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phresh (DayZ)

Connecting/Disconnected notifications

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Searched around but didn't see a thread about this.

While I can appreciate the reduction in message/notification clutter, the removal of the player connecting, connected and disconnected messages aids people who combat DC, ghost, and hop servers in prime loot areas. When the notifications were in the game, I could at least be aware of people disconnecting and reconnecting but now it's a guessing game and my group members and I have been killed by honorless ghosters far too often lately.

Please bring back these notifications to help us legitimate players deal with those who choose to exploit the game so they can gain unfair advantages in combat.


Edit: Vipeax just confirmed this is a server setting for me on a stream chat. I'll take it up with my server admins. I would encourage server admins to turn these on, assuming it can be done inpendently of the global chat channels.

Edited by phresh
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I think it is a server setting, So depending on what server you are on they can be turned on or off by the admin. Same with any messages that appear.

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hes right though, certain parameters need to change. I have no problem getting killed in pvp, but by a ghoster? it sucks. like if a player leaves the server then tries to come back in within ten minutes of leaving or using alt f4 he comes in with the long count. seems fair.

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Yeah turning these settings off only help the less scrupulous players. If it is indeed a server setting than it should be mandatory that it is turned on IMO.

Edited by Fraguido

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I think it is a server setting, So depending on what server you are on they can be turned on or off by the admin. Same with any messages that appear.

Interesting, thanks for the reply. I haven't seen the notifications on any servers since 1.7.x but I do tend to stick with the same server. If anyone could confirm this to be a server setting, I'd appreciate it.

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It will not be needed when they introduce server bound characters, re-re-re-reconnect delays and DC while wounded punishments. I hope this happens sooner than later.

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It will not be needed when they introduce server bound characters, re-re-re-reconnect delays and DC while wounded punishments. I hope this happens sooner than later.

No doubt, but it seems the proposed fixes aren't as simple as Rocket thought they would be. In the mean time, I feel this would help the situation.

Thanks for the reply.

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There is no server setting for this. The files to edit this are in the mission file.

Admins/Server owners are not allowed to edit or touch the mission files.

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Yes. Please change this back. I'm sick of engaging multiples and watching some guy DC right in front of me only to get shot by him three minutes later from behind. There's too many people who think it's okay to play this way.

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