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Help Hud visible but screen flashing black

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hey guys, not sure what the problem is but my screen keeps going black then coming back constantly. The hud stays visible the whole time.

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I've got the same problem, it makes playing impossible. it started to flash after my last six launcher update.

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Hi There! Same issue here. flashing black to visibility. can access gear and whatnot. Ill check out your link. Thanks for the tip!

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Thanks for the guide, but my problem with the guide is that I can't install the beta patch from the arma2 website due to some Wrong CD Key error bs. I've tried every fix possible for it. I thought SU was supposed to "force" update the patch making it not necessary to use the beta patch.

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This is happening to me too :(

Yea this sucks. I've tried every possible fix (that i could find online).

I've tried reinstalling, tried doing the thing where you validate the integrity of the game cache.. really really sucks. I wanna play so bad lol.

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me too only got to fixing me broken leg in between the fades lol..

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Same problem here, friend got on to one server but he turned into a bird so he hopped off.

All the rest just giving a HUD and black flashing screen

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I have encountered this when I joined an up to date server when I was out of date. I am experiencing the same thing you are right now. There was a message was there before when I did not have the right patch. Right now I can not join any of the newly updated servers and the old servers are giving me the flashing screen.

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