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running gets very boring we need bicycles. they are already in arma 2 and they are quite brittle and shitty. add a decent amount of bicycle spawn points. think of all the epic and funny times there would be.

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hmm they should be rare like the cars and stuff.

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From the few times I remember using bikes in arma, they were pretty badly implemented. Also if you don't like walking, build a car. The fact you do have to walk makes the world feel bigger. The easier it is to get around, the sooner you break the illusion of size.

Also, anything you ride on is going to make you a massive target. You are going to get shot at, a lot.

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Walking about is fun at first, but after a week of playing it's become a total drag to the point I've marco'd keys to walk for me. I'm also finding after a week the game is getting very repetitive (for me at least) and I'm finding less and less to do.

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I'd like bikes, mountainbikes however so you can go offroad anyways, took ages to reach the NW airport, and the next day the things got reset and im back on the south shore.

Cars are really rare and a b!tch to fix up again, i think there should be some lower standard vehicle to help you get from A to B a tad faster then walking, make it require a few parts to fix, but it shouldnt be to rare.

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I think adding bikes to the game would be a wonderful idea, I'd much prefer one over a car. They're silent and have zero fuel requirements beyond having a capable rider to propel them.

Perhaps if they made you thirsty and hungry faster to make up for it?

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bikes are an absolutely good idea ! easy to implement, not overpowered ( slow, easy target )

and yeah, funny epic moments inc. !

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The mountain bike in ArmA 2 goes way too fast, almost as fast as the motorcycle. And i think it would be one of the better vehicles because it makes almost to no sound and is really easy to hide. Maybe if it's possible to rework the stats in it. And of course it would be really easy to fix, if it to be realistic.

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I like the idea of bikes, but there should be risks. Taking a bike off-road should basically entail a constantly increasing risk of getting a punctured tire, which would force you to have a spare or to discard the bike. There could also be a risk of falling off and sustaining an injury when going over particularly difficult terrain to balance out the advantages of that extra speed.

Oh, and they definitely shouldn't be quiet. Bikes are pretty noisy when being actively pedalled on anything other than level road.

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I like the idea. Bicycles are fun in ArmA 2, and it would be realistic to find bicycles... They wouldn't need to be too common though.

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+1, I think mountain bikes should be probably 50% more common than cars (that's still pretty damn rare), and they should be fairly easy to fix, like 1 - 2x metal scraps, for the frame and maybe introduce bike wheels that would be fairly common in those outdoor sheds.

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