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High loot ship off the map

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As the title,

Why not put a military ship way off the island that you need a boat to get to in which is full of hardcore army zombies, you need a boat to get in and there is plenty of loot inside.... but only what you can carry!!!

Unless you have enough gear to get the heli going which is on the deck!!!!


I say this as a clan leader of TFU (www.thefallenunit.co.uk) ..... We've got our own server and have managed to get a few vehicle's so its getting a little samey, its now got to the point where there needs to be a little more content that we as a clan can do or if some1 brave who finds a boat can go on. I'm pretty sure this could work for both lone wolf and big clans.


* If an UN-silenced round was fired it would trigger a horde of zombies

* If a chopper attempted to land it would trigger a horde attack on it

* There would be a fixable chopper on the deck that could be used and done up to steal all the loot

* You can only take what you can carry (if you've not got the initial chopper spawn.

Just imagine going from room to room not knowing if it will be another clan or a single lone wolf ready to take you down... IT would be like a whole new instance!

Really hope rocket looks at this, things like this would make the game!

Edited by Thegoon84
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As the title,

Why not put a military ship way off the island that you need a boat to get to in which is full of hardcore army zombies, you need a boat to get in and there is plenty of loot inside.... but only what you can carry!!!

Unless you have enough gear to get the heli going which is on the deck!!!!


Clans with boats/choppers would farm the shit out from it

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And here we all thought the NWA was as bad as it could get...

Mate you need to have a word with Rocket!!!! Get him to look at this... i swear me and my clan would be all over this, we'd have **** locked down ready to raid the ship!!

If you like this idea keep it going by replying!!

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i'm all for this.Some sort of end game content?awesome loot in the lower decks.

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Seems good, but it would just get farmed out and People would get gear easily

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Who says it's not already there??? Remember the mysterious radio message!!

Hmmmmmmmm whats this? have i missed something?

surely we'd have seen it by now?

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Seems good, but it would just get farmed out and People would get gear easily

End of the day, it would give for established clan's something to play for. Hell even if a lone solider found a boat they could go in in the night silent and get some good gear!! To combat farming they could do it so the zombies spawn in hordes. It needs to be the hardest thing to get in.

Make it easier for the single lone wolf and hard for the massive farming group!

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But it would have to be really hard

Totally agree.... If clans came in with choppers then it would alert the ENTIRE ship and hordes would come which would over run everyone.

However if clans went the island with the view to do the chopper up, they could steal and load all the loot if they ALL went in silent... One single shit would agro the entire ship!!

Edited by Thegoon84

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Can't tell if trolling...

Cant tell if can read or not :huh:

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Why not have it stranded so everyone gets something?

Ok, i didn't really mean what i said...

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although i like this idea of end game content, i just cant see this ending all that well. honestly, unless there are major changes to the zombies theres no way any number of them could stop a single well armed survivor. and if that single guy got enough equipment to make the risk worth it, he could honetly start a small world war.

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why do you think he is trolling thor?

Because it is such an inherently stupid idea, as well as one that has been suggested before (but, to his credit, was "underground" base with lots of loot instead of "offshore" base with lots of loot). Let's make more places for ridiculous amounts of loot to spawn, accessible only by players advanced enough to have weaponry that render zombies moot threats!

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What about some of the broken rowing boats near the shore?

Fix them with wooden planks that are used with the fire, row out stock it up and row back.

Also because they are boats from the military zombies are bound to be there so risk it and board and go through or leave it...

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How is it a stupid idea?i'm pretty sure the majority of people think the idea of having underground bases is cool.

I'm pretty sure rocket was wanting to implement underground stuff too.

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Isn't the whole point in dayz "the survival of the fittest"?

If people feel other players/clans will be come more advanced, then either sign up or get shot! You might be happy running around killing sheep some of us would like to face a real challenge against Zombies.

What Cinc said is right tho, the zombie AI needs some work, but hey its in Alpha.

What about some of the broken rowing boats near the shore?

Fix them with wooden planks that are used with the fire, row out stock it up and row back.

Also because they are boats from the military zombies are bound to be there so risk it and board and go through or leave it...

Hell of a shout!!!!

Edited by Thegoon84

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Isn't the whole point in dayz "the survival of the fittest"?

If people feel other players/clans will be come more advanced, then either sign up or get shot! You might be happy running around killing sheep some of us would like to face a real challenge against Zombies.

What Cinc said is right tho, the zombie AI needs some work, but hey its in Alpha.

Hell of a shout!!!!

Agreed. I would love to build defenses, maybe shelters in the forest military style, make a boat to raid a ship full of zombies. Challenge on the game for things like that.

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as long as stuff isnt farmed hard by clans and groups like it is now .

at the moment lots of clans and server owners are just grabbing all the good stuff and saying look we rule :rolleyes: no you just took advantage of running server and looted your ass off !

hopefully the dayz team can introduce something to stop that first then maybe try different ideas. :thumbsup:

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as long as stuff isnt farmed hard by clans and groups like it is now .

at the moment lots of clans and server owners are just grabbing all the good stuff and saying look we rule :rolleyes: no you just took advantage of running server and looted your ass off !

hopefully the dayz team can introduce something to stop that first then maybe try different ideas. :thumbsup:

To fix this they should have put a random spawn on vehicles over 2 weeks!!!

Its hard not to take vehicles when you start the server! But yeah your 100% correct!

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