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Tfortacos (DayZ)

Cheaters that need to be put down.

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* Server this happened on: Us 68(NY6)

* Time that it happened including your timezone: 9:29AM-Eastern time zone.

* What happened during the incident:

Clan member on different server had been shot in cherno tower by a group of 3 people. I'm already at cherno but on a different server I climb up and server hop I was around 3 other guys all their backs turned on em I reached into one of their backpacks grabbed an extra gun and shot all 3 yes, very embarrassing Haha, anyways it was all okay at first but I didn't get the murders so what ever I just carried on, 10 second later they came back inn and continued to attack us same guys same gear. Also they had a SUV with them.


- Video proof: None

- Pictures: a few.






I have another picture then again attacking but it won't upload correctly :/

Edited by Tfortacos

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The only thing I can see on the screenshots is a bug that you didn't get murder points and that you've found a pickup. I believe you, but this is not really water-proof evidence. Try to upload the last screenshot, too.

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That SUV is hacked in, doesn't legibly spawn in-game exactly.

And yes it is theirs.

Edited by Tfortacos

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M4A1 not hacked, AS50 not hacked. Armoured SUV... HACKED.

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Never said the guns were hacked just took lousy screen shots of all of them having the same gear haha, just some of the picture won't upload >:/

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same thing on our server today

guy logged in at a vehicle and we killed him over and over again and he just respawned at the same place fully geared out leaving behind standing bodies fully geared....

terrible players by the way, no skill

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Haha Same here these guys had no skill whats so ever. They had all the advantage here but failed horridly but I appreciate the gear to be honest. Running about with a coyote pack, M107, CCO SD, NVG, Range finder, and a sweet, sweet GPS. I had just died planted a satchel charge at barracks to blow up for the hell of it blew up myself and a mate by mistake spawned in chernogorsk and that's when all the fun began.

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So i guess you were skilled in ghosting in behind them....

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one lamer encountering more lamers, then posting about it. priceless.

server hopping is on the same level of douchebagery as hacking and scripting.

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one lamer encountering more lamers, then posting about it. priceless.

server hopping is on the same level of douchebagery as hacking and scripting.

Done by an Elysium member as well...shocker <_<

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Rofl, first of all I was unarmed I was checking in to see if my mates body was still there, also I was not expecting them to be on the tower I thought he could have been sniped by someone else from a hill or another possible location. since you know there are many other locations you can snipe from. So basically it's no ghosting just clearing that up for the kids who like to just talk shit or by any chance was it you guys that I killed?

Anyways I just posted this so they can be banned and not spread their greif anymore.

If I wanted to brag about this I would have posted it on the bandit campfire so stop being kiddies about one small thing.

Edited by Tfortacos

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brag about what ? server hopping to get behind them? jeeez. You also say they had the advantage and they screwed up. Like how did they screwed up when you spawned behind them. Bans for all i say you all contribute to the problem more or less

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Lmao they had advantage, they popped up all around us about 5 times, once by the clock tower, AS50,M107 anyways if the administration needs more proof they can ask the server admin for logs, It'll prove just about everything. Have a nice day.

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What ppl are saying is that they are lame to do what they do... but you're even worse, coming here to accuse someone of lameness, while you're exploiting the game server hopping. It's like a cheater posting a video of another cheater admitting he's cheating as well.

This is dumb on many levels (but enternaining to read i must say).

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That's not the point of the report, if any of them can possibly learn to read English the problem isn't server hopping, in my opinion that's not even a problem at all hopping from server to server trying to round up a few kills is okay it happens over 1000 times every day, thousands of people do this. What is the problem is that these 3 guys here kept spawning kill after kill same gear every time, killed each one about 4 times each. They didn't stop coming at me same gear every time, M107, CCO SD. Please learn to read English or gtfo honestly I will provide more proof as soon as I get the damn picture to upload.

I don't know about you guys maybe you guys like to have people you just killed spawn in same spot every time with the same gear and try and kill you again, I mean that's just you guys not me.

Edited by Tfortacos

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the problem isn't server hopping, in my opinion that's not even a problem at all hopping from server to server trying to round up a few kills is okay it happens over 1000 times every day, thousands of people do this.

Reading this sentence makes the rest of your message worthless to read.. so i did not: you do not deserved to be read. Try again.

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the problem isn't server hopping, in my opinion that's not even a problem at all hopping from server to server trying to round up a few kills is okay it happens over 1000 times every day, thousands of people do this.

holy fuck will you dig that hole even more? rocket has stated that server hopping is an exploit. you are in the same league as scripters/hackers. just stop posting.

the guys killed you with an exploit. they used older versions of the mod files to respawn on their dead bodies with full gear. its as easy to do as server hoping to flank people. owned by your own kind.

Edited by Ganjastar

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Derpers gunna derp, huh? Good luck with your report. Hopping may be an exploit, but at least you weren't hacking. Here's hoping someone else can see through that and you stop jumping before it becomes bannable.

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Lmao, I didn't mean to exactly exploit the game. Friend dies I'm like oh shit be there in a 5, hop over kill a few kids who don't stop coming at me didn't get to enjoy cherno as much I was hoping i could.

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Solid proof of ghosting. :)

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