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Noise (DayZ)

First time in Dayz - Day 1, my story.

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Brand new player in Dayz, right? Okay. Here's how my day went down.

( I don't know the names of specific towns/locations. Right now I'm just creeping on by. )

I initially started on a coastline, a small corner of one. There was a red house in front of me (couldn't get in). To my own fault, I didn't sneak or look at my surroundings, so I attracted the attention of a zombie. Well I ran. And soon I attracted the attention of more. There were about seven zombies chasing me, of which I promptly found the closest ladder and pulled myself to the top, eventually dying of blood loss.

My second life is much more lucky (and I'm still on it now). My start was somewhere near some hangars, though this time I was much more careful. I never run unless I know the area is clear, though sadly for me it rarely is. After sneaking by some zombies I looted two hangars and found nothing but ammunition and red chem flares, heartbreaking to say the least. I soon left the air field and began to tread across a large field, dodging zombies by going prone and crawling straight past them (did I mention it's night? Apparently it's always night for me). My initial goal was to head to a barn like building I saw, but I found a bigger prize. An airfield. It wasn't long before I made it to said airfield, going into communications tower (?) and looting whatever I found that was useful. Yes, some coke, canned sardines, and more ammunition! A lot of ammo was gathered by this point, oh, I found more chem lights too.

The tower was soon left and I went into one of the nearby large hangars. I crept by a few zombies to get in, but I found some real prized possessions inside. More chem lights, ammo and the like, but more importantly- road flares! These flares have been really useful in saving my life and being used to sneak past zombies. It never gets old. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a bunch of them in my current path/heading towards me, I chuck a road flare, and they all flock towards it. This was my tactic (though I used them sparingly) for quite a bit, and I still have plenty left over. I soon found some checkpoint type location and I looted the small building to find an m1911 pistol, however, no ammo was nearby for it (nor did I have any ammo for it currently). Sad. I even screwed up, accidentally throwing a road flare out the window and right into the bush next to the building. I booked it and made it out without being caught, as zombies quickly crowded the area.

My next location visited after trekking across some fields was some sort of dock type structure. I walked down a road leading into it and I heard a zombie, to my despair, he was right behind the humvee staring at me. I was scared, but he didn't seem to notice me as far as I was concerned, so I went prone and crept past him into the nearby building to scavenge for supplies. This was the jackpot for me! I found ammunition for my gun, a canteen, ammo for other guns, and more chemlights. After looting the necessities I crept back out along the shoreline to bring myself into a town, which I'm still at currently, though I can't seem to find any buildings to go into so far.

I'm a complete newbie to this game and I'm doing pretty good so far on my second life, feel free to drop your thoughts!

Edited by Noise

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Cool story bro.

Seriously, though, post more. I'm running out of Day Z to watch on YouTube....

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Sounds similar to my first life. I watch videos on YouTube and I play vanilla ArmA so I knew what to do.

On my first life I lived about 5-6 hours! I grabbed an axe on the coast and headed inland. I reached a small town ( which I later learned to be called Pusta). I was lucky and found a Lee Enfield, a revolver, and a large backpack! I set off and was at large for a while searching for food and water. I Searched several small towns and found nothing notable really.

I got all the way up to Novy Sobor with out dying. I saw my first player running out town followed by Zeds. I tried to find him but couldn't. He cleared most of the loot and Zeds. So it was easy to go through town. I found a few decent things but nothing exceptional. A zombies hit me but I didn't bleed. It was getting late so I logged out for the night.

When I logged back in I was bleeding and I eventually died. Also I had just found a AKM!

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If you're getting chased by too many Zeds you can always hit esc then abort. When you log back in the zombies will disappear. Use only in a super tight pinch as I think it takes away from the realism aspect. Good luck in your travels gents, just remember this game is all tactics. Keep low and be paranoid.

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If you're getting chased by too many Zeds you can always hit esc then abort. When you log back in the zombies will disappear. Use only in a super tight pinch as I think it takes away from the realism aspect. Good luck in your travels gents, just remember this game is all tactics. Keep low and be paranoid.

Tell me how that works when rocket implements the anti-alt+f4 mechanism.

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It's not using alt f4. Im not shutting down the game just re logging into the sever. Zeds spawn when you spawn. Thats why the zed number in every server fluctuates. If he fixes this too then it won't make a difference to me. Just trying to help out the new guys.

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If you're getting chased by too many Zeds you can always hit esc then abort. When you log back in the zombies will disappear. Use only in a super tight pinch as I think it takes away from the realism aspect. Good luck in your travels gents, just remember this game is all tactics. Keep low and be paranoid.

Its also a pussy tactic.

But no really, My first life was looooonnnnnggggg and boring. I spawned somewhere I now was the cap above electro, i Went north, walked around in th3e woods for hours. found a Castle! circled back without knowing, picking through some small barns along the way, found an Axe! then in a barn around the outskirts of cherno found a crossbow tried to use it on some zombies and failed horribley cause the iron sights work like Ass, then in a scramble to equip my Axe I some how equipped a road flare instead and was mobbed by zombies.

Second life I said "screw all that advice that says don't go to cherno or electro as a noob" went there gathered shit load of loot. I would of survived too if I hadn't shot a goat outside of town with the "dinner Bell" well you live die and you learn.

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Pussy tactic or not, if you wanna keep getting killed by Zeds that's all you buddy.

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My Day one started as being spawned near the coast outside of Kamenka, i headed left along railroad and then a road until i hit i think the end of the map. Saw a truck in the woods and went to it expecting to see someone and calling out friendly. No one was there and i got into the truck and by some miracle it worked fine so i drove it out towards the town Kamenka unaware of the loot stashed in the bed of my truck (it was night and my first play so i didnt know what to do) got into town, running over zombies as they came at me and sneaking around places that apparently u cant get into. Eventually found myself at the gas station on the opposite side of town and found some food water etc. After being hit by a zombie and chased some i went into the truck for safety and ran over the zed. I then parked outside of town near the coastline, still in my truck, logged off and re logged to see if id still be there. Spawned in the middle of the truck, saw gear, went to get it, saw AMAZING stuff in it, but when i was done the truck crushed me to death through some strange glitch.

Second play was outside of Otmel and that one was a sorry state of swimming to an island, getting mobbed by zeds, bandaging but being all fuzzy before decidding to go into town and just die.

New server now i started off of Kamyshovo right outside of the town like literally 20m from it and i went around it to hit the side road to make my way towards a few spots but circled around to the ruins in Rog Por and then made my way, after sneaking past zeds and losing my way from the path i had originally intended i surprisingly found myself outside of Staroye Ctapoe and against after sneaking past zeds towards the gas station i found a pepsi which slated my thirst. Sneaking to the outskirts of town i made my way to the local Barn where i found my first gun a Double Barrel Shotgun, which i foolishly killed some zeds with and wasted ammo. I then went to the deer hut just up the road and found nothing. Logged off for a while. Logging back in i went back to the barn to find a Cross Bow which i horribly wasted the bolts trying to kill a zed and missed each time. Thinking of what i saw once i went back to the deer hut and low and behold there were 2 zeds but an AKM plus 2 mags of ammo up in the hut so i dropped my crossbow, and shot both zeds, one which looked like a nazi and tried climbing the ladder.

At the moment that is where i remain untill i figure out where i want to go, where some game is so i may use my hunting knife, or where some other source of adventure is to be.

started playing last night as well.

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regardless of video or written out, Day Z like minecraft offers a reasonably unique per player, so i love reading and watching anything. I 2 got owned on my first life.

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My Day one started as being spawned near the coast outside of Kamenka, i headed left along railroad and then a road until i hit i think the end of the map. Saw a truck in the woods and went to it expecting to see someone and calling out friendly. No one was there and i got into the truck and by some miracle it worked fine so i drove it out towards the town Kamenka unaware of the loot stashed in the bed of my truck (it was night and my first play so i didnt know what to do) got into town, running over zombies as they came at me and sneaking around places that apparently u cant get into. Eventually found myself at the gas station on the opposite side of town and found some food water etc. After being hit by a zombie and chased some i went into the truck for safety and ran over the zed. I then parked outside of town near the coastline, still in my truck, logged off and re logged to see if id still be there. Spawned in the middle of the truck, saw gear, went to get it, saw AMAZING stuff in it, but when i was done the truck crushed me to death through some strange glitch.

That's lucky to find a truck unguarded. I know where your talking too. Im going to check there for stashes in the future.

Also remember you can store supplies and other things in all cars. They are like mobile tents

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