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For some reason my character is not mine...

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originally i had a full loadout, now since the patch i have a completely different character which isnt what ive played before..

whats going on? ive joined multiple servers to see if it would fix itself but i cant get back to my actual character that had a full equip loadout...

what kind of data problem could this be? i dont know why this is happening

Edited by A.Jones

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Are you spawning with nothing? another weapon? Different toolbelt? what. Please go into detail.

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ive also got the same problem. i logged in after the patch and all my stuff is gone and im back on the beach -.-

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ive also got the same problem. i logged in after the patch and all my stuff is gone and im back on the beach -.-

You died, That's the only thing i can think off since you spawned back at the beach.

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i spawned with stuff that isnt mine, i killed some player and took his gear, only things im missing from my pre-patch life are NVGs, rangefinders, m24, and gps..

i had random rations and antibiotics in my gear even though i never picked anything up i also spawned in a firestation

Edited by A.Jones

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crikey! i got killed at stary sobor trying to stalk someone (lost visual of him and ran up ahead to try and see if he ran down the hill but he was behind me after that)

it says i die i go to rejoin and it brought me back to my old self!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got my rangefinders/nvgs/m24/m14/24backpack back! super happy i got killed now ive never been happy to be killed before turns out i had corrupted save data!

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epic win

edit: what happened to that forum script that would make double posts merge with your old one?

Edited by A.Jones

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Looks like you joined a non-battleye server (they're illegal) They can sometimes have custom loadouts so people spawn with a machine gun or some shit

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I spawned on one server dont remember the name tho, I had an M24, 1911, alice pack, a bunch of tools, food and water.. was stuck inside of a building and couldnt do anything tho oh and the server made me have really bad fps. Had just been player killed before joining that server. It wasnt my previous character either.

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Looks like you joined a non-battleye server (they're illegal) They can sometimes have custom loadouts so people spawn with a machine gun or some shit

no i use the 'show battle eye enabled only ' filter so i dont accidentally get database banned or something, ive capped footage of a person hacking before(i killed them and had their profile name on my vid) but somehow i deleted the video by accident and i have this weird habbit of emptying my recycling bin when ever i see something is inside so i lost the chance to get someone banned

I spawned on one server dont remember the name tho, I had an M24, 1911, alice pack, a bunch of tools, food and water.. was stuck inside of a building and couldnt do anything tho oh and the server made me have really bad fps. Had just been player killed before joining that server. It wasnt my previous character either.

its pretty much a second life or something its a database error or data corruption i doubt in your case you will get your pre-death weapons back

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Yea, i lost my character too. gave up, went again, looted, but got killed. When i tryed to respawn i got to the old me. YAY

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