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Suppy Convoy!

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Ok so I think something interesting to add to DayZ would be a convoy of supply trucks that crosses the map, loaded with medical supplies and military grade items or unique items like the crashed helicopters, and NPC armed military soldiers that attack survivors. If it seems to OP for a loot spawn perhaps there could be a chance of the trucks being filled with zombies being transported for Scientific research instead of gear. It could have different routes in which they take so its not to easy to find them and also, a low chance they spawn so they only cross the map say once/twice every server restart. These would be very difficult for solo players to hijack therefore should promote teaming up. =)

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What a great idea. Would be not too difficult to code in the ARMA2 engine as well. +1.

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Pardon me, but I'd like a little more back story to these convoys. Where are they coming from? What is their goal? Who's guarding them? Why are they insane enough to send tons of supplies through bandit-laden Chernarus?

Sorry if this is taking away from your intended idea, I just try to add role-play and structure to everything in-game, and random supply convoys from nowhere that have no particular destination hauling goods through bandit territory seems just a tad bit unrealistic to me :P

I do support the general suggestion though, great idea :)

Edited by Velocirapetor

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i love it , sounds great , 2 trucks with escorts , just 1 thing people could nick trucks !!!! witch is a problem

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Pardon me, but I'd like a little more back story to these convoys. Where are they coming from?

One of the cities or airfield.

What is their goal?

One of the airfields or the coast.

Who's guarding them?

Heavily armed soldiers.

Why are they insane enough to send tons of supplies through bandit-laden Chernarus?

No other option, ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, desperation, or a combination perhaps?

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Pardon me, but I'd like a little more back story to these convoys. Where are they coming from? What is their goal? Who's guarding them? Why are they insane enough to send tons of supplies through bandit-laden Chernarus?

Sorry if this is taking away from your intended idea, I just try to add role-play and structure to everything in-game, and random supply convoys from nowhere that have no particular destination hauling goods through bandit territory seems just a tad bit unrealistic to me :P

I do support the general suggestion though, great idea :)

I'm not sure what is supposed to be outside of the Chernanus map, but if its part of Russia then i'm sure it would be realistic for convoys (russian military or Surviving colonies) to cross from other cities to supply towns with survivors in. Perhaps Chernarus is the only way to get to there destination, Or no information come out of Chernarus since the outbreak, so they assume everbody is dead, and being naive they think think they would be fine as they are heavily armed and should be handle any attacks from zombies or small groups of bandits.

i love it , sounds great , 2 trucks with escorts , just 1 thing people could nick trucks !!!! witch is a problem

I thought this could be a problem too but in the editor you can make a vehicle "non playable" that way no one could collect these trucks every server restart. =)

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+1 for convoys, -1 for AI.

If you want convoys, join an organized server that has a group powerful enough to have a convoy. Then take it out. Like when you raid a camp site but you know... with more fighting and explosions.

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I'm against the idea of npc's, so there are 2 ways of aproaching this;

- driving convoys

-Stranded convoys

Driving convoys would be hard for players to loot, it would add extra vehicles to the map and therefore "destroying" some the current gameplay

Stranded convoy could be like crashed heli's and therefore require no NPC action only crashed trucks so no extra vehicles added and they could funtion as heli crash site ofr industrial and civilian loot

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shoot out tyers to stop the escort , u could have stranded convoy request for help + say gps location , so u can kill them take there stuff , or help them againt zombie waves and they reward u , random stuff

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The game can't be complete without scripted events can't it?


Because that would be completely game-breaking


This game is all about immersion, adding a single scripted event doesn't take anything away from that.

Rocket needs to do something that encourages teamwork, and adding a convoy with combative AI escorts may encourage bandits and survivors alike to band together at the prospect of some sweet loot.

Edited by MarshallLaw
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Convoys would be great if executed well. Might be OP depending on loot. If it was nicely made and balanced you definitely got my support. :D

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