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Humanity..a way forward?

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Here is a simple proposal, comments welcome but keep it civil and avoid all the "carebear VS pvp" arguments.

Humanity level & impact:

6k & above:

- Faster bandaging and blood transfer (trusting "aura")

- Steadier aim after running(confident)

- Less noise when moving (total confidence)

4k to 6k:

- Faster bandaging and blood transfer (trusting "aura")

- Steadier aim after running(confident)

2k to 4k:

- Steadier aim after running(confident)

-2k to 2k:

- n/a

-2k to -4k:

- The shakes, random shakier aim and less steady after running (nervous)

-4k to -8k:

- The shakes, random shakier aim and less steady after running (nervous)

- Slower bandaging, even self (paranoia)

-8k to -12k:

- The shakes, random shakier aim and even less steady after running (nervous)

- Slower bandaging, even self (paranoia)

- Random nervous laugh (maniacal) that can be heard by others and zombies. These will also, if other players are careful, serve to identify the very "deranged" in your group and thus make it harder for them to "fool" others

-12k & below:

- The shakes, random shakier aim most of the time and even less steady after running (VERY nervous)

- Slower bandaging, even self (paranoia)

- Random nervous laugh (maniacal) that can be heard by others and zombies. These will also, if other players are careful, serve to identify the very "deranged" in your group and thus make it harder for them to "fool" others

- More noise when moving (unstable psyche)

ps: for the nervous laugh, something like this (not these files of course, but as an idea).




As you can see, the idea is to reward helping others, and slightly make it so that most people don't want to go too low in humanity without completely screwing up the hardcore that 100% wants to play the deranged murderers.

With the "evil laugh" that the player doesn't control, it also allows for others, as said, to deal with the nasty ones among them so they can't be fooled too easily.

The numbers are here for the example and they can vary of course.

Comments are welcome :)

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This is utterly ridiculous, and I guarantee you Rocket will not implement such a system. Your tying of morality to such arbitrary rewards and punishments completely undermines the nature of the game. He want to help us (us, the players!) to deal with and create consequences for different styles of play, not enforce morality using game mechanics. Can't you see why he's removing the bandit skin in the first place? Really, your idea is giant leap backwards - not forwards.

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I liked the idea at a glance, but I agree with Zarathustra. Though I do feel it would be nice to tie humanity to something useful and relevant.

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Don't like the idea. It takes away the fun for the bandits and it also makes no sense that a person would aim better just because hes "good".

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create consequences for different styles of play[..]

Well' date=' he didn't scrap the humanity system did he and that's totally arbitrary.

The bandit skin was too...odd and out of place, but removing it also allows for people to grab/use different skins, so it was a good time to remove it.

Otherwise, it's a still game and for people who don't give a damn about the mod but just want to kill people, there is no consequences you can put into place that will ever affect them, because they don't care unless you screw up a bit their effectiveness in killing others.

On a topic you brought up, how do you deal with just the styles of play when people use teamspeak and maps on the internet? You don't because nobody can control that and therefore you do it with pure gameplay elements such as the one I suggested (which is not directly related to that but to other aspects of the fact that it's a game).

Even if you put stuff in there for survivors to work toward (barracks, camp, etc), you'll have on one side people who already know each other and use non game included tools (as noted above) and on the other side, people who don't.

The first will completely bypass the nature of the mod, pretend to play it like pros while not even understanding the mod to begin with.

The second, mostly killed on side by the pre-made tribes, will play mostly alone and kill others on sight because...why not? It's easier.

So the "us" the players you are referring to, are not all playing the same mod to begin with :)

Anyway, somewhat different topic.


Don't like the idea. It takes away the fun for the bandits and it also makes no sense that a person would aim better just because hes "good".

As a bandit, you always get the first shot, you get all the loot of someone you kill, and you never have to worry about others, since you shoot anyway.

I think that's enough "fun" & "reward" for one person, don't you?

As a survivor, you always get shot first, you never get the loot you like from someone you meet, you ALWAYS have to worry about others and you take HUGE risks into even talking to them or trying to.

That's a lack of...you know..

I don't think screwing up hardcore bandits a bit is unfair. I mean, they have it real easy already and now it's free loot for everyone without the bandit skin.

Why would anyone, ever, not kill other people? :)

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Don't mean to hijack, but I posted this in my "Incentives for cooperation..." thread, and figure it would also be relevant here:

Why punish player killers or leave no reason to be humane when you can provide incentive for both in ways that supports their playstyle!?

Players with low humanity will spawn with progressively better weapons, but less and less survival resources based on their (lack of) humanity. They also spawn either in more dangerous territories (inside towns) or further to the north west of the map.

Players with high humanity will spawn with better survival instruments, but less ammunition with the basic weapon. They will spawn in safer areas, and closer together.

This incentives those with low humanity to hunt others for supplies, and to go it alone in order to conserve resources while those with high humanity are encouraged to group together with an excess of supplies to share, but little ammunition to protect themselves alone.

Perhaps they could also have a different range of skins to be selected to reflect their alignment? Someone with near maximum humanity might be a priest, while someone with minimum might be a convict in a jumpsuit!

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Kudos on thinking it out, but yeah... Maybe in another game.

I wouldn't want to see that in this game.

Honestly, despite all my fire-of-burning-sun hatred or PKers, I think that should be left. I like the quasi-realistic, non-balanced nature of the game. You get what you find and survive the best you can.


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Kudos on thinking it out' date=' but yeah... Maybe in another game.

I wouldn't want to see that in this game.

Honestly, despite all my fire-of-burning-sun hatred or PKers, I think that should be left. I like the quasi-realistic, non-balanced nature of the game. You get what you find and survive the best you can.



Hehe, I kinda agree you know. It's just that there's zero reason not to kill everyone you meet currently, hence my...attempt to suggest something.

We'll see how 1.5.8 treats us of course, that's gonna be interesting. And hopefully direct chat will be 100% fixed by BiS sometime soon.

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Its a sandbox not a lets turn this into an MMO with goals and shi1.

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I don't like the idea of arbitarily rewarding or punishing players. But let's just say a system had to be implemented, I'd prefer if bandits were punished initially and then got rewards.

So, after their first kill or whatever, they're more shocked and distraught. But as they kill more they become desensitised to it and they return to normal, before eventually reaping rewards- you're a cold blooded killer, you can shoot other survivors without flinching.. Being humane towards people would have small benefits like you listed, graudually getting better. (Though not the steadier aim bit, that seems out of place.)

That's my idea at least, if something along these lines had to be implemented.

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your reward for being good is whatever others give you for being good. the punishment for being bad is whatever others do to you when they hear of your bad reputation. there should never be any kind of effect forced on you by the game for playing it your way.

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