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Things that should be changed in future patches

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The title might be misleading but i didnt want it to be too long. what i meant was " What i think should be changed in future patches "

this is only my opinion, and i,m putting this out there, just to see if i,m the only one that has this opinion.

1. zombie...zigzagging... nuff said

2. Higher loot rates, i believe there used to be that, but it were taken down a bit. i think they should take it up again, i,ll have to check halfway through cherno to find anything else than empty whiskey bottles and tin cans.

3. vehicles less rare... i understand that they should be rare in a game like dayZ... but they are TOO rare... please, just make em' spawn once ever 3rd or 4th town, rather than once or twice on the entire map.

4. GIVE US BACK OUR STARTING ITEMS... This, does NOT cooperate well with nr. 2, seriously... i can live with low loot rates, and i can live without starter items. but both!? Its to hard to start up again once you've died now.

5. Millitary weapons spawn rarely in residential/industrial areas aswell... instead of just the 5-6 millitary spots in entier chernarus...

again, this was just MY opinion, if you didnt like it please just go away from this page.

if you agree'd with me, on any, or all of these, please tell me in the comments :)

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again, this was just MY opinion, if you didnt like it please just go away from this page.

if you agree'd with me, on any, or all of these, please tell me in the comments :)

So if we agree, we're allowed to post and discuss... but the people who disagree (which will be the majority of the players) should just leave the thread? Doesn't work that way. You post something, get ready to be berated by those who hate the idea, and favored by those who love the idea.

That being said... Use the search function. None of your ideas are original.

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I normally don't agree with the "go back to cod you handhold-needing crybaby" people but what you're saying, other than zombie zigzagging which is pretty bad, is mostly just "make the game easier"

Vehicles should respawn after a couple days of not being used, though. The problem isn't a low spawn rate, the problem is people finding the vehicles and hoarding them in tent cities at the very north of the map.

An hour in Cherno or Elektro will yield everything you need to live off the land and kill zeds and players. Starting items isn't that much of an issue since it's easy to lose zeds if you're anywhere near a town.

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So if we agree, we're allowed to post and discuss... but the people who disagree (which will be the majority of the players) should just leave the thread? Doesn't work that way. You post something, get ready to be berated by those who hate the idea, and favored by those who love the idea.

That being said... Use the search function. None of your ideas are original.

Lulz, flashbacks of Ladyz Night thread.... Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

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I disagree with every single point, sorry. Especially giving weapons back at the start.

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Lulz, flashbacks of Ladyz Night thread.... Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Not a clue lol.

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Not a clue lol.

Lol, not gonna go into too many details, but basically, it was some real high action thread that sort of exhibits the characteristic of the things I quoted from you. Itt got so out of control, it had to be locked twice by the mods. You can probably use the search function and find it. It was just on first page yesterday.

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To be honest I think the problem of this game is how easy it is, zombies are just that, zombies, grab 200 of them in a building and everything will be ok. The only one danger in this game are players

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The title might be misleading but i didnt want it to be too long. what i meant was " What i think should be changed in future patches "

this is only my opinion, and i,m putting this out there, just to see if i,m the only one that has this opinion.

1. zombie...zigzagging... nuff said

Sort of out of rocket's control. Zig zagging is mostly due to just the way the AI works in Arma. Remember, this is a mod from an army simulator. Gotta use what is there.

2. Higher loot rates, i believe there used to be that, but it were taken down a bit. i think they should take it up again, i,ll have to check halfway through cherno to find anything else than empty whiskey bottles and tin cans.

Search in the right places. Number of players on the server play a factor in loot remember.

3. vehicles less rare... i understand that they should be rare in a game like dayZ... but they are TOO rare... please, just make em' spawn once ever 3rd or 4th town, rather than once or twice on the entire map.

From the looks of how many players have videos of vehicles and how many times I've personally seen other vehicles, I think it's at a pretty good spawn rate.

4. GIVE US BACK OUR STARTING ITEMS... This, does NOT cooperate well with nr. 2, seriously... i can live with low loot rates, and i can live without starter items. but both!? Its to hard to start up again once you've died now.

Practice makes perfect. And remember this is just sorta testing how this'll work out. We may get starting items back we may not

5. Millitary weapons spawn rarely in residential/industrial areas aswell... instead of just the 5-6 millitary spots in entier chernarus...

We still get Winchesters, shotgunes, pistols, etc. Stuff that makes sense to be in those areas. There are tons of deer stands that can be sought out to carry military weapons as well and those stands are probably the safest places to get military gear.

again, this was just MY opinion, if you didnt like it please just go away from this page.

if you agree'd with me, on any, or all of these, please tell me in the comments :)

I see where you're coming from. Just stating my opinion as well :).

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No to all of this. I'm not even going to justify my answer, it's all that silly.

Edit: Danccing I swear to god stop using purple text in every topic it's impossible to read.

Edited by Quagmire
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So if we agree, we're allowed to post and discuss... but the people who disagree (which will be the majority of the players) should just leave the thread? Doesn't work that way. You post something, get ready to be berated by those who hate the idea, and favored by those who love the idea.

That being said... Use the search function. None of your ideas are original.

you misunderstood me.

i didnt want anyone who didnt agree, to post a comment, because i knew it would lead to "YOU NOOB, VEHICLES ARE EAASY TO FIND " comments, and other things of that caliber...

and so what if my ideas arent original?

i wasnt making a thread that i was gonna send in to dean and force him to make it that way. i only just said what I thought should be changed?

why should i search for that?

but thanks for the comment anyway...

Edited by wowi132

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well thanks for you all's opinions...

i can live with you disagreeing, but keep the hate out of it.

its easy to write "i disagree with all of this, (insert reason here)"

instead of doing " none of your ideas are original, use the search function"

Just tell me if you agree/disagree, and give me a valid reason why. its not hard

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1) Il agree with that as would we all

2)The loot system imo is perfect. You should work for a gun. Why would all civies have guns ?

3)There are vehicle spawns in almost every town. Around 30/40 in total.

4)Why would you have a gun? the idea is you woke up on a beach wondering wtf has happened.

5)Military loot spawns in Firestations, deerstands, Cherno/berenzino/stary sobor,NWAF barracks/Hangers/radio towers and they are just the ones i know of. Civies wouldnt have .50 cal's and m4a1's knocking about.

All in all the game is the way it should be. Be a pro and be happy with your hatchet :) Just my input m8 :)

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