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What Sets DayZ apart from all the other Zombie Games out there today.

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As the title says,"What Sets DayZ apart from all the other Zombie Games out there today"? I'm writing an article about DayZ on my game site.

Edited by cjones636

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Well, there is PvP. No other zombie game has that. That causes about 95% of paranoia and suspense. Player confrontations are the most intense situations I have ever been in. Not even in real life have I ever experienced heart-throbbing, hand-shaking situations like I do in DayZ.

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pvp immersion and a minecraft like gameworld for FPS, in that there are no set goals or tasks.

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like the dude said its the pvp...since that is also 95%...of the game it self this is more of a post apocalyptic game than a zombie game since in zombie media the humans always work together to stay alive...in this they kill eachother as much as possible...feels more like mad max than zombies...

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difficulty. tension. frustration. map size. immersion. i've never had to orienteer in a video game like i do in day z. the rewarding feeling you get when you survive despite how everything is pretty much stacked against you.

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It's the only OWMMORPFTPZSS (Open-World Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing First and Third Person Zombie Survival Simulator) afaik.

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