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Your first death!

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I'll start:

I fell off some goddamn stairs :(

Edited by Durken

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To a ladder of coarse, this was way when the mod first came out.

Sadly I have fell off builds, doors killed me, random super zeds. Really everything in this game has killed me besides players.

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I don't remember what city. It was the very first night I played. No idea what was going on. It was night time. There was a unique yellow house you could enter, (it's the only one i've seen like that now) and I was convinced there was a zombie behind a friend of mine.

I actually shot my friend and killed him. (oopseh.)

I hear on vent someone else said "There's a bandit outside, a bandit just killed garful, get in get in" and they shut the door.

I say "Wtf you shut the door on me" and the second I open the door and they say "THERE HE IS SHOOT HIM" and I am like "are you shooting me?? I'm dead now." and they said "You had bandit skin, WTF"

And that was my first death.

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my first death?I was in very bad shape, with low blood and shaking in pain so i just let zombies to kill me.

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Suicide "respawned".... low health everything was gray and shaking. I was passing out about every 30-50 yards. Didn't know much about the game or what I needed to be doing. Decided it would be easier to learn if I could actually do things.

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I tried to crawl through the doorway of the first house saw. I got stuck and in my attempts to get up, broke both of my legs. I crawled back outside, through some gardens and got shot in the head by a silent bandit. Bastard.

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I was on top of the fire station roof after I had found a lee enfield. I sat up there for awhile just sniping zed, and then someone shot at me. I freaked out and dropped to prone for awhile. It seemed silent, so I was going to stand up. Instead of 'c', I hit 'v', and I did a little hop over the roof edge and fell to my death. I always wondered if the guy who shot at me saw my idiocy.

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Either an unarmed zombie death on the beach, or sitting on top of an industrial smokestack with a dinnerbell trying to be friendly.

Can't remember.

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Died in Elektro.

Found a warehouse and decided to loot it, and found a Makarov mag. I then proned my way out, and made it to a gas station, where I found a Makarov.

Feeling invincible, I went and shot a zombie, reigning hell itself upon me, and causing me to die.

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Well, my first death has no real "good" story behind it. I saw a guy when I spawned, couldn't figure out how to chat so I just shot at him. He killed me.

Second death, I had partnered up with some guy and we were going into cherno. We both had winchesters. He told me to cover him while we went afk, so I did that. I chatted in side "I doubt I'd last a minute without this guy". As soon as he got back, he suddenly disconnected. I waited a bit longer then decided to explore the city more. I aggro a zombie, which then runs up to me and knocks me out in one hit.

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The first other player i ever saw opend fire on me with a makarov (this was back when we got a gun om spawn), I in turn returnd fire and got an extremely lucky headshot but I was to badly injured an bled to death with a broken leg.

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First time I played, saw a building, went in there, turn around to a face full of zombies. I didn't know how to be sneaky

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I got ran over by an SUV. I lost consciousness because of it. When I came to, the passenger got out and shot me in the head. I was a fresh spawn too.

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Bled out after fighting with zombies and breaking leg from falling too high. I never thought I would break my leg from such a short drop but I did. Now in retrospect, if you dropped from that height in real life your legs would probably break :)

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My first death was to dehydration..

while it sucked to die from not being able to find any water, I suppose the fact that i survived long enough to dehydrate on my first try is a +. :P

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Spawned in and started checking an industrial area way off away from towns. Aggroed a zombie and it hit me and started me bleeding. I killed it then had no idea on how to bandage myself. FRANTICALLY i started clicking and doing all sorts of weird things to my inventory. Ended up dropping my bandages and since it went away I figured I had bandaged myself...

Died a few mins later.

This was many many many playsessions ago. Was a great session even though it only lasted less than 10 mins.

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Swan-dive off the radio tower at green mountain, thinking i was safe from Zs after climbing the ladder not knowing that them mischievous Zs could also climb.. That was back in early april.

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First death, I got killed by a ghoster.

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Died of thirst, I could not find any food or water and I was not aware I could respawn. It was a very slow and painful-to-watch death.

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Several months ago, on a version long since removed....

I was on the docks of either Elektro, or Cherno, sneaking around, not sure what the "H E double hockey sticks" I was doing. I killed a few infected while looking in some of the industrial buildings for loot, when I heard gun shots and decided to climb up one of the big cranes for a better view.

As I was climbing up onto one of the platforms I saw some feet hanging off to the side, so I decides to go have a looksie. As soon as I get onto the platform I see a guy in military garb (the old bandit skin) prone on the platform facing the other direction. I open fire, server lags, he turns around and starts shooting back, he falls off the platform to his death, I bleed out and die.....I didn't know how to use bandages yet.

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