia Interactive is actually getting the appreciation and attention it deserves for once.

There are alot of groups who play ARMA II in a professional and mature way, your welcome to apply to my group sometime if it interests you. Link is in my sig.

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I must admit i had not played Arma and only bought it because of Day Z but..... i am now getting into Arma, so.....best of both worlds for me :)

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Shame on all of you who are complaining about new players. Seriously. Shame on you and your entitlement. For how long have we, the ArmA2 community, been asking for some mainstream attention? For how long have we moaned that CoD and BF get all the glory, and we're on the sidelines? They are giving us that attention now. And I mean, if you don't want it... fine - that is probably better for me personally because people will think this is all me. But what I have been at pains to do is to make this the ArmA communities chance to shine. And at every turn I see some of these posts. And I shake my head...

Yes. New people bring new cultures, new problems, lack of understanding. But they bring new revenue, new ideas, new life, new volunteers, new tactics,...

I'm just... I'm lost for words. I have seen these threads on other places, but to see such a thread here on the DayZ forums breaks my heart. I hope that you wake up and realize this is our chance to show people what ArmA2 can do. To take it mainstream. Or are you quite happy with the scraps of the sideline? Do you realize how difficult it is for developers like BIS as technology development costs increase?

You moan about having no friends to play with, then when you get friends you don't want to share your toys.

Grow up.

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